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no biggies

Последнее обновление: 2013-04-08
Частота использования: 1


a police department's procedures--what it actually practices--are, of course, a fundamental element in determining relationships with the community. even the most positive values will be of little use unless they are reflected in the performance of officers on the street. thus, the need to reduce police-citizen violence will not be met solely by adopting a set of values. practices must be implemented which demonstrate an enlightened, practical approach to policing. within that context, there are a number of important considerations. a)principles of community policing community policing is a policing approach embraced by some departments and espoused by national law enforcement organizations. it is described as a philosophy, managerial style, and organizational strategy that promotes better police-community partnerships and more proactive problem solving with the community. it can help solve a wide range of community problems and issues involving crime control, crime prevention, officer safety, and the fear of crime. b)police-community partnership improving a police department's image in the community takes more than just concern or wishful thinking. for the police to be truly effective in a changing, complex society, they must recognize that it is in their own self-interest to administer a department that is competent, fair, honest, and responsive to the needs of the individual citizen. the police department must establish an effective partnership with the community as a whole, the foundation of which is mutual trust and understanding. police organizations must realize that they have the ability to alter their own image within the community. c)using community resources defining the police role within a community should not be solely the responsibility of a law enforcement agency. the entire community, represented by traditional and nontraditional agencies and groups alike, should be called upon to identify local concerns that fall within the purview of the police department. suggestions should be carefully weighed and freely debated in an atmosphere which recognizes that no single element or agency has exclusive jurisdiction or authority for determining what the posture or reaction should be towards problems that have impact on the entire community. d)using community resources defining the police role within a community should not be solely the responsibility of a law enforcement agency. the entire community, represented by traditional and nontraditional agencies and groups alike, should be called upon to identify local concerns that fall within the purview of the police department. suggestions should be carefully weighed and freely debated in an atmosphere which recognizes that no single element or agency has exclusive jurisdiction or authority for determining what the posture or reaction should be towards problems that have impact on the entire community. e)police accessibility a police department's effectiveness in making itself accessible to the community will invariably depend on whether there is a plan or program to promote and enhance involvement with citizens. whether the purpose is to inform citizens about police initiatives, to inform them about general police department progress or conditions, to secure their input in a specific area, or to discuss effectiveness of the department and its personnel, most police executives depend on three basic avenues.


memperkenalkan tugas atau projek masing-masing 2. perancangan untuk menyelesaikan tugas 3. para pemimpin dalam mengurus tugas itu dapat dicapai. 4. sumber yang dianjurkan dalam melaksanakan tugas. 5. aspek terkawal dalam memastikan tugas itu dapat dilaksanakan seperti yang dirancang 6. adakah terdapat rancangan kontinjensi jika tugas itu tidak tercapai seperti yang dirancang? 7. meringkaskan pencapaian tugas itu

Последнее обновление: 2019-03-19
Частота использования: 1

Источник: Анонимно

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