Вы искали: there is too much work load for teenagers (Английский - Африкаанс)

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there is too much work load for teenagers



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that is too much, i must say!


dis te erg, dit moet ek sê.

Последнее обновление: 2016-10-27
Частота использования: 7


when there is too much dirt in the river the fishes and other living animals in the water will die.


ek sal praat oor waterbesoedeling

Последнее обновление: 2022-06-04
Частота использования: 1

Источник: Анонимно


to me that was just 't proof that ... now it's just too much. it is too much.


dis vir my net 'n bewys dat... dinge te ver gegaan het.

Последнее обновление: 2016-10-27
Частота использования: 7

Источник: Анонимно


today my speech is about electricity electricity is what we are all used to because we can do our homework and and watch tv and also cook but when there is no electricity we can't do that so when there is no electricity i like to talk too much sing and try do my split but i also sometimes sleep sleep so my sister cooks on the gas stove which is easy and fast and we all eat together before we go to bed and i am embrassed to say that i also play alone


vandag gaan my toespraak oor elektrisiteit elektrisiteit is waaraan ons almal gewoond is want ons kan ons huiswerk doen en en tv kyk en ook kook maar as daar nie elektrisiteit is nie kan ons dit nie doen nie so as daar nie elektrisiteit is praat ek ook graag baie sing en probeer my split doen maar ek slaap ook so my suster kook op die gasstoof wat maklik en vinnig is en ons eet almal saam voor ons gaan slaap en ek is skaam om te sê ek speel ook alleen

Последнее обновление: 2022-09-01
Частота использования: 1

Источник: Анонимно


today my speech is about electricity electricity is what we are all used to because we can do our homework and and watch tv and also cook but when there is no electricity we can't do that so when there is no electricity i like to talk too much sing and try do my split but i also play twitch my dogs short tail and bruno and i sometimes sleep so my sister cooks on the gas stove which is easy and fast and we all eat together at night before we go to bed and i am embrassed to say that i also play al


vandag gaan my toespraak oor elektrisiteit elektrisiteit is waaraan ons almal gewoond is want ons kan ons huiswerk doen en en tv kyk en ook kook maar as daar nie elektrisiteit is nie kan ons dit nie doen nie so as daar nie elektrisiteit is praat ek ook graag baie sing en probeer my split doen maar ek speel ook twitch my honde short tail en bruno en ek slaap soms so my suster kook op die gasstoof wat maklik en vinnig is en ons eet almal saans saam voor ons gaan slaap en ek is verleë om te sê dat ek ook al speel

Последнее обновление: 2022-09-01
Частота использования: 1

Источник: Анонимно


being in matric is not easy there are challenges that we face. the pressure is too much because there a lot of work to do.there is too much work we have like 5 or 6 homeworks a day that needs to be done before the end of the day. we have to attend extra classes after school.and that makes our day very long and tiring but on the other hand it's very helpful even though we get tired and not attend the classes then we get into trouble the next morning. i want to work hard this year because i know i


om in matriek te wees is nie maklik nie, daar is uitdagings wat ons in die gesig staar. die druk is te veel want daar is baie werk om te doen.daar is te veel werk ons het soos 5 of 6 huiswerke per dag wat gedoen moet word voor die einde van die dag. ons moet ekstra klasse bywoon na skool.en dit maak ons dag baie lank en vermoeiend maar aan die ander kant is dit baie nuttig al raak ons moeg en woon nie die klasse by nie dan beland ons die volgende oggend in die moeilikheid. ek wil hierdie jaar hard werk, want ek weet ek8

Последнее обновление: 2022-02-08
Частота использования: 1

Источник: Анонимно


my favourite game is hockey. hockey is the most interesting outdoor game to me, because there is too much life in it. it keeps a player always busy physically as well as mentally. it is a very popular game all over the world. hockey is also the national sport of india. hockey is a sport in which two teams play against each other by trying to maneuver a ball into the opponent's goal using a hockey stick. in present, there are many forms of hockey ie. field hockey, ice hockey, roller hockey, sl


my gunsteling speletjie is hokkie. hokkie is vir my die interessantste buitelugwedstryd, want daar is te veel lewe daarin. dit hou 'n speler altyd fisies sowel as geestelik besig. dit is 'n baie gewilde speletjie regoor die wêreld. hokkie is ook die nasionale sport van indië. hokkie is 'n sportsoort waarin twee spanne teen mekaar speel deur 'n bal met 'n hokkiestok in die doel van die teenstander te probeer maneuverer. tans is daar baie vorme van hokkie, bv. veldhokkie, yshokkie, rolhokkie, sl

Последнее обновление: 2020-09-01
Частота использования: 1

Источник: Анонимно

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