Вы искали: cantharidin (Английский - Французский)

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Последнее обновление: 2014-12-09
Частота использования: 20


cantharidin (medication)


camphre cantharide

Последнее обновление: 2014-12-09
Частота использования: 1

Предупреждение: Это сопоставление может быть неверным.
Удалите его, если считаете, что это так.


cantharidin [chemical/ingredient]


camphre cantharide

Последнее обновление: 2014-12-09
Частота использования: 1

Предупреждение: Это сопоставление может быть неверным.
Удалите его, если считаете, что это так.


cancer therapy with cantharidin and cantharidin analogs


utilisation de la cantharidine et d'analogues de la cantharidine pour le traitement du cancer

Последнее обновление: 2014-11-25
Частота использования: 4

Предупреждение: Содержит скрытое HTML-форматирование


demethyl-cantharidin platinum complex isomers and their use


isomeres complexes de platine demethyl-cantharidine et leur utilisation

Последнее обновление: 2014-11-25
Частота использования: 4


anhydride modified cantharidin analogues useful in the treatment of cancer


anhydrides analogues de cantharidine modifiee utiles pour traiter le cancer

Последнее обновление: 2014-11-25
Частота использования: 4


the invention also discloses pharmaceutical compositions containing the demethyl-cantharidin platinum complex and their use.


les compositions pharmaceutiques contenant le complexe de platine déméthyl-cantharidine et leur utilisation.

Последнее обновление: 2014-12-03
Частота использования: 2


formulation of the total anhydrides of cantharidin for the treatment and prevention of severe acute respiratory syndrome infections and the preparation thereof


formulation contenant le total d'anhydrides de cantharidine pour le traitement et la prevention du syndrome respiratoire aigu severe (sras), et preparation de cette formulation

Последнее обновление: 2014-11-25
Частота использования: 4

Предупреждение: Содержит скрытое HTML-форматирование


moreover the total anhydrides of cantharidin will be present in amount within the range of from 0.05 to 7 %.


en outre, le total d'anhydrides de cantharidine est présent dans cette formulation en une quantité comprise entre 0,05 et 72.

Последнее обновление: 2014-12-03
Частота использования: 1


a formulation of the total anhydrides of cantharidin for the treatment and prevention of severe acute respiratory syndrome, which is characterized in containing the total anhydrides of cantharidin as an effective ingredient as well as pharmaceutical acceptable essential oil or synthetic perfume as a solvent.


l'invention concerne une formulation contenant leccc total d'anhydrides de cantharidine pour le traitement et la prévention du sras. cette formulation se caractérise en ce qu'elle contient, comme principe actif, le total d'anhydrides de cantharidine, ainsi que, comme solvant, une huile essentielle ou un parfum synthétique pharmaceutiquement acceptable.

Последнее обновление: 2014-12-03
Частота использования: 1


anhydride modified cantharidin analogues useful in the treatment of certain forms of cancer also methods for the screening for anti-cancer activity of these analogues and/or their ability to sensitise cancer cells to cancer treatment


des anhydrides analogues de cantharidine modifiée utiles pour traiter certaines formes de cancer, et sur des procédés de criblage desdits analogues pour ce qui est de leurs activités anticancéreuses et/ou leur capacité de sensibilisation des cellules cancéreuses à des traitements anticancéreux

Последнее обновление: 2011-07-27
Частота использования: 1


the invention disclose the demethyl-cantharidin platinum complex of formula and their use, the complex can inhibit the growth of cisplatin, carboplatin and oxaliplatin-sensitive and resistant tumor cells


le complexe de platine déméthyl-cantharidine de formule et leur utilisation, le complexe peut inhiber la croissance de cellules tumorales résistants et sensibles à la cisplatine, carboplatine et oxaliplatine

