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the series was released on one three disc box set by viz media in the us.


the series was released on one three disc box set by viz media in the us.

Última atualização: 2016-03-03
Frequência de uso: 1


and the big viz is a collection of 650 sketches that were made by two visual artists.


ve big viz, iki görsel sanatçı tarafından hazırlanmış 650 çizimden oluşuyordu.

Última atualização: 2015-10-13
Frequência de uso: 1


last year at ted we aimed to try to clarify the overwhelming complexity and richness that we experience at the conference in a project called big viz.


geçen seneki ted'de, big viz projesi kapsamında deneyimlediğimiz konferansın karşı konulmaz karmaşıklığı ve zenginliği açığa çıkarmayı hedefledik.

Última atualização: 2015-10-13
Frequência de uso: 1


*"secular market", longer-term trends in financial markets (viz.


* secular market, longer-term trends in financial markets (viz.

Última atualização: 2016-03-03
Frequência de uso: 1

Aviso: contém formatação HTML invisível


introduction the term vertigo is derived from the latin word ‘vertere’ meaning ‘to turn’. vertigo is an illusion of self or environmental motion. it may be subjective (patient is moving) and objective (environment is moving) or both. vertigo is a symptom and never a disease and it is very common complaint in clinical practice. it is due to asymmetry of vestibular system due to damage or dysfunction of the labyrinth and vestibular nerve, or central vestibular structures in the brainstem. vertigo may be physiologic eg. occurring during or after a sustained head rotation. vertigo v/s dizziness dizziness is an imprecise term that means consciousness of disordered orientation of the body in space. dizziness is a variety of symptoms; it could mean vertigo, dysequilibrium, lightheadedness / presyncope, rocking or swaying as if on a ship, motion sickness, nausea & vomiting, oscillopsia, floating, swimming, spinning inside of head, etc. anatomy and physiology balance calls upon contributions from vision, vestibular sense, proprioception, musculoskeletal coordination, and even cognitive skills. all these streams of information combine and integrate in central vestibular apparatus in the brain to assess the stability and orientation. asymmetrical or defective input into the vestibular apparatus or asymmetrical central processing leads to vertigo whereas abnormal bilateral vestibular activation results in truncal ataxia. vestibular system contributes to our balance system, maintains spatial orientation, stabilizes vision and provides information related to movement and head position. it constitutes:- semicircular canals the three canals are set at right angle to each other which allow them to perceive rotational or angular acceleration and deceleration in all three planes of three dimensional space. semicircular canals provide afferent input for the vestibulooccular reflex to keep the eye steady as the head turns. it contains sensory hair cells that are activated by movement of endolymph. as the head moves, hair cells in the semicircular canals send nerve impulses to the brain by way of the vestibular part of iiiv nerve. otolith organs the two otolith organs viz. utricle and saccule are oriented roughly perpendicular to each other, utricle in horizontal plane and saccule in vertical plane. both organs are sensitive to linear rather than rotatory acceleration. the utricle is sensitive to change in horizontal movement. the saccule is sensitive to the change in vertical acceleration (such as going up in an elevator). classification of vertigo vertigo can either be due to peripheral causes (cervical, auditary, ocular) or central causes (brainstem, cortical, psychogenic). peripheral causes are related to damage of the inner ear receptors or to the vestibulocochlear nerve. central causes include damage to centers that process vestibular signals in the central nervous system. these may be tabulated as follows: history a careful history remains the cornerstone of diagnosis. a patient complaining of dizziness necessitates a thorough history taking precisely because of the many different meanings the term can have (table 1). following protocol is helpful- 1. symptoms - when did the symptoms start? a. describe the symptoms (avoid leading questions), b. time course (resolving, fluctuating), c. persistence (constant, resolving or episodic), d. length and frequency of episodes, e. are episodes spontaneous or provoked (eg. by head movement)? f. are there any associated symptoms (nausea, anxiety, neurological symptoms)? g. do the symptoms go away completely between episodes? 2. history of any ear symptoms, 3. any ophthalmological symptoms, 4. any neurological symptoms, 5. any other risk factors (head injury, ototoxic drugs, spondylosis, whiplash injury).


bakış uyandıran nistagmus fizyolojik bakışla uyarılan nistagmus, normal kişilerde, eğer muayene eden kişi bakışı dümdüz önden 20 ° 'nin ötesine değerlendirirse gözlemlenebilir. bakış sapmalarında 20 ° veya daha az gözle uyarılan nistagmus genellikle önemlidir (örn. karbamazepin, fenitoin veya serebellar patoloji gibi ilaçlar). fizyolojik nistagmus, diğer göz hareketi anormallikleriyle ilişkili değildir, ancak patolojik bakışla uyarılan nistagmus, bozulmuş s gibi göz hareketi anormallikleriyle ilişkilidir.

Última atualização: 2021-04-18
Frequência de uso: 1

Referência: Anônimo
Aviso: contém formatação HTML invisível

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