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it is his greatness that dominates the heavens and the earth. he is the majestic and all-wise.


na ukubwa ni wake yeye tu, mbinguni na katika ardhi, naye ni mwenye nguvu, mwenye hikima.

Последнее обновление: 2014-07-03
Частота использования: 1


the noisy trumpet, which dominates the sound waves around the stadiums during the confederations cup, has got a lot of people covering their ears.


matarumbeta yenye kelele, yanayotawala viwanja vyote wakati wa kombe la mabara, yaliwasababishia watu wengi kufunga masikio yao.

Последнее обновление: 2016-02-24
Частота использования: 1


the devil works mainly through deceit. he wants to hide the fact of his overthrow as much as possible and, by so doing, he wants to deceive many into thinking that he is still lord. when he gets them to think that way, he controls their minds and, consequently, their actions. the kingdoms of this world have become the kingdoms of our god and his christ; they belong to god. they belong to christ. we are the children of god. we are coheirs with christ. in a very real sense the kingdoms of this world have become our kingdoms. the earth is the lord’s and the fullness thereof. the earth is also ours and the fullness thereof. we have been brought back to the position of authority which adam lost. we have been brought to a position of greater authority than adam had. we are to dominate the world with christ and for christ. there is no room for passivity. there is no room for withdrawal. there is no place on earth where satan has a legal right. where a believer stands, he must proclaim the lordship of jesus there. if he works in a shop, he must proclaim the lord jesus as lord of that shop. he must speak forth, “i hold this shop for the lord jesus, and bring to naught any attempt of the devil to rule here.” if he is in the classroom, he must hold that classroom for the lord and hold all that is in that classroom for the lord and ensure that satan has no room there whatsoever. if he is in a village, he must take that village for christ. if he is in a town, he must take that town for christ. if he in a nation, he must take that nation for christ. he must continue to insist that the kingdom belongs to christ and therefore to him. he must guard god’s world with a holy jealousy. he cannot just let things happen as they like. he must not yield to any pressures from satan. he must not negotiate any terms with him; for there were no negotiations on the cross. he must not yield even a little. he must not give the devil the slightest breathing space. he must be as merciless to the devil and his works as the cross was merciless to the lord of glory. he must be as greedy for the glory of god and not allow the devil to have anything, even as the cross was greedy for all of christ and did not rest or relax until he was dead. the cross in the life and ministry of the believer by zacharias tanee fomum https://www.amazon.fr/dp/1523636505?ref_=cm_sw_r_mwn_dp_ddp30297m1p8wmbry6na



Последнее обновление: 2023-07-19
Частота использования: 1

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