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highly urgent payment orders may only be designated by :


highly urgent payment orders may only be designated by :

Última atualização: 2011-10-23
Frequência de uso: 1


target2-ecb is designated as a « system » under § 1 ( 16 ) of the kwg .


target2-ecb is designated as a « system » under § 1 ( 16 ) of the kwg .

Última atualização: 2011-10-23
Frequência de uso: 1


- the use of the 2000 designated most deprived areas of the uk as target area of the notified measure raises the same issues as already in the case of the stamp duty exemption scheme.


- the use of the 2000 designated most deprived areas of the uk as target area of the notified measure raises the same issues as already in the case of the stamp duty exemption scheme.

Última atualização: 2014-10-23
Frequência de uso: 1


settlement of payment orders in the queue ( 1 ) the treatment of payment orders placed in queues depends on the priority class to which it was designated by the instructing participant .


settlement of payment orders in the queue ( 1 ) the treatment of payment orders placed in queues depends on the priority class to which it was designated by the instructing participant .

Última atualização: 2011-10-23
Frequência de uso: 1


target2 is legally structured as a multiplicity of payment systems composed of all the target2 component systems , which are designated as « systems » under the national laws implementing the settlement finality directive .


target2 is legally structured as a multiplicity of payment systems composed of all the target2 component systems , which are designated as « systems » under the national laws implementing the settlement finality directive .

Última atualização: 2011-10-23
Frequência de uso: 1


for the purposes of this paragraph , each as that has been designated under directive 98/26 / ec shall be treated separately , even if two or more of them are operated by the same legal entity .


for the purposes of this paragraph , each as that has been designated under directive 98/26 / ec shall be treated separately , even if two or more of them are operated by the same legal entity .

Última atualização: 2011-10-23
Frequência de uso: 1


(9) zasady zostaną zastosowane przez gibraltarskiego komisarza ds. podatku dochodowego. wszystkie spółki na gibraltarze zobowiązane będą złożyć publiczne sprawozdania finansowe w rejestrze spółek, zgodnie z 4 i 7 dyrektywą we w sprawie prawa spółek. wszystkie spółki na gibraltarze, posiadające zobowiązania podatkowe, będą zobowiązane złożyć sprawozdania podatkowe u komisarza, a w celu zapewnienia zgodności z tego typu wymogami wprowadzone zostaną rygorystyczne środki. po raz pierwszy na gibraltarze zostanie powołany trybunał, którego zadaniem będzie zajmowanie się konkretnie sprawami opodatkowania firm (pod nazwą companies taxation of designated activities tribunal) i którego celem będzie realizacja uprawnień związanych z odwołaniami i innego rodzaju kwestiami wynikłymi w związku z funkcjonowaniem nowego prawodawstwa. uprawnienia takie obejmować będą prawo do nakazania spółce udostępnienia do kontroli ze strony trybunału wszelkich ksiąg, rachunków, rejestrów zatrudnienia i innego rodzaju dokumentów, które zdaniem trybunału zawierają lub mogą zawierać informacje związane z przedmiotem postępowania.


(9) reglerne vil blive administreret af gibraltars commissioner for income tax. alle selskaber i gibraltar vil få pligt til at præsentere offentlige regnskaber for companies registry (selskabsregistret) i overensstemmelse med ef's 4. og 7. selskabsretsdirektiv. alle skattepligtige selskaber i gibraltar skal fremsende skatteregnskaber til commissioner, ligesom der vil blive indført strenge forholdsregler, der skal sikre, at disse krav overholdes. der vil for første gang i gibraltar blive oprettet en selskabsskatteret (under navnet companies taxation of designated activities tribunal), som vil få til opgave at udøve de beføjelser, der vedrører anke og andre sager, der følger af anvendelsen af den nye lovgivning. sådanne beføjelser vil omfatte bemyndigelsen til at kræve, at et selskab giver retten indsigt i alle akter, regnskaber, dokumentation vedrørende de ansatte eller andre dokumenter, som efter rettens opfattelse indeholder eller kan indeholde oplysninger af relevans for sagens genstand.

Última atualização: 2008-03-04
Frequência de uso: 1

Referência: Anônimo

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