Последнее обновление: 2011-07-27
Частота использования: 1


84:00 skin and mucous membrane agents (smma) 84:04.04 smma - antibiotics bacitracin 500iu ointment 00584908 bacitin pms bacitracin zinc, polymyxin b sulfate 500iu & 10,000iu ointment 02237227 polysporin antibiotic pfi clindamycin phosphate 1% solution 00582301 dalacin t pfi 02266938 taro-clindamycin tar 2% vaginal cream 02060604 dalacin pmj erythromycin, ethyl alcohol 2% & 44% solution 01902628 sans-acne gac erythromycin, tretinoin 4% & 0.01% gel 02015994 stievamycin mild sti 4% & 0.025% gel 01905112 stievamycin sti 4% & 0.05% gel 01945262 stievamycin forte sti fusidate sodium 2% ointment 00586676 fucidin leo fusidic acid 2% cream 00586668 fucidin leo gramicidin, polymyxin b sulfate 0.25mg & 10,000iu cream 02230844 polysporin antibiotic pfi mupirocin 2% cream 02239757 bactroban gsk 2% ointment 01916947 bactroban gsk 02279983 taro-mupirocin 2% ointment tar polymyxin b sulfate, bacitracin 10,000iu & 500iu ointment 00792217 antibiotic pdd 00876488 bacimyxin pms 00621366 bioderm odn 01942921 polytopic sdz 84:04.06 smma - antivirals acyclovir 5% cream 02039524 zovirax gsk 5% ointment 00569771 zovirax gsk idoxuridine 0.1% topical solution 00001317 herplex-d liquifilm all 02237187 sandoz-idoxuridine sdz 84:04.08 smma - antifungals clotrimazole 1% cream 02150867 canesten bcd 00812382 clotrimaderm tar 00874043 neo-zol neo 1% & 200mg cream & vaginal suppository 02264099 canesten 3 comfort combi pak bcd 1% & 500mg cream & vaginal suppository 02264102 canesten 1 comfort combi pak bcd 1% vaginal cream 02150891 canesten bcd 00812366 clotrimaderm tar 00874051 neo-zol neo 2% vaginal cream 02150905 canesten bcd 00812374 clotrimaderm tar econazole nitrate 1% cream 02011948 ecostatin wsb 150mg vaginal suppository 02010267 ecostatin wsb ketoconazole 2% cream 02245662 ketoderm tar 00703974 nizoral mcl 2% shampoo 02182920 nizoral mcl miconazole nitrate 2% cream 02085852 micatin mcl 02126567 monistat-derm mcl 2% & 100mg cream & vaginal suppository 02126257 monistat 7 dual pak mcl 2% & 400mg cream & vaginal suppository 02126249 monistat 3 dual pak mcl 2% vaginal cream 02231106 micozole tar 00980625 monistat mcl * 02084309 monistat 7 mcl 100mg vaginal suppository 02084295 monistat 7 mcl 400mg vaginal suppository 02126605 monistat 3 mcl 400mg vaginal suppository 02171775 miconazole vth nystatin 100,000iu cream 00029092 mycostatin bms 00716871 nyaderm tar 02194236 ratio-nystatin rph 100,000iu ointment 02194228 ratio-nystatin rph powder 00907472 nystatin wlr * 25,000iu vaginal cream 00716901 nyaderm tar 100,000iu vaginal cream 02194163 ratio-nystatin rph 100,000iu vaginal tablet 02194171 ratio-nystatin rph terbinafine hcl 1% cream 02031094 lamisil nvr terconazole 0.4% vaginal cream 02247651 taro-terconazole tar 00894729 terazol 7 jno 0.8% vaginal cream 01934155 terazol 3 jno 0.8% & 80mg vaginal cream & vaginal suppository 02130874 terazol 3 dual pak jno 80mg vaginal suppository 00894710 terazol 3 jno tolnaftate 1% cream 00576034 tinactin sch 00614211 tinactin sch 1% powder 01919245 athletes foot spray sch 00576042 tinactin sch 02029081 zeasorb af sti 1% solution 00576026 tinactin sch 1% spray 00576050 tinactin aerosol sch 84:04.12 smma - scabicides and pediculicides bioallethrins, petroleum, piperonyl butoxide 0.66% & 33.4% & 2.64% spray 00899992 para mti crotamiton 10% cream 00623377 eurax nvc esdepallethrin, piperonyl butoxide 0.63% & 5.04% aerosol 02229874 scabene mti lindane 1% lotion 