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برنامه google search



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google search


جستجوگر گوگل

Последнее обновление: 2015-05-19
Частота использования: 6

Источник: Wikipedia


it works a little something like -- this is a recent google search for four in the morning.


تقریبا این طور است -- این حاصل یک جست و جوی اخیر در گوگل است جست و جوی : "چهار صبح".

Последнее обновление: 2015-10-13
Частота использования: 1

Источник: Wikipedia
Предупреждение: Содержит скрытое HTML-форматирование


the url is not valid. would you like to open a browser window to the google search engine?


نشانی وب ، معتبر نیست. مایل هستید برای موتور جستجوی گوگل یک پنجرۀ مرورگر باز کنید ؟

Последнее обновление: 2011-10-23
Частота использования: 1

Источник: Wikipedia


it was not until october 2000 that the adwords system was introduced, allowing advertisers to create text ads for placement on the google search engine.


گوگل در دسامبر ۱۹۹۹ تبلیغات جستجوگر خود را آغاز کرد و در اکتبر ۲۰۰۰ محصول تبلغاتی خود را با نام تجاری google adwords به بازار عرضه کرد.

Последнее обновление: 2016-03-03
Частота использования: 1

Источник: Wikipedia


ah so it interviewing is an art but i don't treat it that way so let's put it like this like this is basically a talk about not talking i work at a very eclectic community radio station and we're really lucky we talk to all kinds of people yeah there's bands that come through that's great i can hang with that but authors read book we've got authors coming through we've got you know poets and drug addicts and non-profits of every stripe and scientists like people with job titles like fluvial geomorphologist right i don't know either but the thing is i have to have this conversation with them and i want it to be good and meaningful i really do and i want to know what makes them tick the problem is i'm not an expert in fluvial geomorphology and the truth is in this life you get to be an expert in like one maybe two things max okay so how do you get through this what i want to talk to you today about is how to fake your way through an interview and hopefully have a great conversation on the other side of it okay now i do get some on-the-job training it was very sparse and the woman who is training me she sorts of walked me through the building i was going to be on the air in a week and she's like here's how you do this here's how you do this oh and you're going to be interviewing people and i'm like oh okay i got a pen out right she's like here's how you do that you just shut up i put the pen away she's like you shut up you've got that i got that and that was 15 years ago i still got that it's fantastic advice and there's a couple other tricks that i want to share with you there's about six little ones and then one massive one so let's do this here's how you interview almost anyone trick number one do some prep come on don't be that guy who is like i'm just going to wing it man and i'm looking at podcasters mostly for this there's this scourge of people who think that they can sit down and hold their own and they can't nobody is that good nobody is that good okay and secondly it's a little arrogant and vain to think that you are so show your guests it's true show your guests the basic dignity of a google search it's not hard do it on your phone i don't care when you do it just do it okay so number two you are going to be doing some prep i suggest since that author is coming in and you may not have read the whole book or like maybe even half of it they're goanna need you to know about it so what you do is you find interviews they already did and somebody else can do the work for you now i'm not saying i'm not saying steal their questions because that's wrong but i am saying you can use the answers that they gave earlier as your jumping-off point okay we call this the terry gross move you guys know who terry gross is okay she's fantastic and she said this was a steal able move i was in the room she said you can have it okay so what that looks like when you take you're basically following up on somebody 3 else's questions so if that person is on npr and that person says well my workflow goes like this i wake up at 7:05 then i do hot yoga then i'm in the office by 9:00 you can use that answer and you can pick it apart you can 7:05 it's like a normal person sets an alarm for 7:05 it's seven o'clock 7:30 why that and then they will tell you well you know i did the math is how long it takes me to get to the bathroom and then the shower takes this long and then you're off to the races okay so 7:05 that's the terry gross move follow up all right now if you're going to be finding interviews with people this is my personal favorite and i hope that you remember this and steal it you can have it goes like this find verbal interviews when you read in rolling stone or some blog an interview the odds are very high that that interview was done over email so they're thinking their answers out it's all calculated its tactical you don't want that you want the verbal things where you get the social cues and the intangibles that they're going to bring to you like a normal human in a normal human conversation where you know if they're nervous and you can help them if you know that they're going to be nervous you can see it and you can 38


c / ah بنابراین مصاحبه با هنر است، اما من با آن برخورد نمی کنم، بنابراین اجازه دهید آن را مانند این مانند این است که اساسا صحبت در مورد صحبت کردن من در یک ایستگاه رادیویی محلی بسیار متمایز کار می کنند و ما واقعا خوش شانس ما صحبت می کنیم به همه انواع مردم بله بله گروهی هستند که از طریق آن بزرگ می شوند که می توانم با آن حرف بزنم ولی نویسندگان کتاب را خواندم که نویسنده های ما را از طریق آن دریافت کرده ایم شاگردان و معتادان به مواد مخدر و غیر سودمند از هر خط و دانشمندان مانند مردم عناوین شغلی مانند fluvial ge

Последнее обновление: 2019-03-30
Частота использования: 1

Источник: Анонимно

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