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اونونداغا, احد افراد قبيلة اونونداغا الهندية الأمريكية التي كانت تقطن منطقة نيويورك (الولايات المتحدة)

Última atualização: 2018-04-14
Frequência de uso: 1

Referência: Drkhateeb


onondaga nation


شعب أونونداغا (onondaga nation)

Última atualização: 2013-02-19
Frequência de uso: 2

Referência: Alqasemy2006


south shore, lake onondaga?


الشاطىء الجنوبى , بحيرة أونونداغا؟

Última atualização: 2016-10-27
Frequência de uso: 2

Referência: Alqasemy2006


navajo nation council onondaga nation


شعب أونونداغا (onondaga nation)

Última atualização: 2016-12-01
Frequência de uso: 1

Referência: Alqasemy2006


haudenosaunee onondaga nation chief oren lyons


haudenosaunee onondaga nation chief oren lyons

Última atualização: 2013-02-19
Frequência de uso: 2

Referência: Alqasemy2006


how far is onondaga lake from jane's house?


كم تبعد بحيرة (أونونداغا) عن منزل (جاين) ؟

Última atualização: 2016-10-27
Frequência de uso: 2

Referência: Alqasemy2006


grew up on the onondaga reservation in central new york.


-ترعرعت في محميّة (أونونداجا) بـ(سنترال نيويورك ).

Última atualização: 2016-10-27
Frequência de uso: 2

Referência: Alqasemy2006


gail's body washed up 3 days later in onondaga lake.


جثة ( جيل ) جرفتها الاومراج بعدها بثلاثة ايام فى بحيرة اونونديجا

Última atualização: 2016-10-27
Frequência de uso: 2

Referência: Alqasemy2006


their traditional homeland is in and around onondaga county, new york.


ويقع موطنهم التقليدي في مقاطعة الأونونداغا، نيويورك والمنطقة المحيطة.

Última atualização: 2016-03-03
Frequência de uso: 1

Referência: Alqasemy2006


what's your emergency? get me the onondaga county sheriff's office now.


.صليني بعمدة مقاطعة "أُنونداغا" حالاً

Última atualização: 2016-10-27
Frequência de uso: 2

Referência: Alqasemy2006
Aviso: contém formatação HTML invisível


at the opening ceremony, tadodaho sid hill, of the onondaga nation, delivered a welcoming address.


وفي حفل الافتتاح، ألقت تودوداهو سيدهيل، من شعب أونونداغا، كلمة ترحيب.

Última atualização: 2016-12-01
Frequência de uso: 1

Referência: Alqasemy2006


at the opening ceremony, tododaho sid hill, chief of the onondaga nation, delivered a welcoming address.


وفي حفل الافتتاح، ألقت تودوداهو سيد هيل، زعيم شعب أونونداغا، كلمة ترحيب.

Última atualização: 2016-12-01
Frequência de uso: 1

Referência: Alqasemy2006


*onondaga reservation, new york united states census bureau==external links==* onondaga nation web page


* onondaga reservation, new york united states census bureau* onondaga nation web page

Última atualização: 2016-03-03
Frequência de uso: 1

Referência: Alqasemy2006


in addition to the full immersion programmes, other positive examples include the onondaga nation and tuscarora nation, which also teach their languages in their nation schools.


وإضافة لبرامج الممارسة الكاملة، هناك أمثلة إيجابية أخرى منها برامج شعبي أونونداغا وتوسكارورا التي تتيح تعليم أفراد الشعبين الأصليين لغتيهما في مدارسهم الوطنية.

Última atualização: 2016-12-01
Frequência de uso: 3

Referência: Alqasemy2006


during the opening ceremony, clint shenandoah, chief of the onondaga nation, united states of america, offered words of welcome to the session.


وخلال حفل الافتتاح، ألقى السيد كلينت شيناندوا، زعيم شعب أونونداغا في الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية، كلمات رحب فيها بالمنتدى.

