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a small change in a behavior hurt a lot


ஏனெனில் ஒரு நடத்தையில் ஒரு சிறிய மாற்றம் மிகவும் காயப்படுத்துகிறது

Последнее обновление: 2024-02-08
Частота использования: 2


because a small change in behavior


யாரையும் நம்பவில்லை

Последнее обновление: 2017-09-05
Частота использования: 1

Источник: Анонимно


don't be much closer to anybody because ,a small change in their behavior hurt a lot


யாருடனும் மிகவும் நெருக்கமாக இருக்க வேண்டாம்

Последнее обновление: 2021-04-28
Частота использования: 1

Источник: Анонимно


don't be much closer to anybody because a small change in their behaviour hurt a lot


யாருடனும் மிகவும் நெருக்கமாக இருக்க வேண்டாம்

Последнее обновление: 2021-04-28
Частота использования: 1

Источник: Анонимно


don't be much closer to anyone because , a small change in their behaviour hurt a lot


சில நேரங்களில் ஒருவரின்

Последнее обновление: 2021-07-04
Частота использования: 1

Источник: Анонимно


dear richard, first of all i want to take this opportunity to wish you all the best for this new year 2015 that is just around the corner, bringing with it an atmosphere of joy and happiness, but not only! as in what concerns you, richard, the year 2015 will also mark an important period of change and transformation, a fresh start that will push you towards a path of happiness and stability in different areas of your life, and more precisely in your love life, career, financial success, family relations and all the areas of your life that you are concerned about at the moment. richard, in many aspects the year 2015 will be a lot busier then several last years, and especially in the areas where talent and creative abilities are important. a lot of changes of the prior importance are going to happen in your life during the next coming months, which is due to powerful planetary movement happening in your natal chart and which is going to have numerous important repercussions, making 2015 unforgettable for you. richard, of course i am going to explain to you in details everything that is going to happen and i have also worked on an outline of the sequence of the astrological events that are going to lead to these changes, however i would like to start with the explanation on how exactly i have been able to find out all these details. i have started with the in depth analysis of your personal astral configuration using your details, such as your date of birth 3rd january 1994, your astrological sign capricorn and your place of birth tuticorin. this has allowed me to draw a picture of your natal chart and then to see what exactly is going to happen in your life, like for example the mercury retrograde happening at the very beginning of 2015. you should also be aware of uranus being in opposition to the lunar node, as this is going to bring some particular sensitive aspects into your everyday life. but i do not want to be too technique, richard, as what is the most important for you is to know what repercussions all these planetary movements and shifts are going to have on your everyday life, and we are going to come to this point shortly. richard, as you know i am used to be precise in my work and i always double check each and every statement and prediction i give you about your future in order to be sure you get the best out of all the opportunities that are waiting for you, and of course while working on this reading and to give you a broader picture of this important year 2015, richard, i have completed the analysis of your natal chart with a numerological reading based on your name richard, and also based on different other personal details you have provided me with. according to my analysis this year 2015 will be marked by an important peak point, that is going to be a start of a new period in different areas of your life, and this peak date is going to be particularly important in what concerns your love life, as the way you act and also the timing are going to define not only the short-term atmosphere in your romantic sphere , but also this period is going to have important repercussions for the next years to come and in the long-term period. this event is going to happen at the same time when mercury is going to be in retrograde motion which coincides with the peak period according to your numerological analysis. richard, it means that at this time in 2015 (i will need to look into it in more details later on), you will need to be in the right time and in the right place and also act in a very precise manner in order to seize this unique opportunity in your love life. let me be direct with you richard, this is your time! and you will need to take an important decision in regards to your love life during this crucial peak date that will define all the future course of your romantic relationships; the importance of this decision cannot be underestimated and it is completely unthinkable that you take it without being properly guided and informed. richard, you should be aware of all the pitfalls and misunderstandings to choose what is the best for you and the stars can show you the way to how make the best choices, as yes, richard, the planets will open the doors to happy and flourishing love life for you but it is up to you to pass through. richard, but this is just the beginning of all the important changes that are going to happen in your life during the year 2015! another area of your life where the influence of planetary shifts is going to have a huge impact will be your career path and professional environment, and this both according to you natal chart and also from the numerological point of view. this year 2015 will be very busy for you, richard, as jupiter is going through your 6th house, which is a promise of an important encounter with the person who is going to play a very important role in your professional life in the future. the next point which is important to emphasize for you, richard, is that due to the very strong interaction between jupiter going through your natal chart and taking into account the position of mercury there is a strong link between your professional and career sector with the friendship, mutual understanding. it seems like success in one of them will nourish success in the other one. during 2015 you will meet a person (i cannot tell for now if you already know this person or not, this point needs to be explored in a more detailed report) that will push you towards an important opportunity in your career sector, and thus giving you the chance to find more friends in your professional