00703591 pms-lindane pms 1% shampoo 00430617 hexit odn 00703605 pms-lindane pms permethrin 5% cream 02219905 nix dermal gsk 5% lotion 02231348 kwellada-p gsk 1% rinse 02231480 kwellada-p gsk 00771368 nix wla piperonyl butoxide, pyrethrins 3% & 0.3% shampoo 02125447 r & c gsk 84:04.92 smma - miscellaneous local anti-infectives benzoyl peroxide 2.5% gel (acetone base) 00406813 acetoxyl sti 5% gel (acetone base) 00406821 acetoxyl sti 10% gel (acetone base) 00406848 acetoxyl vao 5% gel (alcohol base) 02162113 benzagel nvc 00263702 panoxyl-5 sti 10% gel (alcohol base) 00263699 panoxyl-10 sti 15% gel (alcohol base) 00403571 panoxyl-15 sti 20% gel (alcohol base) 00373036 panoxyl-20 sti 2.5% gel (water base) 02214830 panoxyl aquagel sti 4% gel (water base) 01975382 solugel sti 5% gel (water base) 00899453 benzac ac gac 01925180 benzac w5 gac * 02214849 panoxyl aquagel sti 8% gel (water base) 02019825 solugel sti 10% gel (water base) 01908871 desquam x wsb 2.5% lotion 02046539 oxy 5 gsk 5% lotion 00236063 benoxyl sti 02166607 benzagel 5 nvc 00374326 oxyderm vae 10% lotion 00370568 benoxyl sti 5% soap 00483184 panoxyl-5 sti 10% soap 00527661 panoxyl-10 sti 5% wash 00896276 benzac w gac 02162121 benzagel nvc 02214857 panoxyl sti 10% wash 01925199 benzac w gac 01908901 desquam x wsb chlorhexidine acetate 0.5% dressing 00433497 bactigras sne 00905097 bactigras 5x5cm sne * 00960330 bactigras 5x5cm sne * chlorhexidine gluconate 2% liquid 01938991 stanhexidine omg 4% liquid 01938983 stanhexidine omg hydrogen peroxide 3% liquid 00167703 hydrogen peroxide 10v rwp 00485721 hydrogen peroxide 10v rph * 00579297 peroxide d'hydrogene atl isopropyl alcohol 70% liquid 00426539 duonalc vae metronidazole 0.75% cream 02226839 metrocream gac 1% cream 02156091 noritate sac 02242919 rosasol sti 0.75% gel 02092832 metrogel gac 0.75% lotion 02248206 metrolotion gac 10% vaginal cream 01926861 flagyl sac 0.75% vaginal gel 02125226 nidagel mmh metronidazole, nystatin 100mg & 20,000u/g vaginal cream 01926845 flagystatin avt 500mg & 100,000iu vaginal suppository 01926829 flagystatin avt povidone-iodine 10% dressing 00276731 betadine swab aids pfr 10% liquid 00158348 betadine pfr selenium sulfide 2.5% lotion 00243000 selsun abb 00594601 versel vao silver sulfadiazine 1% cream 02010917 dermazin pms 00323098 flamazine sne 00896861 flamazine sne * 09854037 flamazine 50g sne * 02170310 ssd abb triclosan 0.5% liquid 00632317 tersaseptic sti 84:06.00 smma - anti-inflammatory agents amcinonide 0.1% cream 02192284 cyclocort sti 02247098 ratio-amcinonide rph 02246714 taro-amcinonide tar 0.1% lotion 02192276 cyclocort sti 02247097 ratio-amcinonide rph 0.1% ointment 02192268 cyclocort sti 02247096 ratio-amcinonide rph beclomethasone dipropionate 0.025% cream 02089602 propaderm shi betamethasone dipropionate 0.05% cream 00323071 diprosone sch 02217848 pro-sone pdl 00804991 ratio-topisone rph 02122049 rosone riv 01925350 taro-sone tar 0.05% lotion 00417246 diprosone sch 02217821 pro-sone pdl 00809187 ratio-topisone rph 02122030 rosone riv 0.05% ointment 00344923 diprosone sch 02217856 pro-sone pdl 00805009 ratio-topisone rph 02122057 rosone riv betamethasone dipropionate in propylene glycol 0.05% cream 00688622 diprolene sch 02217872 pro-lene glycol pdl 00849650 ratio-topilene glycol rph 02122073 rolene riv 0.05% lotion 00862975 diprolene sch 01927914 ratio-topilene glycol rph 02122065 rolene riv 0.05% ointment 00629367 diprolene sch 02217880 pro-lene glycol pdl 00849669 