Última atualização: 2016-12-01
Frequência de uso: 3

Referência: Alqasemy2006


abya yala nexus, aboriginal and torres strait islander commission, action aides aux familles demunies (aafd), african center foundation, african indigenous and minority peoples organisation (aimpo), african indigenous women organization-eastern africa, agence africaine d'assistance pour l'environnement et le developpement, agencia internacional de prensa india, ainu association of hokkaido, alaska federation of natives, inc., alifuru.org, almaciga grupo de trabajo intercultural, amazon alliance, american indian law alliance, aotegroa indigenous rights trust, armenian international women's association, asamblea nacional indigena plural por la autonomia (anipa), asia indigenous and tribal peoples network, asia indigenous peoples pact (aipp), asian indigenous and tribal peoples network (aitpn), asociacion de artesanos indigenas irpa, asociacion de comunidades campesainas "quechuas del ande ", asociacion de criadores de camelidos andinos de la region puno, asociacion de mujeres indigenas alpaqueras, asociacion interetnica de desarrollo de la salva peruana, asociacion exacavaa de desarrollo e informacion indigena, asociación napguana, asociacion regional indigena del dikes, aradikes y kus-kura sociedad civil, assembly of first nations, associacao organizacional beneficiente awaete kaiwa guarani, association of limbu shamans, association of the indigenous peoples of the north, siberia and the far east of the russian federation, aukin wallmapu ngulam: consejo de todas las tierras mapuche, australian aboriginal cultural performers (awabakal), bracs, casa nativa tampa aliqo, centre for organisation research & education (core), centre for sami studies, centro de documentacion en derechos humanos, centro de estudios aymaras, centro de promocion para el desarrolo comuna inti/asociacion de mujeres ricohari warmi, centro shuar san ramon, chickaloon village, chin human rights organization (chro), chirapaq centro de culturas indigenas del perú, cmu-sagina chippewa indian tribe, cobase, colectivo de estudios aplicades al desarollo social ceades, comision juridica para el autodesarrollo de los pueblos originarios andinos "capaj ", conaie, confederacion de nacionalidades indigenas del ecuador (conaie), confederación de organizaciones campesinas, indígenas y negras fenocin, confederacion indigena del oriente chaco y amazonia de bolivia villa 10 de mayo, confederacion indigena tairona, consejo de ancianos de la nacion moskitia, consejo de pueblos y organizaciones indigenas evangelicos del ecuador feine, consejo indio de sudamerica (cisa), consejo nacional aymara mallkus y t'allas (c.n.a.), consejo nacional de ayllus y markas de quillasuyu (conamaq), consejo nacional indio de venezuela, cordillera peoples alliance, defensoria de los pueblos indigenas del ecuador en america, dene navaho nation, dewan adat byak (the byak custom council), dewan adat papua (papua customary council), enlace continental de mujeres indigenas, ethnics minority and indigenous rights (emiroaf), federacion provincial de centros shuar de sucumbios "fepcesh-s ", federation des organisations amerindiennes de guyane, federation of saskatchewan indian nations senate, first nations north & south, flying eagle woman fund for peace, justice and sovereignty, fon-ifè population in togo, foundation ecological "shuar kampunniu chichame ", foundation for aboriginal and islander research action (faira), friends of the indigenous elders, fundacion intercultural alitasia, fundacion rigoberta menchu tum, grupo de musica danza y artesania ninkui, guyanese organisation of indigenous peoples, haudenosaunee land rights commision, herbert h. lehman college, hmong international human rights watch, indian confederation of indigenous and tribal peoples, indian council of south america (cisa), indian law resource center, indigenous law and policy programs (iplp), indigenous law institute, indigenous nationality association of nepal, indigenous network on economies and trade, indigenous peoples and nations coalition, indigenous peoples council on biocolonialism, indigenous peoples of africa coordination committee (ipacc), indigenous peoples survival foundation, indigenous villages development service association, indigenous women initiative, indigenous world association, institute for international law and justice, nyu school of law, instituto indigena brasileiro de propriedade intelectual (brasil), instituto socio ambiental isa, international indian law resource center, international indian treaty council, international institute for the study and preservation of aboriginal peoples and their cultures, international organization of indigenous resource, international service for human rights, international work group for indigenous affairs, inuit circumpolar conference, jumma peoples network, ka lahui hawai'i, kalpulli tlalteca, kenya female advisory organization, kobe oser (west pappua melanesia), kulung rai language and cultural development community, la red xicana indigena, lembus indigenous people, lungie cmu saginas chippewa, mboscuda, mejlis of crimean tatar people, mena muria foundation, metis national council, mohawk nation at kahnawake, movement for the survival of the ogoni people, movimiento accion y resistencia "m.a.r. ", movimiento indigena de guyana, movimiento indigena de tungurahua, mit, na koa ikaika o ka lahui hawaii, naserian womens group, national aboriginal forestry association, national congress of american indians, native american rights fund, navajo nation council, netherlands center for indigenous peoples (nciv), ngo committee on the international decade, nunavut tunngavik incorporated, office of the aboriginal and torres strait islander commissioner, ogiek rural integral projects (orlp), onondaga nation, opiac, organisacion de los pueblos indigenas de la amazonia colombiana (opiac) inc., organizacion indigena chiquitana (oich), ovad-ap, parbattya chattagram jana samhati samiti (pcjss), parlamento indigena de america, presidencia grupo venezuela, partnership for indigenous peoples environment, pesquisas y proyectos necesarios a. c., piffik nutaag, pimiaikanuk, plains indians cultural survival school society, presencia taina, tv, proyecto de desarrollo santiago prodessa, pueblos indios consejo continental americano, punachizak, rapa nui parliament, red continental de medios de comunicacion indigenas, red earth studio consulting/productions, retrieve foundation, russian association of indigenous peoples of the north (raipon), saami council, sage council (sacred alliance for grassroots equality), saulteau first nation, shimin gaikou centre, simba maasai outreach organization (simoo), sisa pakari, south asia indigenous women forum and nepal tamang ghedung, sovereign dineh nation, navajo tribe, spiritual elder's of mother earth, taller de difusion andina "mashicuna ", taungya, tayja saruta sarayacu, tazzla institute for cultural diversity, tebtebba foundation -- indigenous peoples' international centre for policy research and education, teton sioux nation treaty council, the aldet centre saint lucia, the american indian community house, the australian national aboriginal and torres strait islander commission (atsic), the koani foundation, the navajo nation, the pachamama alliance, the seventh generation fund, tin hinan, tonantzin land institute, tonatierra, tribal link foundation, umulliko, union pour l'emancipation de la femme autochtone (uefa), unissons-nous pour la promotion des batwa (uniproba), united confederation of taino people, vivat international, wampum international, wara instituto indigena brasileiro, washoe tribe of nevada and california, west papua indigenous student and youth (awpisy), white hawk indian council, world festival of traditional games & sports, yachay wasi (house of learning in the quechua language of peru), yayasan konsultasi pendidikan masyarakat papua, zambuulin for moral rebirth and cultural development


