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we are happy



Последнее обновление: 2021-12-27
Частота использования: 1

Источник: Анонимно


they are annoying


Последнее обновление: 2021-04-26
Частота использования: 1

Источник: Анонимно


because they are safe


Последнее обновление: 2020-08-17
Частота использования: 1

Источник: Анонимно


they are entitled to equal rights as to marriage, during marriage and at its dissolution.


ba na le tetla ya ditshwanelo tse di lekanang mabapi le tsa lenyalo, mo lenyalong le mo phatlalalong ya lona.

Последнее обновление: 2014-07-22
Частота использования: 1

Источник: Анонимно


they are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.


ba abetswe go akanya le maikutlo, mme ba tshwanetse go direlana ka mowa wa bokaulengwe.

Последнее обновление: 2014-07-22
Частота использования: 1

Источник: Анонимно


all human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. they are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.


batho botlhe ba tsetswe ba gololosegile le go lekalekana ka seriti le ditshwanelo. ba abetswe go akanya le maikutlo, mme ba tshwanetse go direlana ka mowa wa bokaulengwe.

Последнее обновление: 2014-08-22
Частота использования: 1

Источник: Анонимно


if i were president i would strive to accomplish these three major things. first, i would strengthen our educational system, second, i would make certain that everyone has equal and fair treatment in our society, and lastly, i would secure our borders. our education system in america is not one in which we should be very proud of. yes, america does have excellent schools, colleges, and learning institutions, but our standards are not set as high as other countries. for example, our country does not fund our schools adequately. teachers teach with not enough books, no supplies, or books that are often over 20 years old. how can we expect our children to be up to date with the worlds information if our teaching materials are not new? often teachers in our public schools are forced to buy text books and supplies for our children with their own personal money. why do they do this? because they believe in a good education for all learners. our country "prides" itself on the quality of education a person can receive here, yet teachers are one of the countries lowest paid professionals. if i were president, i would also make sure that everyone in this country was treated equal and fair. the 13th amendment to the constitution did abolish slavery, and the 14th amendment was passed to counter the black codes, but in reality, discrimination still occurs in every aspect today in america. discrimination is not just a black and white issue, it also has to do with age, gender, equal housing, religion, national origin, and credit, to name a few. the civil rights act of 1964 helped to reinstate what the amendments tried to do early in history, but there is still much to be done. companies need to be regulated better, and stricter rules need to be enforced and fined if necessary. every american deserves the right to be treated with equality and fairness whether they are male or female, old or young, or non white.



Последнее обновление: 2024-09-01
Частота использования: 2

Источник: Анонимно
Предупреждение: Содержит скрытое HTML-форматирование

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