ratio-topilene glycol rph 02122081 rolene riv betamethasone dipropionate, clotrimazole 0.05% & 1% cream 00611174 lotriderm sch betamethasone dipropionate, salicylic acid 0.05% & 2% lotion 00578428 diprosalic sch 02245688 ratio-topisalic rph 0.05% & 3% ointment 00578436 diprosalic sch betamethasone disodium phosphate 0.05mg/ml enema 02060884 betnesol shi betamethasone valerate 0.05% cream 00535427 ratio-ectosone rph 0.1% cream 00716626 betaderm tar 00804541 prevex b sti 00535435 ratio-ectosone rph 0.05% lotion 00653209 ratio-ectosone rph 0.1% lotion 00750050 ratio-ectosone rph 01940112 rivasone riv 0.05% ointment 00716642 betaderm tar 0.1% ointment 00716650 betaderm tar 0.1% scalp lotion 00716634 betaderm tar 00027944 valisone sch budesonide 0.02mg/ml enema 02052431 entocort azc clobetasol propionate 0.05% cream 02245523 clobetasol propionate tar 02213265 dermovate tar 02024187 gen-clobetasol gen 02093162 novo-clobetasol nop 02232191 pms-clobetasol pms 01910272 ratio-clobetasol rph 0.05% ointment 02245524 clobetasol propionate tar 02213273 dermovate tar 02026767 gen-clobetasol gen 02126192 novo-clobetasol nop 02232193 pms-clobetasol pms 01910280 ratio-clobetasol rph 0.05% scalp lotion 02213281 dermovate tar 02216213 gen-clobetasol gen 02232195 pms-clobetasol pms 01910299 ratio-clobetasol rph 0.05% solution 02245522 clobetasol propionate tar clobetasone butyrate 0.05% cream 02214415 eumovate gsk 0.05% ointment 02214423 eumovate gsk desonide 0.05% cream 02048639 desocort gac 02229315 pms-desonide pms 02154862 tridesilon scn 0.05% lotion 02115514 desocort gac 0.05% ointment 02115522 desocort gac 02229323 pms-desonide pms 02154870 tridesilon scn desoximetasone 0.05% cream 02221918 topicort sac 0.25% cream 02221896 topicort sac 0.05% gel 02221926 topicort sac 0.25% ointment 02221934 topicort sac diflucortolone valerate 0.1% cream 00587826 nerisone sti 00587818 nerisone oily sti 0.1% ointment 00587834 nerisone sti diflucortolone valerate, salicylic acid 0.1% & 3% cream 02028719 nerisalic oily sti fluocinolone acetonide 0.025% ointment 02162512 synalar mdc 0.01% scalp lotion 00873292 derma-smoothe hil 0.01% shampoo 02242738 capex gac fluocinonide 0.05% cream 02161923 lidex mdc 00716863 lyderm opt 00908274 topactin neo * 0.05% emollient cream 02163152 lidemol mdc 00598933 tiamol tar 0.05% gel 02236997 lyderm opt 02161974 topsyn hlr 0.05% ointment 02161966 lidex hlr 02236996 lyderm opt fluticasone propionate 0.05% cream 02089912 cutivate gsk halcinonide 0.1% cream 02011921 halog wsb 0.1% ointment 02010283 halog wsb halobetasol propionate 0.05% cream 01962701 ultravate wsb 0.05% ointment 01962728 ultravate wsb hydrocortisone 0.5% cream 00513288 cortate sch 1% cream 02086034 barriere hc shi 00192597 emo cort sti 00804533 prevex hc sti 2.5% cream 00595799 emo cort sti 100mg/60ml enema 02112736 cortenema axc 00230316 hycort vae 0.5% lotion 00513253 cortate sch 1% lotion 00192600 emo cort sti 00578541 sarna hc sti 2.5% lotion 00595802 emo cort sti 00641154 emo cort scalp sti 00856711 sarna hc sti 0.5% ointment 00513261 cortate sch 00716685 cortoderm tar 1% ointment 00716693 cortoderm tar hydrocortisone acetate 10% aerosol foam 00579335 cortifoam squ 0.5% cream 00716820 hyderm tar 1% cream 00716839 hyderm tar 2% cream 00749834 neo-hc neo 1% lotion 00681997 dermaflex hc neo hydrocortisone acetate, zinc sulfate 0.5% & 0.5% ointment 02128446 anodan-hc odn 00505773 anusol hc pfi 02209764 egozinc-hc pms 00607789 ratio-hemcort hc rph 02247691 