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the event, which took place last february at fastenal’s head office in johor bahru, malaysia, included technical presentations and product demonstrations.
the event, which took place last february at fastenal’s head office in johor bahru, malaysia, included technical presentations and product demonstrations.
pozdravy! i am dave a moje soukromé homestay penzion je váš domov v johor bahru, malajsie pouze 5 místností, které jsou plně zařízeny a koupelna / spíž připojuje.
greetings! i am dave and my private homestay guesthouse is your home in johor bahru, malaysia with only 5 rooms which are fully furnished and bathroom/pantry attached.
- pomocí tlačítek s lupou nastavte podrobnost (zvětšení) mapy johor bahru. potom posuňte ukazovátko myši na mapu a levým tlačítkem posuňte mapu tak, jak potřebujete.
- then use the buttons with magnifying glass to set the zoom (details) of the map of johor bahru. then move your mouse cursor to the map and shift the map to the position you like. (use the mouse button).
ahmedabad (in), balangoda (lk), bangalore (in), chennai (in), colombo (lk), george town (my), hyderabad (in), ipoh (my), jaipur (in), johor bahru (my), klang (my), kolkata (in), kota kinabalu (my), kuala lumpur (my), kuala terengganu (my), kuching (my), malacca town (my), mumbai (in), nagpur (in), new delhi (in), panadura (lk), raipur (in), sembawang (sg), sengkang (sg), shah alam (my), singapore (sg), sri jayawardenapura kotte (lk), vadodara (in), woodlands (sg),
ahmedabad (in), balangoda (lk), bangalore (in), chennai (in), colombo (lk), george town (my), hyderabad (in), ipoh (my), jaipur (in), johor bahru (my), klang (my), kolkata (in), kota kinabalu (my), kuala lumpur (my), kuala terengganu (my), kuching (my), malacca town (my), mumbai (in), nagpur (in), new delhi (in), panadura (lk), raipur (in), sembawang (sg), sengkang (sg), shah alam (my), singapore (sg), sri jayawardenapura kotte (lk), vadodara (in), woodlands (sg),