Вы искали: take time to do what makes your soul h... (Английский - Амхарский)

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take time to do what makes your soul happy



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see that we had the power to do so . great indeed is our power to do what we will .


መጣኞች ነን !

Последнее обновление: 2014-07-02
Частота использования: 1


what if i have clear evidence from my lord , and he has given me good livelihood from himself ? i have no desire to do what i forbid you from doing .


« ሕዝቦቼ ሆይ ! ንገሩኝ ፤ ከጌታዬ በሆነ አስረጅ ላይ ብሆንና ከእርሱም የሆነን መልካም ሲሳይ ቢሰጠኝ ( በቅጥፈት ልቀላቅለው ይገባልን ) ከእርሱ ወደ ከለከልኳችሁም ነገር ልለያችሁ አልሻም ፡ ፡ በተቻለኝ ያክል ማበጀትን እንጂ አልሻም ( ለደግ ሥራ ) መገጠሜም በአላህ እንጂ በሌላ አይደለም ፡ ፡ በእርሱ ላይ ተመካሁ ፡ ፡ ወደእርሱም እመለሳለሁ ፤ » አላቸው ፡ ፡

Последнее обновление: 2014-07-02
Частота использования: 1


he said , “ your souls enticed you to do something . but patience is beautiful , and god is my help against what you describe . ”


በቀሚሱም ላይ የውሸትን ደም አመጡ ፡ ፡ ( አባታቸው ) « አይደለም ፤ ነፍሶቻችሁ ( ውሸት ) ነገርን ለእናንተ ሸለሙላችሁ ፡ ፡ ስለዚህ መልካም ትዕግስት ( ማድረግ አለብኝ ) በምትሉትም ነገር ላይ መታገዣው አላህ ብቻ ነው » አለ ፡ ፡

Последнее обновление: 2014-07-02
Частота использования: 1


and it is he who has created man from water , and has appointed for him kindred by blood , and kindred by marriage . and your lord is ever all-powerful to do what he will .


እርሱም ያ ከውሃ ሰውን የፈጠረ ፣ የዝምድናና የአማችም ባለቤት ያደረገው ነው ፡ ፡ ጌታህም ቻይ ነው ፡ ፡

Последнее обновление: 2014-07-02
Частота использования: 1


i did try to seduce him , but he resisted . but if he does not do what i tell him to do , he will be imprisoned , and will be one of the despised . ”


« ታዲያ ይህ ያ በርሱ ( ፍቅር ) የዘለፋችሁኝ ነው ፡ ፡ በእርግጥም ከነፍሱ አባበልኩት ፡ ፡ እምቢ አለም ፡ ፡ የማዘውንም ነገር ባይሠራ በእርግጥ ይታሰራል ፡ ፡ ከወራዶቹም ይሆናል » አለች ፡ ፡

Последнее обновление: 2014-07-02
Частота использования: 1


it is he who takes your souls by night , and he knows what you do by day , then he reanimates you therein so that a specified term may be completed . then to him will be your return , whereat he will inform you concerning what you used to do .


እርሱም ያ በሌሊት የሚያስተኛችሁ በቀንም የሠራችሁትን ሁሉ የሚያውቅ ከዚያም የተወሰነው ጊዜ ይፈፀም ዘንድ በእርሱ ( በቀን ) ውስጥ የሚቀሰቅሳችሁ ነው ፡ ፡ ከዚያም መመለሻችሁ ወደ እርሱ ነው ፡ ፡ ከዚያም ትሠሩት የነበራችሁትን ሁሉ ይነግራችኋል ፡ ፡

