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send just one



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try it! just one trial day!"


probeer dit vir net een dag!

Последнее обновление: 2016-10-27
Частота использования: 7

Предупреждение: Содержит скрытое HTML-форматирование


just one foot in front of the other


net een voet voor die ander

Последнее обновление: 2023-11-25
Частота использования: 1


- two ladies. lt could be just one


ek sien twee dames,

Последнее обновление: 2016-10-27
Частота использования: 7


it was just one of those cases. everything fell apart.


dit is een van die sake waarby alles uiteen val.

Последнее обновление: 2016-10-27
Частота использования: 7


please, just one hour, just a little... a little sleep.


asseblief, net een uur... net 'n bietjie... 'n bietjie slaap

Последнее обновление: 2016-10-27
Частота использования: 7


planting a bomb was just one of creevy's many bad decisions.


- baas. die bom lê was maar 'n van die slegte besluite van creevy.

Последнее обновление: 2016-10-27
Частота использования: 7


just one more kiss, then i'll be brave! no, no, enough, it's time to part!


'n soentjie troos in my lyding!

Последнее обновление: 2016-10-27
Частота использования: 7


and he said, the god of our fathers hath chosen thee, that thou shouldest know his will, and see that just one, and shouldest hear the voice of his mouth.


en hy het gesê: die god van ons vaders het jou voorbeskik om sy wil te ken en die regverdige te sien en die stem uit sy mond te hoor;

Последнее обновление: 2012-05-06
Частота использования: 1


which of the prophets have not your fathers persecuted? and they have slain them which shewed before of the coming of the just one; of whom ye have been now the betrayers and murderers:


watter een van die profete het julle vaders nie vervolg nie? ja, hulle het dié gedood wat vooraf die koms verkondig het van die regverdige, van wie julle nou verraaiers en moordenaars geword het;

Последнее обновление: 2012-05-06
Частота использования: 1


18th/21st birthday speech from the friend of the birthday person .. .. has asked me to say a few words. so first, on behalf of .. .. i’d like to thank you all for coming. we all know .. .. for his/her jokes. from all the ones that he/she has told me over the years, i have managed to find a good one, so here goes. “one day three guys are walking back home from the pub, when they discover a magic lamp at the side of the road. one rubs the side and a genie pops out, and says “i’ll grant you one wish each, so what shall it be?” the first looks at the genie and says, “i want to be irresistible to all the women.” the genie clicks his fingers and instantly the guy had a perfect face and body. the second looks at the genie and says, “i want to be smart.” the genie clicks his fingers and the guy has glasses and a bad haircut, but was really good at maths. the third guy looks at his friend in glasses, then looks at the genie and says, “ i want to be so smart i never get another thing wrong in my life!” the genie clicks his fingers, and he became a woman. no offence to you women out there, but that was his only joke, the best one i could steal from him. i’ve known .. .. for x amount of years, ever since we were in school/work. and since that day we have been good friends. we have seen each other become who we are today to this point and he/she has helped me to get through some pretty bad times. but on the reverse of that coin, we have had some really great times together: like our trip to .. .., the parties, and i’ve lost count of how many times i’ve cried with laughing with them. so .. .. thanks for the great times, and let’s hope tonight and in the future there are many more to come. cheers. now .. .. is going to say a few words. come on up here.. .. (here is a possible reply for the birthday person.) a possible reply from the birthday person thanks .. .., for the speech. it meant a lot. ooh, just one thing though, at least one funny joke is better than none. .. .. is right though, i owe you all a massive thank you. firstly for coming, secondly to all the people who made tonight such a great night, and thirdly for listening to us all go on for so long. just a couple of thank you’s from me. mum/dad you have been great, an inspiration to me. you have helped me so much over the years, i know i wouldn’t be who i am today with out you, so thank you. all the people who helped out here tonight making food, or blowing up balloons – thank you. and lastly to the bar staff for keeping the beer flowing, thanks to you guys too. there’s not really much more for me to say, so have a good night, don’t drink and drive, and i’ll see you all later.


Последнее обновление: 2023-08-06
Частота использования: 1

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