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set of xyz coordinates



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set of civil engineering students


himpunan mahasiswa teknik sipil

Последнее обновление: 2022-04-25
Частота использования: 1

Источник: Анонимно


present a set of facts in a different order each time they are encountered(random order)


urgensi di cantumkannya klausula mengenai perlindungan hukum bagi nasabah dan bank syariah adalah untuk menghindari adanya wanprestasi atau kelalaian di salah satu pihak yang dapat mengakibatkan kerugian di pihak lainnya. bentuk perlindungan hukum bagi nasabah atas produk cicil emas ini adalah adanya pencantuman klausula mengenai asuransi. perlindungan hukum bagi nasabah dalam akad murabahah pembiayaan kepemilikan emas yang diikuti dengan akad rahn ini dengan pemberian asuransi yang dibayar di muka pada saat akad berlangsung, yang akan dibayarkan bank pada saat di awal dan di muka pada akad berlangsung. asuransi dipergunakan untuk mengcover emas bila mana terjadi resiko. hal ini bertujuan untuk melindungi nasabah apabila terjadi keadaan force majeure yaitu seperti, tetapi tidak terbatas pada bencana alam, perang, pemogokan, sabotase, dan huru-hara maka nasabah akan mendapatkan penggantian dari bank maksimal sebesar nilai taksiran barang atau agunan di mana pihak nasabah tidak bertanggung jawab atas keadaan di luar dari tanggung jawab nasabah tertentu. kata kunci : perlindungan hukum, bank syariah, produk cicil emas.

Последнее обновление: 2014-10-03
Частота использования: 2

Источник: Анонимно


general practice clinical system providers have introduced an emergency new set of clinical codes to support covid-19 surveillance.


penyedia sistem klinis praktik dokter umum telah memperkenalkan set darurat kode klinis baru untuk mendukung surveilans covid-19.

Последнее обновление: 2020-08-25
Частота использования: 1

Источник: Анонимно


classroom management is a complex set of behaviors the teacher uses to establish and maintain classroom conditions that will enable students to achieve their instructional objectives etticiently that will enable them to learn


manajemen kelas adalah seperangkat perilaku yang kompleks yang digunakan guru untuk menetapkan dan memelihara kondisi kelas yang akan memungkinkan siswa untuk mencapai tujuan instruksional mereka secara etis yang akan memungkinkan mereka untuk belajar

Последнее обновление: 2022-04-02
Частота использования: 1

Источник: Анонимно


although indonesia has had a set of rules that protect child workers, but in fact the child workers from year to year thus experiencing perkembangannyang leads to forms of work badly as child trafficking as a commercial sex worker.


walaupun indonesia telah memiliki seperangkat peraturan yang melindungi pekerja anak, namum malah pekerja anak dari tahun ke tahun justru mengalami perkembangan yang menuju kepada bentuk-bentuk pekerjaan buruk seperti perdagangan anak sebagai pekerja sex komersial.

Последнее обновление: 2017-05-13
Частота использования: 1

Источник: Анонимно


the secondary response to the antigen is both faster and stronger than the fi rst. antigen specific b cell division has already occurred, and an expanded set of memory b cells bearing high affinity receptors is available for immediate diff erentiation to high affi nity igg secretion. interestingly, somatically


Последнее обновление: 2020-10-13
Частота использования: 3

Источник: Анонимно


chapter 6 discussion questions 6-1 q6-1. the basic objective of process costing is to determine the costs of the products manufactured by the company. determining the cost of the products manufactured is necessary in order to properly cost ending inventories for external reporting purposes (i.e., reporting to creditors and owners of the company, the sec, and the irs) and to evaluate the profitability of the manufacturing activity. in order to cost products, the costs must be determined for materials, labor, and factory overhead used to process each unit of product through each department. q6-2. the products manufactured within a department (or cost center) during the period can be heterogeneous if job order costing is used, but must be homogeneous if process costing is used. in job order costing, products are accounted for in batches. the cost of each unit of product manufactured on a job is determined by dividing the total cost charged to the job by the number of units produced on the job. since the manufacturing cost of each job is accounted for separately, accurate and useful product cost can be determined even when the products manufactured on different jobs are substantially different. by contrast, in process costing, all manufacturing costs are charged to the department, and the unit cost is determined by dividing the cost charged to the department by the number of units produced. as a consequence, the units of product manufactured within a department must be essentially alike in order for the cost allocated to each unit to be meaningful (i.e., to reasonably reflect the actual cost of the resources used to manufacture the product). q6-3. (a) process (b) process, unless significantly different models are manufactured (c) process (d) job order (e) process (f) process (g) job order (h) process, unless different fabrics are used for different models, in which case the conversion costs may be accounted for using process, but the materials using job order q6-4. three product flow formats are: sequential, parallel, and selective. sequential means that the product flows or is manufactured in an unchanging fixed set of operations, going from one department to the next. parallel means that certain operational phases take place simultaneously in other departments and the partially completed units or parts are brought together in subsequent departments. selective refers to the fact that a product does not necessarily move through every department. depending upon the character or shape of the final product, different departments are engaged in completing the desired product. q6-5. materials costs—in job order costing, materials requisitions are used and charges are made to jobs; in process costing, charges for materials issued to production are made to departments, with infrequent use of materials requisitions. labor costs—time tickets are used in job order costing to accumulate labor costs for each job; in process costing, labor costs are charged to departments, and, therefore, detailed time records are not necessary. factory overhead—job order costing requires the use of predetermined rates for charging overhead to jobs; in process costing, actual overhead may be used. (however, predetermined rates are often used in order to smooth overhead that is not incurred at the same rate as production activity.) summarizing costs—a job order cost sheet is used to accumulate the costs of an order in job order costing; a cost of production report is used in process costing. in job order costing, costs are summarized on completion of the job; in process costing, costs charged to th



Последнее обновление: 2016-10-31
Частота использования: 6

Источник: Анонимно

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