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countermeasures of global information grid system



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use instead of global config


વૈશ્ર્વિક config ને બદલે વાપરો

Последнее обновление: 2011-10-23
Частота использования: 1

Предупреждение: Содержит скрытое HTML-форматирование


use < file > instead of global config


વૈશ્ર્વિક config ને બદલે < file > વાપરો

Последнее обновление: 2018-12-24
Частота использования: 1

Предупреждение: Содержит скрытое HTML-форматирование


and while burning coal is one of the leading causes of global warming, the remarkable clean coal technology you see here changes everything.


જ્યારે કોલસાને બાળવો એ ગ્લોબલ વોર્મિંગના મુખ્ય કારણોમાંનો એક છે, આપ જે અસાધારણ સ્વચ્છ કોલસાની ટેક્નોલોજી અહીં જુઓ છો તે બધુ જ બદલી નાખે છે.

Последнее обновление: 2020-12-03
Частота использования: 1


compared to the total amount of global warming pollution in the atmosphere, that amount could double if we cross this tipping point.


જો આપણે આ ઉચ્ચતમ બિંદુને ઓળંગીશુ તો વાતાવરણમાં રહેલ ગ્લોબલ વોર્મિંગ પ્રદુષણની કુલ માત્રાની સરખામણીએ આ માત્રા બમણી થઈ શકે છે.

Последнее обновление: 2020-12-03
Частота использования: 1


the biggest single cause of global warming, along with deforestation, which is 20 percent of it, is the burning of fossil fuels.


ગ્લોબલ વોર્મિંગનું એક સૌથી મોટું કારણ, વન નાબુદી સાથે, કે જે તેના ૨૦ ટ્કા જેટલું છે, તે અશ્મિભૂત ઇંધનને બાળવુ છે.

Последнее обновление: 2020-12-03
Частота использования: 1


he's a hungarian billionaire and philanthropist, and in the minds of some conspiracists online, george soros is like a globalist bogeyman, one of a few elites who is secretly manipulating all of global affairs.


તે હંગેરિયન અબજોપતિ છે અને પરોપકારી, અને મનમાં કેટલાક કાવતરાખોરો ઓનલાઇન જ્યોર્જ સોરોસ જેવું છે વૈશ્વિકતા બોગીમેન, થોડા ભદ્ર લોકોમાંથી એક જે ગુપ્ત રીતે છે તમામ વૈશ્વિક બાબતોમાં ચાલાકી

Последнее обновление: 2020-12-03
Частота использования: 1


robert hooke frs (/hʊk/; 28 july [o.s. 18 july] 1635 – 3 march 1703) was an english natural philosopher, architect and polymath. his adult life comprised three distinct periods: as a scientific inquirer lacking money; achieving great wealth and standing through his reputation for hard work and scrupulous honesty following the great fire of 1666, but eventually becoming ill and party to jealous intellectual disputes. these issues may have contributed to his relative historical obscurity. he was at one time simultaneously the curator of experiments of the royal society and a member of its council, gresham professor of geometry and a surveyor to the city of london after the great fire of london, in which capacity he appears to have performed more than half of all the surveys after the fire. he was also an important architect of his time – though few of his buildings now survive and some of those are generally misattributed – and was instrumental in devising a set of planning controls for london whose influence remains today. allan chapman has characterised him as "england's leonardo".[1] robert gunther's early science in oxford, a history of science in oxford during the protectorate, restoration and age of enlightenment, devotes five of its fourteen volumes to hooke. hooke studied at wadham college during the protectorate where he became one of a tightly knit group of ardent royalists led by john wilkins. here he was employed as an assistant to thomas willis and to robert boyle, for whom he built the vacuum pumps used in boyle's gas law experiments. he built some of the earliest gregorian telescopes and observed the rotations of mars and jupiter. in 1665 he inspired the use of microscopes for scientific exploration with his book, micrographia. based on his microscopic observations of fossils, hooke was an early proponent of biological evolution.[2][3] he investigated the phenomenon of refraction, deducing the wave theory of light, and was the first to suggest that matter expands when heated and that air is made of small particles separated by relatively large distances. he performed pioneering work in the field of surveying and map-making and was involved in the work that led to the first modern plan-form map, though his plan for london on a grid system was rejected in favour of rebuilding along the existing routes. he also came near to an experimental proof that gravity follows an inverse square law, and hypothesised that such a relation governs the motions of the planets, an idea which was subsequently developed by isaac newton.[4] much of hooke's scientific work was conducted in his capacity as curator of experiments of the royal society, a post he held from 1662, or as part of the household of robert boyle.


જ્યારે રોબર્ટ હુકે

Последнее обновление: 2017-03-09
Частота использования: 1

Предупреждение: Содержит скрытое HTML-форматирование

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