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i create value by adhering to the dress code



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show cause letter has failed to comply with the dress code


surat tunjuk sebab gagal mematuhi etika pakaian

Последнее обновление: 2016-01-17
Частота использования: 1

Источник: Анонимно


to build new ideas in creating practical headscarves with well designed that increased infiency while still adhering to the current trends


untuk membina idea baharu dalam mencipta practical headscarves with well designed that increased infiency while still ad hering the current trends

Последнее обновление: 2022-05-27
Частота использования: 1

Источник: Анонимно


but if the killer is forgiven by the brother (or the relatives, etc.) of the killed against blood money, then adhering to it with fairness and payment of the blood money, to the heir should be made in fairness.


maka sesiapa (pembunuh) yang dapat sebahagian keampunan dari saudaranya (pihak yang terbunuh), maka hendaklah orang yang mengampunkan itu) mengikut cara yang baik (dalam menuntut ganti nyawa), dan (si pembunuh pula) hendaklah menunaikan bayaran ganti nyawa itu) dengan sebaik-baiknya.

Последнее обновление: 2014-07-03
Частота использования: 1

Источник: Анонимно


by adhering to the concept that art is expression, malay traditional art is a reflection of the personality of the malay community. malay traditional artists express the personality of their community in the works produced. this paper tries to explore some aspects of the reflection of malay personality behind traditional sculpture. it is hoped that it will be our reflection together on the values of the traditional malay personality that we need to reflect on for the eyes of future generations.


dengan berpegangkan kepada konsep seni adalah ekspresi, kesenian tradisional melayu adalah cerminan keperibadian masyarakat melayu. seniman tradisional melayu mengekspresikan keperibadian masyarakatnya pada hasil karya yang dihasilkan. tulisan ini cuba mengupas beberapa aspek cerminan keperibadian melayu di sebalik ukiran tradisional. diharapkan ianya menjadi renungan kita bersama mengenai nilai nilai keperibadian melayu tradisi yang perlu kita renungkan untuk tatapan generasi akan datang

Последнее обновление: 2022-01-24
Частота использования: 2

Источник: Анонимно


the issue of sexual harassment should be taken seriously by all parties. measures to address and prevent it need to be implemented so that this problem does not take root in our society today. the approach established in the code of practice is different from the approach outlined by islam. in islam, this symptom can be prevented by adhering to the teachings of the qur'an and the noble morals left by the prophet muhammad saw.


isu gangguan seksual hendaklah dipandang berat oleh semua pihak. langkah menangani dan mencegahnya perlu dilaksanakan agar masalah ini tidak berakar umbi dalam masyarakat kita hari ini. pendekatan yang diwujudkan dalam kod amalan adalah berbeza dengan pendekatan yang digariskan oleh agama islam. dalarn islam, gejala ini boleh dicegah dengan berpegang teguh kepada ajaran alquran dan akhlak mulia yang ditinggalkan oleh nabi muhammad saw

Последнее обновление: 2021-12-21
Частота использования: 1

Источник: Анонимно


assalamualaikum and greetings, dear mr./ ms./ mdm./ prof./ dr., magic will be organizing a university startup challenge (usc) 2020 which is a startup experience and pitching competition where students from malaysian higher institutes of learning (hils) to develop ideas into actionable solutions by applying the appropriate entrepreneurship tools and canvases, receive guidance from experts through mentorship and advisory session, as well as network & solicit support from the startup ecosystem. there will be 2 tracks offered in the usc, namely technology track and social track. participants will get a chance to experience the startup journey by undertaking challenges, bootcamps and mentoring sessions based on 6 content modules, which are ideation; validation; mvp/ prototype development; go-to-market; financial; and pitching. the competition objectives are as follows: i. create awareness and cultivate interest in innovation & creative thinking amongst local youth especially students from institutions of higher learning (ihl) ii. provide a platform for ihl students to develop their ideas/ solutions/ products using creativity and innovation as an enabler iii. facilitate an experiential journey for ihl students to learn about startup development and how to become a successful entrepreneur, which leads to job creation for the rakyat. hence, it’s our pleasure to invite students from your university/ college/ institute/ polytechnic, which are currently working on their startup project hence, enable them to build and expand their impactful and sustainable business idea through-out magic university startup challenge (usc). these are the program details: the usc is scheduled to be kicked off starting from june to september. these are the programme journey: (may-jun)- register your team members by filling up this application form: mymagic.my/usc and submit your presentation deck or business plan via application form for us to review your application (upload/ url link) (jun)- shortlisting process 1: magic will send a confirmation email on both successful and unsuccessful participation (jun)- register and start using usc mentorship platform powered by futurelab (jun-jul)- attend and fully commit in 1 session of 3 days online pre-usc bootcamp (compulsory and you only can choose to attend 1 session) - 22nd - 24th june 2020 (session 1) - 26th - 28th june 2020 (session 2) - 3rd - 5th july 2020 (session 3) - 6th - 8th july 2020 (session 4) (jul-aug)- pre-usc challenge (online submission) - demo video of the prototype/ mvp- how to use the product/ service/ solution - customer/ partner/ client/ user validation report- what are the feedbacks received from the experiment/ test. - must commit at least 3 online mentoring session via usc platform (sep)- shortlisting process 2: online pre-usc challenge submission and requirements: submit prototype/mvp/ demonstration video and customer validation/ survey report to community@mymagic.my (sep)- demo day- finalize everything and the pitching battle begin web page: https://mymagic.my/usc/ participants will have a chance to learn and get guidance from the trainers, facilitators, mentors and panel judges in starting up their idea or solution. there will be a pitching competition on the last day and they might have a chance to win prizes valued up to more than rm 10,000. in order for the student and lecturer (as mentor/ advisor) to commit to the program, magic would like to get your support to promote this programme to your university/ college/ institute/ polytechnic and also give exemptions for students to participate and also for the lecturer to be a team advisor for the respective team during this programme. for further information, you may refer to the info pack attached or go to our website, https://mymagic.my/usc/ for further queries do not hesitate to contact hanafi at 03-8324 4800 or email it to hanafi@mymagic.my. we really appreciate your support and cooperation in giving this opportunity to your student & lecturer in participating for magic university startup challenge 2020. hope to hear from you soon. thank you so much and good day!


assalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera, tuan / puan yang terhormat / puan / prof / dr., magic akan menganjurkan university startup challenge (usc) 2020 yang merupakan pengalaman permulaan dan pertandingan pertandingan di mana pelajar dari institut pembelajaran tinggi malaysia (hils) ) untuk mengembangkan idea menjadi penyelesaian yang dapat ditindaklanjuti dengan menerapkan alat dan kanvas keusahawanan yang sesuai, menerima bimbingan dari pakar melalui sesi bimbingan dan nasihat, serta jaringan

Последнее обновление: 2020-06-09
Частота использования: 1

Источник: Анонимно
Предупреждение: Содержит скрытое HTML-форматирование

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