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Последнее обновление: 2021-03-10
Частота использования: 1

Источник: Анонимно


often imagining



Последнее обновление: 2021-05-14
Частота использования: 1

Источник: Анонимно


he waited with a pounding heart imagining the face of his discipline teacher


dia menunggu dengan hati yang berdebar debar terbayang wajah guru disiplinnya

Последнее обновление: 2021-09-08
Частота использования: 1

Источник: Анонимно


when they came upon you from above you and from below you, and when eyes grew wild and hearts reached to the throats, and ye were imagining vain thoughts concerning allah.


masa itu ialah masa tentera musuh datang melanggar kamu dari sebelah hulu dan dari sebelah hilir (tempat pertahanan) kamu; dan masa itu ialah masa pemandangan mata kamu tidak berketentuan arah (kerana gempar dan bingung) serta hati pun resah gelisah (kerana cemas takut), dan kamu masing-masing pula menyangka terhadap allah dengan berbagai-bagai sangkaan.

Последнее обновление: 2014-07-03
Частота использования: 1

Источник: Анонимно


when they came upon you from above you and from below you, and when eyes turned aside and hearts reached to the gullets, and of allah ye were imagining various things.


masa itu ialah masa tentera musuh datang melanggar kamu dari sebelah hulu dan dari sebelah hilir (tempat pertahanan) kamu; dan masa itu ialah masa pemandangan mata kamu tidak berketentuan arah (kerana gempar dan bingung) serta hati pun resah gelisah (kerana cemas takut), dan kamu masing-masing pula menyangka terhadap allah dengan berbagai-bagai sangkaan.

Последнее обновление: 2014-07-03
Частота использования: 1

Источник: Анонимно


when the disbelievers came upon you from above you and from below you, and when the eyes became fixed in stare and the hearts came up to the throats, and you were imagining matters regarding allah.


masa itu ialah masa tentera musuh datang melanggar kamu dari sebelah hulu dan dari sebelah hilir (tempat pertahanan) kamu; dan masa itu ialah masa pemandangan mata kamu tidak berketentuan arah (kerana gempar dan bingung) serta hati pun resah gelisah (kerana cemas takut), dan kamu masing-masing pula menyangka terhadap allah dengan berbagai-bagai sangkaan.

Последнее обновление: 2014-07-03
Частота использования: 1

Источник: Анонимно


whosoever hath been imagining that allah shall not make him victorious in the world and the hereafter, let him stretch a cord up to the heaven and let him cut it, and let him look if his stratagem can do away that whereat he enrageth.


sesiapa yang menyangka bahawa allah tidak sekali-kali akan menolong nabi muhammad dalam dunia ini dan di akhirat kelak, maka hendaklah ia menghulurkan tali (serta mengikatnya) di bumbong rumahnya, kemudian hendaklah ia menjerut lehernya (supaya ia mati tercekek); dalam pada itu hendaklah ia memikirkan lebih dahulu, adakah tipu dayanya itu dapat menghapuskan sebab-sebab yang menimbulkan kemarahannya?

Последнее обновление: 2014-07-03
Частота использования: 1

Источник: Анонимно


what if i told you that you're more than capable of imagining, planning and shooting milky way pictures that will put people into what i call a sharing trance? would you believe it?


bagaimana jika saya memberitahu anda bahawa anda lebih mampu membayangkan, merancang dan merakam gambar bima sakti yang akan membuat orang menjadi seperti yang saya nyatakan sebagai perkongsian? adakah anda mempercayainya?

Последнее обновление: 2021-06-05
Частота использования: 1

Источник: Анонимно


. take a deep breath breathing deeply and slowly triggers the body to stop releasing stress hormones and start to relax. concentrating on your breathing can also help to distract your mind from whatever is bothering you so that you focus only on what is happening at that moment. breathe in deeply through your nose – you should breathe all the way into your belly and not just your chest. hold for a moment and breathe out slowly through your mouth. take a few minutes just to breathe and you should find yourself feeling calmer quickly. 2. focus on the positives always imagining the worst case in every scenario is clinically known as catastrophic thinking and can increase anxiety and feelings of panic. rather than dwelling on negative aspects or outcomes, try to spend a few moments thinking positively. if your bathroom has flooded and you have to replace all the flooring, for example, this could be a very stressful situation. yet try to focus on the fact that it gives you the opportunity to update and renovate, and the repairs should be covered by your insurance. staying positive allows your brain to avoid stress and stay calm. 3. get plenty of sleep everything seems worse when you’ve haven’t had a good night’s sleep. stress and anxiety can often lead to insomnia so you end up in a vicious cycle – not being able to sleep and then feeling worse because you haven’t had enough sleep. make sleep a priority, especially if you’re under a lot of pressure. go to bed early and ban electronic devices from the bedroom. lavender essential oil can also promote feelings of calm and help you to sleep at night. 4. go for a walk go for a walk to keep calm under pressure exercise is just as important as sleep when it comes to keeping stress in check and dealing with external pressure. exercise prompts the body to release feel-good hormones and helps to clear your head. if you’re under pressure at work, just five minutes of fresh air and a change of scenery could help you to feel calmer and gain a new perspective on the situation – you’ll probably realise it’s not a case of life or death anyway. 5. meditate meditation has been proven to reduce stress and actually changes the brain over time so you can manage your emotions better and stay calm when you need to most. if you think meditation is all about sitting cross-legged for hours and chanting “om”, you couldn’t be further from the truth – even a few minutes of sitting quietly and concentrating on your breathing is a beneficial form of meditation. you can also try apps like headspace and calm. 6. practice gratitude staying grateful for everything you have in your life – no matter how small – can keep things in perspective and help you to maintain a positive attitude. studies have shown that people who keep a daily gratitude journal have lower levels of cortisol – the hormone responsible for stress. try taking a few minutes at the end of each day to write down 5 things you feel thankful for and see how much better it makes you feel. 7. surround yourself with positive people you probably have a few people in your life who can make you feel stressed just by being around them. while it’s not always possible to cut these people out of your life entirely, when you’re under pressure try to spend more time with friends and family who are helpful, positive, and will lift you up rather than drag you down retrain your brain for a calmer life you can’t control what life will throw at you next, but you can learn to cope with pressurised situations and deal with stress in a healthy way. making an effort to practise some of these strategies the next time you feel under pressure can help you to feel calm and able to deal with any situation. need help managing stress or panic attacks. talk to our team to help find the right treatment for your situation.


citcat terjemahan

Последнее обновление: 2023-02-26
Частота использования: 1

Источник: Анонимно

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