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yesterday my grandpa was hunting a elephant



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the day my grandpa was sick


die dag toe my oupa siek was

Последнее обновление: 2022-02-10
Частота использования: 1

Источник: Анонимно


c/the day my grandpa was sick


c / die dag toe my oupa siek was

Последнее обновление: 2020-04-04
Частота использования: 1

Источник: Анонимно


the day my grandpa was sick.it was so hectic he was so ill that he even had to go to the hospital when they checked what was wrong they found out that he had a bad flu so they gave him medication when he started taking the medication he started feeling better. i was so glad that he was feeling way much more better but i had to stay with him for a week just to make sure he is fine the day i had to leave he was so upset and i felt bad but i had no choice because i had to go to school the end


die dag toe my oupa siek was, was hy so siek dat hy selfs hospitaal toe moes gaan toe hulle kyk wat fout is, het hulle uitgevind dat hy 'n slegte griep het, sodat hulle hom medikasie gegee het toe hy die medikasie begin neem het, het hy beter begin voel. ek was so bly dat hy baie beter gevoel het, maar ek moes 'n week by hom bly net om seker te maak dat hy goed is die dag wat ek moes vertrek, was hy so ontsteld en ek het sleg gevoel, maar ek het geen keuse gehad nie, want ek moes skool toe gaan.

Последнее обновление: 2023-05-23
Частота использования: 2

Источник: Анонимно


the day my grandpa was sick was an awful day for me and my family . my family and i took my grandpa to the hospital to get him checked up. when we arrived at the hospital the doctor told my grandpa that he was progressing from blood pressure and his sugar levels problem. the doctor told him that his blood pressure were too high and told him that he would end up with stroke and then gave him medication.


die dag toe my oupa siek was was 'n aaklige dag vir my en my gesin. ek en my gesin het my oupa hospitaal toe geneem om hom te laat ondersoek. toe ons by die hospitaal aankom het die dokter vir my oupa gesê dat hy vorder van bloeddruk en sy suikervlakke probleem. die dokter het vir hom gesê dat sy bloeddruk te hoog is en vir hom gesê dat hy met beroerte sou eindig en hom toe medikasie gegee.

Последнее обновление: 2022-04-27
Частота использования: 1

Источник: Анонимно


the day my grandpa was sick i was very sad so thought of something good so he can be fine i mad him some soup we watched our favourite movie made some jokes laughed i made him his best meal he got better so i decided that i should take him to the park ate some ice cream,sweets ,muffins and some juice we bought some jackets ,jeans ,shoes,and he gave me r50 note for the good things i did for him i also spent the whole day playing golf with him we came home very tired that we ate takeaways and we s


the day my grandpa was sick i was very sad so thought of something good so he can find in mad him some soup we watched our favorite movie made some jokes laughed i made him his best meal he got better so i decided that i should take him to the park ate some ice cream, sweets, muffins and some juice we bought some jackets, jeans, shoes and he gave me r50 note for the good things i did for him i also spent the whole day playing golf with him we came home very tired that we eat takeaways and we s

Последнее обновление: 2020-06-30
Частота использования: 1

Источник: Анонимно

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