environment, who in their turn will open more and more chances for further professional development. the crucial thing here is not to miss out this encounter with the person who will actually start this so-called "chain reaction" and for this you will need to be in the right place at the right time and act in a very precise manner, so that you can benefit from this chance to get your professional success to the next level! as you already know richard, this encounter is going to happen during the peak period (which i have discovered for you according to the numerological analysis of your personal details) and i was so astonished to see that this peak period coincides with mars entering your sign capricorn, so you should absolutely not let this chance go by and benefit from positive influence of the planets to boost your life in different spheres! moreover, i have clearly sensed that you have some kind of project on your mind, which you have been thinking about for some time already, and this year (let me mention, richard, that it is going to be the year of wooden goat according to the chinese astrology) will also be beneficial in terms of the realization of this project, as additional success and financial independence gained through career development, which i have just talked about, will give you a possibility to put more time and money into this particular project, so important for you. the negative aspect between saturn and uranus present in your astral sky since 2012 and which was blocking you to the certain degree, is going to shift, opening you the way towards new achievements. however you should be aware, that 2015 will set the basis for the future, as during this time you will absolutely need to start moving forward in order to get the results you are hoping to see some time later. generally, this year will be very beneficial and lucky for you in all the areas of your life you are concerned about at the moment, including financial success. richard, i can see that at the moment you are particularly worried about your financial situation and this point stands out clearly in your natal chart, and also it makes your worried not only about yourself, but also about some people that are very close to you and who are important to you, richard. let me reassure you, that during the peak period you will be able to completely change this situation. on one hand it will be due to the career progress we have talked about before, but on the other hand during the year 2015 you will have an important financial opportunity that you need to seize. however i cannot tell you more about this point simply because a more detailed study of your natal chart is necessary in order to identify all the lucky dates during this year, so that you do not pass by this unique chance to achieve prosperity. richard, as you can see all the areas of your life are going to be touched by the important and crucial positive changes waiting for you in 2015, starting from your love life, your professional success, financial situation, family relations, friends, home and a lot more. on the page below that i have set up for you richard you can discover more about what the next year has ins tore for you: https://www.the-astrology.com/orderforecast/richard to summarize the most important changes that are going to happen in your life will be: -in terms of your love life: you will need to take an important decision in your love life in regards to the situation you find yourself in at the moment, and this decision absolutely needs to be the right one for you, richard, as it will define not only your immediate future in this area of your life, but it will also have important repercussions for the years to come. this decision needs to be taken having all the information at hand in order to avoid all the hidden pitfalls and to be sure you will be completely satisfied with your love life in the future. -in what concerns your professional area: during 2015 you will have an opportunity to meet a person, who is going to play an important role in your professional and financial success in the future, as this person will open you the doors to the new professional opportunity. besides this person will allow you to meet more people, who will become your friends and who will contribute to your career in different however always positive ways. -as for your financial situation: richard, your financial situation is also going to changes, and there will be two main factors leading to important step forward and helping you to resolve your current issues, which are you professional success but also an important financial opportunity that is going to be presented to you during the next year. -and much more...: you will also make numerous positive changes in other areas of your life, like for example: you will have a chance to put into life a project you have on your mind, also it will be a period for your personal development and self-realization. richard, i can clearly sense that you are very excited about all these changes and i know that you really need and deserve them, but at the same time you also know that the astrological influences can only open the doors and you and only you will be responsible for going through them! yes, richard, you will need to be alert and active and act in a very precise moment in order to make your dreams come true. i want to warn (as i am here for you and everything i am writing now is only in your best interest, dear friend), that if you just count on stars to do everything at your place, you risk missing out your chances and all the opportunities. i want you to understand, richard, that you are the master of your destiny and astrological events only give you opportunities to make changes, they give you a choice now during the coming year 2015 to change your life for the better on different levels, but at the end what counts is your free will and you will decide if you grab this chance or just let it go. richard, you need to start getting ready for this incredible year right now, you need to be ready to act and also you should have all the information in your disposition in order to know how, when and in which way to act to have all the chances on your side. so i am offering you my help and i will put all my experience and professionalism at your service, richard, and on the link below you can find out how exactly i can help you:



Последнее обновление: 2015-03-05
Частота использования: 1

Источник: Анонимно
Предупреждение: Содержит скрытое HTML-форматирование

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