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balance ---(del.) -
balance ---(del.) -
Última atualização: 2008-03-04
Frequência de uso: 1
work / life balance
work / life balance
Última atualização: 2011-10-23
Frequência de uso: 1
balance of payments and international investment position
balance of payments and international investment position
Última atualização: 2011-10-23
Frequência de uso: 1
no debit balance shall be allowed on pm accounts .
no debit balance shall be allowed on pm accounts .
Última atualização: 2011-10-23
Frequência de uso: 1
table 5: contribution to trade balance of high technology products by quality in 2003
table 5: contribution to trade balance of high technology products by quality in 2003quality -eu25 -usa -japan -korea -russia -india -china -
Última atualização: 2008-03-04
Frequência de uso: 1
such balance shall collateralise the participant 's obligation referred to in paragraph 7 towards the ecb in relation to such settlement .
such balance shall collateralise the participant 's obligation referred to in paragraph 7 towards the ecb in relation to such settlement .
Última atualização: 2011-10-23
Frequência de uso: 1
we therefore offer a range of flexible working arrangements , such as part-time work and teleworking , to help staff achieve a good balance between their professional and private commitments .
we therefore offer a range of flexible working arrangements , such as part-time work and teleworking , to help staff achieve a good balance between their professional and private commitments .
Última atualização: 2011-10-23
Frequência de uso: 1
by confirming the freezing of the balance on the participant 's sub-account , the ecb guarantees to the ancillary system payment up to the amount of this particular balance .
by confirming the freezing of the balance on the participant 's sub-account , the ecb guarantees to the ancillary system payment up to the amount of this particular balance .
Última atualização: 2011-10-23
Frequência de uso: 1
the ecb shall then aggregate such gains and losses and only the balance of the account shall be payable by the counterparty , if the aggregate losses exceed the aggregate gains , or by the ecb , if the aggregate gains exceed the aggregate losses .
the ecb shall then aggregate such gains and losses and only the balance of the account shall be payable by the counterparty , if the aggregate losses exceed the aggregate gains , or by the ecb , if the aggregate gains exceed the aggregate losses .
Última atualização: 2011-10-23
Frequência de uso: 1
euro area monetary and financial statistics - 2009 quality report euro area balance of payments and international investment position statistics - 2009 quality report [ 1,42 mb ]
euro area monetary and financial statistics - 2009 quality report euro area balance of payments and international investment position statistics - 2009 quality report [ 1.42 mb ]
Última atualização: 2011-10-23
Frequência de uso: 1
ulteriori orientamenti possono essere tratti dai capitoli 2 e 3 della pubblicazione della bce « european union balance of payments/ international investment position statistical methods »( di seguito « manuale di bdp ») che è rivisto annualmente ed è disponibile sia sul sito web che in formato cartaceo.
wieħed jista » jsib aktar għajnuna fil-kapitli 2 u 3 tal-pubblikazzjoni tal-bĊe european union balance of payments/ international investment position statistical methods( minn issa « l quddiem « il-ktieb tal-b.
Última atualização: 2012-03-19
Frequência de uso: 3