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kaspersky lab internet security



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pe 7 iunie 2011 kaspersky lab a anunțat lansarea comercială a suitei kaspersky internet security 2012 în franța, germania și elveția.


on 7 june 2011 kaspersky lab announced the commercial release of kaspersky internet security 2012 in france, germany, switzerland.

Última atualização: 2016-03-03
Frequência de uso: 1


=== versiunea 2013 (13.0) ===kaspersky lab a lansat prima versiune beta kaspersky internet security 2013 în martie 2012.


===version 2013 (13.0)===the beta version was released for all windows users on 3 march 2012.

Última atualização: 2016-03-03
Frequência de uso: 1


kaspersky lab anunță lansarea comercială a suitei kaspersky internet security 2013 cu numărul de versiune pe 28 august 2012.


the final version was released on 3 august 2013 build in india and russia, then on august 13 in the usa and august 27 in the uk.

Última atualização: 2016-03-03
Frequência de uso: 1


mcafee internet security ::: unul dintre cele mai bune programe de antivirus.


mcafee internet security ::: one of the best antivirus software.

Última atualização: 2018-02-13
Frequência de uso: 1


avast! internet security este unul din cele mai complete produse de securitate.


avast! internet security is the most comprehensive security product of avast.

Última atualização: 2018-02-13
Frequência de uso: 1


panda internet security este unul dintre cei mai folosiți și unul dintre cei mai buni antiviruși.


panda internet security is one of the most used and one of the best antivirus.

Última atualização: 2018-02-13
Frequência de uso: 1


folosind quick heal internet security, activitățile realizate în mediul online vor fi securizate și mai sigure.


using quick heal internet security, the online activities are secure and protected.

Última atualização: 2018-02-13
Frequência de uso: 1


ca internet security suite plus oferă de asemenea posibilitatea de a crea copii de siguranță și dispune de un control parental.


ca internet security suite plus also offers the possibility to create backups and has a parental control.

Última atualização: 2018-02-13
Frequência de uso: 1


360 internet security 2013 ::: un produs de securitate ce permite utilizatorilor să-și protejeze calculatorul sau telefonul mobil.


360 internet security 2013 ::: a security product that allows users to protect their computer or mobile phone.

Última atualização: 2018-02-13
Frequência de uso: 1


datorită nivelului înalt de profesionalism şi dedicare, kaspersky lab a devenit lider în dezvoltarea protecţiei antivirus.


due to its high level of professionalism and dedication, kaspersky lab has become a market leader in the development of antivirus protection.

Última atualização: 2018-02-13
Frequência de uso: 1


f-secure internet security este un produs antivirus ce poate fi folosit cu rezultate bune pentru a proteja calculatorul personal de acasă cât și pentru companii.


f-secure internet security is an antivirus product that can be used successfully to protect personal computers, from home or business.

Última atualização: 2018-02-13
Frequência de uso: 1


folosirea gamei de produse kaspersky lab asigură un nivel unic de protecţie împotriva malware-ului şi a altor tipuri de ameninţări externe.


using the entire range of kaspersky lab products ensures an unprecedented level of protection from malware and other external threats.

Última atualização: 2018-02-13
Frequência de uso: 1


soluţiile kaspersky lab pentru microîntreprinderi sunt menite să asigure o protecţie eficientă împotriva unei game largi de ameninţări online, fiind uşor de instalat şi utilizat fără ajutorul unor instrumente speciale de administrare.


kaspersky lab solutions for small business are designed to provide effective protection from all types of internet threats and are easy to install and use without special administration tools.

Última atualização: 2018-02-13
Frequência de uso: 1


când vine vorba despre furnizarea de soluţii sigure împotriva viruşilor, a spam-ului şi a atacurilor hackerilor, kaspersky lab dispune de soluţii pentru fiecare tip de consumator.


when it comes to providing reliable protection against viruses, spam and hacker attacks, kaspersky lab has solutions for every customer.

Última atualização: 2018-02-13
Frequência de uso: 1


am dorit să ne îmbunătăţim expertiza în ceea ce priveşte produsele kaspersky lab şi am vrut să aducem clienţilor iwsc beneficiile oferite de aceste produse, motive pentru care, începând din 20 noiembrie 2009, iwsc este reseller autorizat kaspersky lab.


we wanted to improve our expertise in terms of kaspersky lab products and wanted to bring iwsc's customers the benefits of these products, why, since november 20, 2009, iwsc is authorized reseller kaspersky lab.