Последнее обновление: 2014-07-02
Частота использования: 1


how to be happier try our 6 tips to help you be happier, more in control, and able to cope better with life's ups and downs. manage your stress levels if you have a lot of stress in your life, find ways to reduce it, such as learning a few time-management techniques. introduce regular exercise and time to yourself. these are positive changes. taking control of your time in this way can effectively reduce stress. if you have feelings of anxiety along with your stress, breathing techniques can help. try this breathing exercise for stress. read more about managing stress and building resilience on the mind website you can also try some practical self-help cognitive behavioural therapy (cbt) techniques on the every mind matters website to help manage stress and anxiety, solve problems and build resilience. enjoy yourself doing things that you enjoy is good for your emotional wellbeing. simple activities like watching sports with a friend, having a soak in the bath, or meeting up with friends for coffee can all improve your day. doing something you're good at, such as cooking or dancing, is a good way to enjoy yourself and have a sense of achievement. try to avoid things that seem enjoyable at the time but make you feel worse afterwards, such as drinking too much alcohol or eating junk food. boost your self-esteem self-esteem is the way you feel about yourself. the best way to improve your self-esteem is to treat yourself as you'd treat a valued friend, in a positive but honest way. notice when you're putting yourself down, such as thinking, "you're so stupid for not getting that job", and instead think, "would i say that to my best friend?". you probably wouldn't. tell yourself something positive instead, such as: "you're a bright person, you'll get the next job". have a healthy lifestyle limit your alcohol intake when times are hard, it's tempting to drink alcohol because it "numbs" painful feelings. but it can exaggerate some feelings and make you feel angry or aggressive. it can also make you feel more depressed. read some tips on cutting down on alcohol choose a well-balanced diet making healthy choices about your diet can make you feel emotionally stronger. you're doing something positive for yourself, which lifts your self-esteem. a good diet helps your brain and body work efficiently, too. aim to eat a balanced diet that includes all the main food groups. do some exercise even moderate exercise releases chemicals in your brain that lift your mood. it can help you sleep better, have more energy and keep your heart healthy. choose an exercise that you enjoy. if it helps, do it with a friend or listen to music. adults should aim for at least 150 minutes a week. read about exercise for depression get enough sleep around 7 to 8 hours is the average amount of sleep an adult needs for their body and mind to fully rest. writing a "to do" list for the next day before bed can organise your thoughts and clear your mind of any distractions. talk and share communication is important, whether it's with a friend, family member or counsellor. talking things through helps you to release tension, rather than keeping it inside. it helps strengthen your relationships and connect with people. lots of people find talking to a counsellor about things that are troubling them very helpful. see nhs talking therapies and benefits of talking therapy for more information. find out more about depression support groups build your resilience resilience is what allows you to cope with life's ups and downs. making something worthwhile out of painful times helps your resilience grow. starting a support group to help others, or making something creative out of bad experiences by, for example, writing, painting or singing, can help you express pain and get through hard times. audio: how to cope with anxiety – a relaxation technique in this audio guide, a doctor explains how you can take control of anxiety.


አዘውትሮ የአካል ብቃት እንቅስቃሴ በማድረግና የተመጣጠነ ምግብ በመመገብ ጤናማ ክብደት መያዝ። ፍራፍሬዎችን፣ አትክልቶችንና ሙሉ እህሎችን እንዲሁም የቅባትና ትራንስ የቅባት መጠን አነስተኛ የሆነ ምግብ መመገብ። የተጨመረ ስኳርና የተጣራ ካርቦሃይድሬት መጠን መቀነስ። በሳምንቱ ውስጥ በአብዛኞቹ ቀናት ቢያንስ ለ30 ደቂቃ ያህል በእግር እንደ መሄድ፣ ብስክሌት መንዳት ወይም መዋኘት የመሳሰሉ ቋሚ የአካል ብቃት እንቅስቃሴዎችን ማድረግ። የደም ግሉኮስ መጠንን በየጊዜው መከታተልእና በደም ውስጥ ያለውን የስኳር መጠን ለመቆጣጠር ከጤና ጥበቃ መስጫ ተቋማት ጋር መስራት። ሲጋራ ከማጨስ መቆጠብ

Последнее обновление: 2023-01-20
Частота использования: 1

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