Вы искали: oh'i feel that it’s real (Английский - Бенгальский)

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oh'i feel that it’s real



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it sure feels that it should be by now.


এটা মনে হয় যে এতদিনে এটা হয়ে যাবার কথা ছিল।

Последнее обновление: 2016-02-24
Частота использования: 1


in assam muslim groups believe their community has come under attack because the rebels feel that it did not support bodo candidates.


আসামের মুসলিম জনগোষ্ঠী বিশ্বাস করে, বিচ্ছিন্নতাবাদী বোডো প্রার্থীকে সমর্থন না করার কারণেই তাদের ওপর হামলা হয়েছে।

Последнее обновление: 2016-02-24
Частота использования: 1


even though there are some reports that fifa may look into restricting the vuvuzela due to television complaints, many feel that it will continue on.


যদিও এমন শোনা যাচ্ছে যে যারা টেলিভিশন দেখছেন তাদের অভিযোগের প্রেক্ষিতে ফিফা ভুভুজেলা নিষিদ্ধ করতে পারে, অনেকে মনে করছেন এটা চলতেই থাকবে।

Последнее обновление: 2016-02-24
Частота использования: 1


it has generated a lot of protests online among malaysians, many of whom feel that it is absurd to be spending millions to create a facebook page.


এই বিষয়টি অনলাইনে মালয়েশীয়দের মাঝে অনেক প্রতিবাদের জন্ম দেয়, যাদের অনেকে অনুভব করছে ফেসবুকের একটি পাতা তৈরি করতে লক্ষ টাকা খরচ করা এক অযৌক্তিক বিষয়।

Последнее обновление: 2016-02-24
Частота использования: 1


alex tang however, is relieved that the problem of an oversupply of medical students has been acknowledged, although he feels that it is too late.


তবে আলেক্স ট্যাঙ স্বস্থি লাভ করেছেন এই কারণে যে, অনেক বেশি পরিমাণ ডাক্তার পাস করে বের হতে থাকার ফলে যে সমস্যা তৈরি হচ্ছে, সে সম্বন্ধে কর্তৃপক্ষ জ্ঞাত রয়েছে, যদি তিনি অনুভব করেন, এই ক্ষেত্রে অনেক দেরি হয়ে গেছে।

Последнее обновление: 2016-02-24
Частота использования: 1


the narration of this story is by a french boy, franz. franz is a lazy boy. however, in spite of his laziness, franz likes to play and is of a sensitive nature. furthermore, franz hates his teacher m. hamel in his school and has no interest in studying french. an order has come from berlin after taking over the districts of alsace and lorraine in france that the german language rather than the french should be taught in the schools there. furthermore, it is the school french teacher m. hamel’s last day.  this teacher has been working there for forty years. moreover, the teacher has feelings of patriotism. he is also full of nostalgia and grief.  the village men also attend his ‘last lesson’ so as to honour and respect him.  the village is regretting and is sad that they didn’t learn their mother tongue in their childhood. franz receives a big shock when he learns that this is his last lesson in french.  he is shocked because he does not know french. furthermore, on learning about the last lesson, a sudden interest arises in him for learning french. moreover, he pays careful attention and learns everything taught on this last day. instantly, he develops liking for the teacher m. hamel. his feelings of hatred for him suddenly came to an end. moreover, franz develops respect for the hard work and sincerity of his teacher.  franz is sad and ashamed for being unable to recite his lesson. hamel explains that they all are at fault for lacking eagerness to learn. furthermore, he also includes himself in this fault. he blames himself for lack of sincerity in teaching them. there is a reflection of his patriotism in his praise for the french language. he says that the french language is the most logical and beautiful language in the world. it seems that m. hamel got emotional on this occasion. furthermore, he asks the class to guard their language. he says that being close to one’s language is a way to escape the clutches of slavery.  this language will assist them in attaining freedom from the germans.  the people realize the significance of their mother tongue. moreover, they feel the reason for their defeat is illiteracy. franz feels that it is impossible to remove one’s language from a person. this is because it is something that is natural to a person. this means that no matter how hard the opposition may try, they will fail to remove one’s language.


the narration of this story is by a french boy, franz. franz is a lazy boy. however, in spite of his laziness, franz likes to play and is of a sensitive nature. furthermore, franz hates his teacher m. hamel in his school and has no interest in studying french. an order has come from berlin after taking over the districts of alsace and lorraine in france that the german language rather than the french should be taught in the schools there. furthermore, it is the school french teacher m. hamel’s last day.  this teacher has been working there for forty years. moreover, the teacher has feelings of patriotism. he is also full of nostalgia and grief.  the village men also attend his ‘last lesson’ so as to honour and respect him.  the village is regretting and is sad that they didn’t learn their mother tongue in their childhood. franz receives a big shock when he learns that this is his last lesson in french.  he is shocked because he does not know french. furthermore, on learning about the last lesson, a sudden interest arises in him for learning french. moreover, he pays careful attention and learns everything taught on this last day. instantly, he develops liking for the teacher m. hamel. his feelings of hatred for him suddenly came to an end. moreover, franz develops respect for the hard work and sincerity of his teacher.  franz is sad and ashamed for being unable to recite his lesson. hamel explains that they all are at fault for lacking eagerness to learn. furthermore, he also includes himself in this fault. he blames himself for lack of sincerity in teaching them. there is a reflection of his patriotism in his praise for the french language. he says that the french language is the most logical and beautiful language in the world. it seems that m. hamel got emotional on this occasion. furthermore, he asks the class to guard their language. he says that being close to one’s language is a way to escape the clutches of slavery.  this language will assist them in attaining freedom from the germans.  the people realize the significance of their mother tongue. moreover, they feel the reason for their defeat is illiteracy. franz feels that it is impossible to remove one’s language from a person. this is because it is something that is natural to a person. this means that no matter how hard the opposition may try, they will fail to remove one’s language. the narration of this story is by a french boy, franz. franz is a lazy boy. however, in spite of his laziness, franz likes to play and is of a sensitive nature. furthermore, franz hates his teacher m. hamel in his school and has no interest in studying french. an order has come from berlin after taking over the districts of alsace and lorraine in france that the german language rather than the french should be taught in the schools there. furthermore, it is the school french teacher m. hamel’s last day.  this teacher has been working there for forty years. moreover, the teacher has feelings of patriotism. he is also full of nostalgia and grief.  the village men also attend his ‘last lesson’ so as to honour and respect him.  the village is regretting and is sad that they didn’t learn their mother tongue in their childhood. franz receives a big shock when he learns that this is his last lesson in french.  he is shocked because he does not know french. furthermore, on learning about the last lesson, a sudden interest arises in him for learning french. moreover, he pays careful attention and learns everything taught on this last day. instantly, he develops liking for the teacher m. hamel. his feelings of hatred for him suddenly came to an end. moreover, franz develops respect for the hard work and sincerity of his teacher.  franz is sad and ashamed for being unable to recite his lesson. hamel explains that they all are at fault for lacking eagerness to learn. furthermore, he also includes himself in this fault. he blames himself for lack of sincerity in teaching them. there is a reflection of his patriotism in his praise for the french language. he says that the french language is the most logical and beautiful language in the world. it seems that m. hamel got emotional on this occasion. furthermore, he asks the class to guard their language. he says that being close to one’s language is a way to escape the clutches of slavery.  this language will assist them in attaining freedom from the germans.  the people realize

Последнее обновление: 2024-07-22
Частота использования: 1

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