Última atualização: 2018-02-13
Frequência de uso: 1


fiind preocupată continuu de îmbunătăţirea produselor lor, echipa kaspersky lab a ţinut mereu pasul cu evoluţia tehnologică şi cu noile ameninţări de securitate, realizând produse profesionale, simplu de instalat şi administrat şi eficiente din punct de vedere al consumului de resurse.


being continously preoccupied to improve their products, the kaspersky lab team always kept pace with technological developments and new security threats, achieving professional products, easy to install and administer and effective in terms of resource consumption.

Última atualização: 2018-02-13
Frequência de uso: 1


acest nou produs de la kaspersky lab vă va permite să atingeţi mai multe obiective simultan: în primul rând, vă va îmbunătăţi nivelul protecţiei antivirusului din reţea, apoi vă va testa eficacitatea soluţiei antivirus deja existentă pentru a vă decide dacă schimbaţi antivirusul sau nu.


this unique product from kaspersky lab will enable you to achieve several objectives at once: first, to increase the level of your network's antivirus protection; second, to test the effectiveness of your existing antivirus solution; and third, to decide whether you should change your antivirus solution.

Última atualização: 2018-02-13
Frequência de uso: 1


=== versiunea 2012 (12.0) ===pe 1 martie 2011, kaspersky internet security 2012 a apărut în versiune beta (versiunea care era disponibil pentru descărcare în 3 limbi: engleză, franceză și rusă.


two critical fixes have been released by kaspersky lab, making the current version 2012 (12.0)===on 1 march 2011, kaspersky released the first build of version 2012, it came out as beta version and in english, french and russian version, with more versions due out later.

Última atualização: 2016-03-03
Frequência de uso: 1


evenimentul a reunit peste 300 de experţi it locali şi străini, printre aceştia numărându-se şi reprezentanţii cisco systems, apc, cs computer systems, elatec/gemalto, ibm, internet security systems, oracle şi recro net.


the event brought together over 300 local and foreign it experts, including representatives of cisco systems, apc, cs computer systems, elatec/gemalto, ibm, internet security systems, oracle and recro net.

Última atualização: 2016-01-20
Frequência de uso: 1


== bibliografie ==== standarde ==* rfc 2367: pf_key interface* rfc 2401: security architecture for the internet protocol (ipsec overview) obsolete by rfc 4301* rfc 2403: the use of hmac-md5-96 within esp and ah* rfc 2404: the use of hmac-sha-1-96 within esp and ah* rfc 2405: the esp des-cbc cipher algorithm with explicit iv* rfc 2409: the internet key exchange* rfc 2410: the null encryption algorithm and its use with ipsec* rfc 2411: ip security document roadmap* rfc 2412: the oakley key determination protocol* rfc 2451: the esp cbc-mode cipher algorithms* rfc 2857: the use of hmac-ripemd-160-96 within esp and ah* rfc 3526: more modular exponential (modp) diffie-hellman groups for internet key exchange (ike)* rfc 3706: a traffic-based method of detecting dead internet key exchange (ike) peers* rfc 3715: ipsec-network address translation (nat) compatibility requirements* rfc 3947: negotiation of nat-traversal in the ike* rfc 3948: udp encapsulation of ipsec esp packets* rfc 4106: the use of galois/counter mode (gcm) in ipsec encapsulating security payload (esp)* rfc 4301: security architecture for the internet protocol* rfc 4302: ip authentication header* rfc 4303: ip encapsulating security payload* rfc 4304: extended sequence number (esn) addendum to ipsec domain of interpretation (doi) for internet security association and key management protocol (isakmp)* rfc 4306: internet key exchange (ikev2) protocol* rfc 4307: cryptographic algorithms for use in the internet key exchange version 2 (ikev2)* rfc 4308: cryptographic suites for ipsec* rfc 4309: using advanced encryption standard (aes) ccm mode with ipsec encapsulating security payload (esp)* rfc 4478: repeated authentication in internet key exchange (ikev2) protocol* rfc 4543: the use of galois message authentication code (gmac) in ipsec esp and ah* rfc 4555: ikev2 mobility and multihoming protocol (mobike)* rfc 4621: design of the ikev2 mobility and multihoming (mobike) protocol* rfc 4718: ikev2 clarifications and implementation guidelines* rfc 4806: online certificate status protocol (ocsp) extensions to ikev2* rfc 4809: requirements for an ipsec certificate management profile* rfc 4835: cryptographic algorithm implementation requirements for encapsulating security payload (esp) and authentication header (ah)* rfc 4945: the internet ip security pki profile of ikev1/isakmp, ikev2, and pkix