abya yala nexus, aboriginal and torres strait islander commission, action aides aux familles demunies (aafd), african center foundation, african indigenous and minority peoples organisation (aimpo), african indigenous women organization-eastern africa, agence africaine d'assistance pour l'environnement et le developpement, agencia internacional de prensa india, ainu association of hokkaido, alaska federation of natives, inc., alifuru.org, almaciga grupo de trabajo intercultural, amazon alliance, american indian law alliance, aotegroa indigenous rights trust, armenian international women's association, asamblea nacional indigena plural por la autonomia (anipa), asia indigenous and tribal peoples network, asia indigenous peoples pact (aipp), asian indigenous and tribal peoples network (aitpn), asociacion de artesanos indigenas irpa, asociacion de comunidades campesainas "quechuas del ande ", asociacion de criadores de camelidos andinos de la region puno, asociacion de mujeres indigenas alpaqueras, asociacion interetnica de desarrollo de la salva peruana, asociacion exacavaa de desarrollo e informacion indigena, asociaciَn napguana, asociacion regional indigena del dikes, aradikes y kus-kura sociedad civil, assembly of first nations, associacao organizacional beneficiente awaete kaiwa guarani, association of limbu shamans, association of the indigenous peoples of the north, siberia and the far east of the russian federation, aukin wallmapu ngulam: consejo de todas las tierras mapuche, australian aboriginal cultural performers (awabakal), bracs, casa nativa tampa aliqo, centre for organisation research & education (core), centre for sami studies, centro de documentacion en derechos humanos, centro de estudios aymaras, centro de promocion para el desarrolo comuna inti/asociacion de mujeres ricohari warmi, centro shuar san ramon, chickaloon village, chin human rights organization (chro), chirapaq centro de culturas indigenas del perْ, cmu-sagina chippewa indian tribe, cobase, colectivo de estudios aplicades al desarollo social ceades, comision juridica para el autodesarrollo de los pueblos originarios andinos "capaj ", conaie, confederacion de nacionalidades indigenas del ecuador (conaie), confederaciَn de organizaciones campesinas, indيgenas y negras fenocin, confederacion indigena del oriente chaco y amazonia de bolivia villa 10 de mayo, confederacion indigena tairona, consejo de ancianos de la nacion moskitia, consejo de pueblos y organizaciones indigenas evangelicos del ecuador feine, consejo indio de sudamerica (cisa), consejo nacional aymara mallkus y t'allas (c.n.a.), consejo nacional de ayllus y markas de quillasuyu (conamaq), consejo nacional indio de venezuela, cordillera peoples alliance, defensoria de los pueblos indigenas del ecuador en america, dene navaho nation, dewan adat byak (the byak custom council), dewan adat papua (papua customary council), enlace continental de mujeres indigenas, ethnics minority and indigenous rights (emiroaf), federacion provincial de centros shuar de sucumbios "fepcesh-s ", federation des organisations amerindiennes de guyane, federation of saskatchewan indian nations senate, first nations north & south, flying eagle woman fund for peace, justice and sovereignty, fon-ifè population in togo, foundation ecological "shuar kampunniu chichame ", foundation for aboriginal and islander research action (faira), friends of the indigenous elders, fundacion intercultural alitasia, fundacion rigoberta menchu tum, grupo de musica danza y artesania ninkui, guyanese organisation of indigenous peoples, haudenosaunee land rights commision, herbert h. lehman college, hmong international human rights watch, indian confederation of indigenous and tribal peoples, indian council of south america (cisa), indian law resource center, indigenous law and policy programs (iplp), indigenous law institute, indigenous nationality association of nepal, indigenous network on economies and trade, indigenous peoples and nations coalition, indigenous peoples council on