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a simple ball dodging game



Последнее обновление: 2011-10-23
Частота использования: 1


the column to the left of the 1 requires a quick run down and back up, with careful dodging both ways to avoid the enemies. to get the gold in the middle of the 6, drop down on the top of the'o 'part of the 6, move right/ dig left and immediately move left and dig left to delay the enemy who otherwise is likely to catch you. however, you may wish to leave this piece of gold to the end so as not to free two additional enemies earlier; it is possible to get two enemies to retrap themselves in that section, though. to get the gold held by enemies in the bottom right, dig out the blocking square to their left, run up the ladder, dig off the right side of the 6, drop in, run left and dig off a square on the left side of the 6 and drop to the floor. the timing is tight - only one or two enemies in the bottom right section will be able to move to the next section to the left. you will still need to dig out the bottom of the 6 to get their gold, but that is straightforward albeit a bit hectic because of the enemies lingering to the left of the 6. once you have gotten all the gold, you may find it easiest to exit by passing through the middle false floor on the 1 and exiting via the ladders on the left of the 1.


das bootdas boot

Последнее обновление: 2011-10-23
Частота использования: 1

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