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Китайский (упрощенный)




Китайский (упрощенный)

林肯usa. kgm

Последнее обновление: 2011-10-23
Частота использования: 3


lincolnshire, il

Китайский (упрощенный)

lincolnshire, il

Последнее обновление: 2016-12-04
Частота использования: 1


willoughby by alford, lincolnshire, united kingdom of great britain and northern ireland

Китайский (упрощенный)


Последнее обновление: 2016-12-04
Частота использования: 1


association for down's syndrome (russia), all-age development centre, amnesty international, association françois-xavier bagnaud, casa alianza, center for protection on the rights of the children foundation (thailand), children's human rights centre of albania, children's rights centre of ghent university (belgium), christian children's europe fund, coalition against trafficking in women, consortium for street children (united kingdom), corporación opción (chile), defence for children international (dci), dignité en détention, epoch-worldwide, féderation internationale de l'action des chrétiens pour l'abolition de la torture, federation for the protection of children's human rights (japan), focal point on sexual exploitation of children, foundation of aboriginal and torres strait islander research action (australia), human rights internet (canada), human rights watch, humanitarian law project of international educational development, inc., institut international des droits de l'enfant (switzerland), international association for the child's right to play, international association of youth and family judges and magistrates, international federation terre des hommes, mouvement international atd quart monde, mouvement suisse contre l'enlèvement des enfants, ngo group for the convention on the rights of the child, penal reform international, quakers united nations office, radda barnen ethiopia, radda barnen sweden, save the children uk, south african human rights commission (ngo), tapori, university of lincolnshire and humberside (united kingdom), university of luton (united kingdom), university of hull law school (united kingdom), world citizen's movement to protect innocence in danger, world vision international.

Китайский (упрощенный)

高地综合症协会(俄罗斯)、老少发展中心、大赦国际、弗朗索瓦━哈维尔·巴格诺德协会、联盟之家、保护儿童权利中心基金会(泰国)、阿尔巴尼亚儿童人权中心、格恩特大学儿童权利中心(比利时)、基督徒儿童欧洲基金会、禁止贩运妇女联合会、街头流浪儿童拯救会(联合王国)、选择协会(智利)、保护儿童国际、监禁中的尊严、全世界新纪元、基督徒为废止酷刑采取行动国际联合会、保护儿童人权联合国(日本)、儿童性剥削问题联络点、先住民和托雷斯海峡岛民研究行动基金会(澳大利亚)、人权互联网(加拿大)、人权监察社、国际教育发展人道主义法项目财团法人、儿童权利国际学会(瑞士)、拯救第四世界贫民国际运动、瑞士禁止绑架儿童运动、《儿童权利公约》非政府组织集团、刑法改革国际、公谊会驻联合国办事处、国际拯救 儿童联合会 、联合王国儿童拯救会、南非人权委员会(非政府组织)、塔波里国际儿童联谊会、林肯郡和汉伯赛德大学(联合王国)、卢顿大学(联合王国)、胡尔大学法学院(联合王国)、保护处境危险的无辜者世界公民运动、世界远见国际。

Последнее обновление: 2016-12-04
Частота использования: 1

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