biocolonialism, indigenous peoples of africa coordination committee (ipacc), indigenous peoples survival foundation, indigenous villages development service association, indigenous women initiative, indigenous world association, institute for international law and justice, nyu school of law, instituto indigena brasileiro de propriedade intelectual (brasil), instituto socio ambiental isa, international indian law resource center, international indian treaty council, international institute for the study and preservation of aboriginal peoples and their cultures, international organization of indigenous resource, international service for human rights, international work group for indigenous affairs, inuit circumpolar conference, jumma peoples network, ka lahui hawai'i, kalpulli tlalteca, kenya female advisory organization, kobe oser (west pappua melanesia), kulung rai language and cultural development community, la red xicana indigena, lembus indigenous people, lungie cmu saginas chippewa, mboscuda, mejlis of crimean tatar people, mena muria foundation, metis national council, mohawk nation at kahnawake, movement for the survival of the ogoni people, movimiento accion y resistencia "m.a.r. ", movimiento indigena de guyana, movimiento indigena de tungurahua, mit, na koa ikaika o ka lahui hawaii, naserian womens group, national aboriginal forestry association, national congress of american indians, native american rights fund, navajo nation council, netherlands center for indigenous peoples (nciv), ngo committee on the international decade, nunavut tunngavik incorporated, office of the aboriginal and torres strait islander commissioner, ogiek rural integral projects (orlp), onondaga nation, opiac, organisacion de los pueblos indigenas de la amazonia colombiana (opiac) inc., organizacion indigena chiquitana (oich), ovad-ap, parbattya chattagram jana samhati samiti (pcjss), parlamento indigena de america, presidencia grupo venezuela, partnership for indigenous peoples environment, pesquisas y proyectos necesarios a. c., piffik nutaag, pimiaikanuk, plains indians cultural survival school society, presencia taina, tv, proyecto de desarrollo santiago prodessa, pueblos indios consejo continental americano, punachizak, rapa nui parliament, red continental de medios de comunicacion indigenas, red earth studio consulting/productions, retrieve foundation, russian association of indigenous peoples of the north (raipon), saami council, sage council (sacred alliance for grassroots equality), saulteau first nation, shimin gaikou centre, simba maasai outreach organization (simoo), sisa pakari, south asia indigenous women forum and nepal tamang ghedung, sovereign dineh nation, navajo tribe, spiritual elder's of mother earth, taller de difusion andina "mashicuna ", taungya, tayja saruta sarayacu, tazzla institute for cultural diversity, tebtebba foundation -- indigenous peoples' international centre for policy research and education, teton sioux nation treaty council, the aldet centre saint lucia, the american indian community house, the australian national aboriginal and torres strait islander commission (atsic), the koani foundation, the navajo nation, the pachamama alliance, the seventh generation fund, tin hinan, tonantzin land institute, tonatierra, tribal link foundation, umulliko, union pour l'emancipation de la femme autochtone (uefa), unissons-nous pour la promotion des batwa (uniproba), united confederation of taino people, vivat international, wampum international, wara instituto indigena brasileiro, washoe tribe of nevada and california, west papua indigenous student and youth (awpisy), white hawk indian council, world festival of traditional games & sports, yachay wasi (house of learning in the quechua language of peru), yayasan konsultasi pendidikan masyarakat papua, zambuulin for moral rebirth and cultural development.

Última atualização: 2016-12-01
Frequência de uso: 1

Referência: Alqasemy2006
Aviso: contém formatação HTML invisível

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