==ietf documentation=====standards track===* rfc 2403: the use of hmac-md5-96 within esp and ah* rfc 2404: the use of hmac-sha-1-96 within esp and ah* rfc 2405: the esp des-cbc cipher algorithm with explicit iv* rfc 2410: the null encryption algorithm and its use with ipsec* rfc 2451: the esp cbc-mode cipher algorithms* rfc 2857: the use of hmac-ripemd-160-96 within esp and ah* rfc 3526: more modular exponential (modp) diffie-hellman groups for internet key exchange (ike)* rfc 3602: the aes-cbc cipher algorithm and its use with ipsec* rfc 3686: using advanced encryption standard (aes) counter mode with ipsec encapsulating security payload (esp)* rfc 3947: negotiation of nat-traversal in the ike* rfc 3948: udp encapsulation of ipsec esp packets* rfc 4106: the use of galois/counter mode (gcm) in ipsec encapsulating security payload (esp)* rfc 4301: security architecture for the internet protocol* rfc 4302: ip authentication header* rfc 4303: ip encapsulating security payload* rfc 4304: extended sequence number (esn) addendum to ipsec domain of interpretation (doi) for internet security association and key management protocol (isakmp)* rfc 4307: cryptographic algorithms for use in the internet key exchange version 2 (ikev2)* rfc 4308: cryptographic suites for ipsec* rfc 4309: using advanced encryption standard (aes) ccm mode with ipsec encapsulating security payload (esp)* rfc 4543: the use of galois message authentication code (gmac) in ipsec esp and ah* rfc 4555: ikev2 mobility and multihoming protocol (mobike)* rfc 4806: online certificate status protocol (ocsp) extensions to ikev2* rfc 4835: cryptographic algorithm implementation requirements for encapsulating security payload (esp) and authentication header (ah)* rfc 4868: using hmac-sha-256, hmac-sha-384, and hmac-sha-512 with ipsec* rfc 4945: the internet ip security pki profile of ikev1/isakmp, ikev2, and pkix* rfc 5996: internet key exchange protocol version 2 (ikev2)===experimental rfcs===* rfc 4478: repeated authentication in internet key exchange (ikev2) protocol===informational rfcs===* rfc 2367: pf_key interface* rfc 2412: the oakley key determination protocol* rfc 3706: a traffic-based method of detecting dead internet key exchange (ike) peers* rfc 3715: ipsec-network address translation (nat) compatibility requirements* rfc 4621: design of the ikev2 mobility and multihoming (mobike) protocol* rfc 4809: requirements for an ipsec certificate management profile* rfc 6027: ipsec cluster problem statement* rfc 6071: ipsec and ike document roadmap===obsolete rfcs===* rfc 2401: security architecture for the internet protocol (ipsec overview) obsolete by rfc 4301* rfc 2409: the internet key exchange* rfc 4306: internet key exchange (ikev2) protocol (obsoleted by rfc 7296)* rfc 4718: ikev2 clarifications and implementation guidelines (obsoleted by rfc 7296)==see also==* ipsec passthrough* information security* opportunistic encryption* dynamic multipoint virtual private network* tcpcrypt==references====external links==* all ietf active security wgs** ietf ipsecme wg ("ip security maintenance and extensions" working group)** ietf btns wg ("better-than-nothing security" working group) (chartered to work on unauthenticated ipsec, ipsec apis, connection latching)]* securing data in transit with ipsec windowssecurity.com article by deb shinder* ipsec on microsoft technet** microsoft ipsec diagnostic tool on microsoft download center* an illustrated guide to ipsec by steve friedl* security architecture for ip (ipsec) data communication lectures by manfred lindner part ipsec* creating vpns with ipsec and ssl/tls linux journal article by rami rosen

Última atualização: 2016-03-03
Frequência de uso: 1

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