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mr and mrs



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good morning class and mrs


good morning class

Последнее обновление: 2019-04-24
Частота использования: 1

Источник: Анонимно


a) what animal stays with mr. and mrs joubert


a) watter dier bly by mnr.en mev joubert

Последнее обновление: 2024-01-29
Частота использования: 1

Источник: Анонимно


it began in the year 1933 when mr and mrs spicer made a claim that the monster crawled across the road


dit het in die jaar 1933 begin toe mnr en mev spicer 'n bewering gemaak het dat die monster oor die pad gekruip het.

Последнее обновление: 2022-05-09
Частота использования: 11

Источник: Анонимно


president botha worked with the former minister of justice, mr kobie coetzee, who was in turn assisted by dr neil barnard and mr mike louw.


president botha het met die voormalige minister van justisie, mnr kobie coetzee, saamgewerk, wat op sy beurt hierin bygestaan is deur dr neil barnard en mnr mike louw.

Последнее обновление: 2011-10-24
Частота использования: 1

Источник: Анонимно


one day it was sunny day so we as a family decided to make a family braai so we buyed braai meat my siblings were there my dad and mom my auntie and mr grandmam and grandfather before we went to the shop we bathed and eat as we started to at the shop to buy meat for the braai


eendag was dit sonnige dag, sodat ons as 'n familie besluit het om 'n familiebraai te maak sodat ons braaivleis gekoop het, my broers en susters, was daar my pa en ma, my tannie en meneer, ouma en oupa voordat ons na die winkel toe gebaan het en gebaai het toe ons begin het om by die winkel vleis vir die braai te koop

Последнее обновление: 2018-08-14
Частота использования: 1

Источник: Анонимно


fesito is going to market today was the day fesito was going to be a man among men his father was sick in bed he had a fever fesito climbed on his bicycle and off he went he saw mr musoke. they had a chat and mr musoke asked fesito to keep his pawpaws to the market he saw kikiyive she gave fesito her chicken and off he went he saw kikiyo who was sick he help him too on the way the bicycle was heavy with all the goods fesito was caring the you mad it to the top of a hill when they got there the th


fesito gaan mark toe today was the day fesito was going to be a man among men his father was sick in bed he had a fever fesito climbed on his bicycle and off he went he saw mr musoke. they had a chat and mr musoke asked fesito to takeep his pawpaws to the market he saw kiisiigive she gave fesito her chicken and off he went he saw kikiyo who was sick he help him too on the way the bicycle was heavy with all the goods fesito was caring theyou mad it to the top of a hill when they got there the th

Последнее обновление: 2023-09-14
Частота использования: 10

Источник: Анонимно


good morning class mates and mrs hancker to day i'm going to tell u about jock of the bosveld summary jock of the bosveld is a true store and famous story by the sa author sir james percy patrick. it tells of a young man's adventures fitzpatrick who travels with is dog, named jock. jock became one of sa's most beloved dogs. the book is therefor now regarded as a classic dog story


goeie môre klasmaats en mevrou hancker vandag gaan ek u vertel van jock of the bosveld summary jock of the bosveld is 'n ware winkel en beroemde verhaal deur die sa skrywer sir james percy patrick. dit vertel van 'n jong man se avonture wat fitzpatrick saam met 'n hond, jock, reis. jock het een van sa se gewildste honde geword. die boek word dus nou beskou as 'n klassieke hondverhaa

Последнее обновление: 2024-02-13
Частота использования: 9

Источник: Анонимно

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