Você procurou por: butchery (Inglês - Polonês)

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Última atualização: 2012-01-18
Frequência de uso: 1

Referência: Wikipedia


on butchery.


rzecz o rzeziach.

Última atualização: 2018-02-13
Frequência de uso: 1

Referência: Wikipedia


in the butchery that is a war, people suffer.


dlatego masowo fałszowana jest historia.

Última atualização: 2018-02-13
Frequência de uso: 1

Referência: Wikipedia


and some, in any event, are too big to use for butchery.


niektóre są za duże by mogły służyć do oprawiania zwierząt.

Última atualização: 2015-10-13
Frequência de uso: 1

Referência: Wikipedia


it is probably as old as the butchery trade itself in thuringia.


jest to prawdopodobnie wyrób o historii tak długiej, jak długa jest historia handlu wędlinami w turyngii.

Última atualização: 2019-02-08
Frequência de uso: 2

Referência: Wikipedia


in germany alone there are at present approximately 18,000 butchery businesses providing employment for approximately 168,000 people.


tylko w samych niemczech istnieje obecnie około 18 000 przedsiębiorstw rzemieślniczych zajmujących się rzeźnictwem, zatrudniających około 168 000 osób.

Última atualização: 2017-04-06
Frequência de uso: 1

Referência: Wikipedia


between 2004 and 2008 karjaportti has terminated 372 employment contracts and outsourced some of its activities such as acquisitions, butchery and cutting activities.


w latach 2004–2008 spółdzielnia karjaportti rozwiązała 372 umowy o pracę i zleciła kontrahentom zewnętrznym część swoich działań, takich jak kupno, rzeźnictwo i czynności związane z rozbiorem mięsa.

Última atualização: 2019-02-08
Frequência de uso: 2

Referência: Wikipedia


a leader+ grant of eur 7 000 has enabled the business to purchase mobile butchery equipment, thus allowing them to expand their business while maintaining greater quality control.


dotacja leader+ w wysokości 7000 euro umożliwiła przedsiębiorstwu zakup przenośnego sprzętu do rozbioru mięsa, pozwalając tym samym na rozszerzenie działalności przy zachowaniu większej kontroli nad jakością.

Última atualização: 2014-02-06
Frequência de uso: 1

Referência: Wikipedia


the proposed rule whereby, in the case of smaller abattoirs, cutting plants or butchery enterprises, the frequency of checks on minced meat can be adjusted in line with the volume of production is to be welcomed.


dlatego należy powitać z zadowoleniem przewidywane uregulowanie, że częstotliwość kontroli mięsa mielonego w małych zakładach uboju i rozbioru bądź rzeźniach dostosować można do wielkości produkcji.

Última atualização: 2017-04-06
Frequência de uso: 1

Referência: Wikipedia


including these spinal columns, which are not removed at the slaughterhouse but at the butchery, on the list of srm, has meant that the french authorities identified srm explicitly in the legislation as waste qualifying for the prs.


umieszczenie tych kręgosłupów w wykazie srm, nawet kiedy nie są one usuwane w ubojni, ale w sklepach mięsnych, doprowadziłoby władze francuskie do wyraźnego uznania srm w ustawie za odpady korzystające z spe.

Última atualização: 2014-10-23
Frequência de uso: 1

Referência: Wikipedia


by a continual communication with our customers in the fields of butchery, meat industry, restaurant and catering, food retail trade and so on, we are able to adapt the design of our vacuum packaging machines to the wishes of our customers.


poprzez ciągłą komunikację z naszymi klientami z obszarów jak: rzeźnictwo, przemysł mięsny, restauracje, catering, handel żywnością, możemy dopasowywać projekt naszych maszyn do pakowania próżniowego do indywidualnych potrzeb.

Última atualização: 2018-02-13
Frequência de uso: 1

Referência: Wikipedia


in germany alone there are at present approximately 18000 butchery businesses (or 29000 butcher's shops, including branches) providing employment for approximately 168000 people.


tylko w samych niemczech istnieje obecnie około 18000 przedsiębiorstw rzemieślniczych zajmujących się rzeźnictwem (tj. 29000 rzeźni wraz z zależnymi oddziałami), zatrudniających około 168000 osób.

Última atualização: 2017-04-06
Frequência de uso: 3

Referência: Wikipedia


"== line-up ==* akhenaten (andrew harris) – vocals, guitar, bass and drums* cryptic winter (duane timlin) – session drums (1999–2001)* kanwulf (rené wagner) – live guitar* lord imperial (neill jameson) – live bass (1999–2000)* proscriptor (russley randel givens) – live drums (1999)* butcher (real name unknown) – live drums (2000)== discography ===== full-length albums ===* "the cold earth slept below" (1996)* "thy dying light" (1996)* "of great eternity" (1997)* "distant in solitary night" (1998)* "heaven in flames" (1999)* "to embrace the corpses bleeding" (2002)=== ep releases ===* "arise, my lord" (1996)* "dethroned, conquered and forgotten" (2000)* "march of the apocalypse" (2002)* "moonlight butchery" (2002)=== split albums ===* "judas iscariot/weltmacht" (with weltmacht) (1999)* "none shall escape the wrath" (with krieg, eternal majesty and macabre omen) (2000)*"to the coming age of intolerance" (with krieg) (2001)=== live releases ===* "under the black sun" (2000)=== compilation albums ===* "from hateful visions" (2000)* "midnight frost (to rest with eternity)" (2002)=== demos ===* "heidegger" (1992)* "judas iscariot" (1993)== references ==== external links ==* judas iscariot on no colours recordsthe film stars madhuri dixit in her first film after six years, alongside konkona sen sharma, jugal hansraj, akshaye khanna and kunal kapoor in pivotal roles.


== członkowie ==* akhenaten (andrew harris) – śpiew, gitara, gitara basowa i perkusja* cryptic winter (duane timlin) – sesyjnie perkusja (1999-2001)* kanwulf (rené wagner) – gitara podczas koncertów* lord imperial (neill jameson) – perkusja podczas koncertów (1999-2000)* proscriptor (russley randel givens) – perkusja podczas koncertów (1999)* butcher (prawdziwe imię nieznane) – perkusja podczas koncertów (2000)== dyskografia ===== albumy studyjne ===* "the cold earth slept below" (1995)* "thy dying light" (1996)* "of great eternity" (1997)* "distant in solitary night" (1998)* "heaven in flames" (1999)* "to embrace the corpses bleeding" (2002)=== ep'ki ===* "arise, my lord" (1996)* "dethroned, conquered and forgotten" (2000)* "march of the apocalypse" (2002)* "moonlight butchery" (2002)=== splity ===* "judas iscariot/weltmacht" (z weltmacht) (1999)* "none shall escape the wrath" (z krieg, eternal majesty i macabre omen) (2000)* "to the coming age of intolerance" (z krieg) (2001)=== wydania koncertowe ===* "under the black sun" (2000)=== kompilacje ===* "from hateful visions" (2000)* "midnight frost (to rest with eternity)" (2002)=== dema ===* "heidegger" (1992)* "judas iscariot" (1993)== linki zewnętrzne ==* judas iscariot na no colours recordsw filmie po 6 latach nieobecności na ekranie występuje madhuri dixit, której towarzyszą akshaye khanna, konkona sen sharma i kunal kapoor.

Última atualização: 2016-03-03
Frequência de uso: 1

Referência: Wikipedia
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