sandoz-anuzinc hc sdz 10mg & 10mg suppository 02236399 anodan-hc odn 00476285 anusol hc pfi 02210517 egozinc hc pms 00607797 ratio-hemcort hc rph 02240112 rivasol-hc riv 02242798 sab-anuzinc hc sab hydrocortisone acetate, zinc sulfate, pramoxine hcl 0.5% & 0.5% & 1% ointment 00505781 anugesic hc pfi 02234466 proctodan hc odn 02247692 sandoz-anuzinc hc plus sdz 10mg & 10mg & 20mg suppository 00476242 anugesic hc pfi 02240851 proctodan hc odn 02242797 sab-anuzinc hc plus sab hydrocortisone valerate 0.2% cream 02242984 hydroval tar 01910124 westcort wsb 0.2% ointment 02242985 hydroval tar 01910132 westcort wsb hydrocortisone, dibucaine hcl, esculin, framycetin sulfate 5mg & 5mg & 10mg & 10mg ointment 02247322 proctol odn 02223252 proctosedyl axc 02226383 ratio-proctosone rph 02242527 sandoz-proctomyxin hc sdz 5mg & 5mg & 10mg & 10mg suppository 02247882 proctol odn 02223260 proctosedyl axc 02226391 ratio-proctosone rph 02242528 sab-proctomyxin hc sab hydrocortisone, urea 1% & 10% cream 00503134 uremol hc sti 1% & 10% lotion 00560022 uremol hc sti mometasone furoate 0.1% cream 00851744 elocom sch 0.1% lotion 00871095 elocom sch 0.1% ointment 00851736 elocom sch 02244769 pms-mometasone pms 02270862 pms-mometasone pms 02248130 ratio-mometasone rph 02264749 taro-mometasone tar triamcinolone acetonide 0.1% cream 02194058 aristocort r vao 0.5% cream 02194066 aristocort c vao 0.1% ointment 02194031 aristocort r vao 01999788 kenalog orabase wsb 0.1% paste 01964054 oracort tar 84:08.00 smma - antipruritics and local anesthetics lidocaine hcl 2% liquid 01968823 lidodan viscous odn 00811874 pms-lidocaine viscous pms 00001686 xylocaine viscous azc lidocaine, prilocaine 2.5% & 2.5% cream 00886858 emla azc 2.5% & 2.5% patch 02057794 emla azc phenazopyridine hcl 100mg tablet 00271489 phenazo vae 200mg tablet 00454583 phenazo vae 84:16.00 smma - cell stimulants and proliferants tretinoin 0.01% cream 00897329 retin a jno 00657204 stieva-a sti 01926497 vitamin a acid sac 0.025% cream 00897310 retin a jno 00578576 stieva-a sti 01926500 vitamin a acid sac 0.05% cream 00443794 retin a jno 00518182 stieva-a sti 01926519 vitamin a acid sac 0.1% cream 00870021 retin a jno 00662348 stieva-a forte sti 01926527 vitamin a acid sac 0.01% gel 00587958 stieva-a sti 01926462 vitamin a acid sac 0.025% gel 00587966 stieva-a sti 01926470 vitamin a acid sac 0.05% gel 00641863 stieva-a sti 01926489 vitamin a acid sac 0.025% solution 00578568 stieva-a sti 84:24.12 basic ointments and protectants dimethicone 20% cream 02060841 barriere wpc petrolatum 67% cream 00635189 prevex sti zinc oxide 15% cream 02215799 zinc oxide cream 15% hjs 15% ointment 00907480 zinc unk * 25% ointment 00532576 ihles paste rph 40% ointment 02239160 zincofax extra strength gsk 84:28.00 keratolytic agents adapalene 0.1% cream 02231592 differin gac 0.1% gel 02148749 differin gac cantharidin 0.7% liquid 00589497 canthacur pms 00619035 cantharone dor cantharidin, podophyllin, salicylic acid 1% & 2% & 30% liquid 00772011 cantharone plus dor 1% & 5% & 30% liquid 00589500 canthacur ps pms dithranol 0.1% cream 00537594 anthranol-1 mti 0.2% cream 00537608 anthranol-2 mti 0.4% lotion 00695351 anthrascalp mti 1% ointment 00566756 anthraforte mti 2% ointment 00566748 anthraforte mti formaldehyde, lactic acid, salicylic acid 10% & 5% & 25% ointment 00513091 duoplant sti lactic acid, salicylic acid 17% & 17% liquid 00370576 duofilm sti podofilox 0.5% solution 01945149 condyline cdx podophyllin 25% liquid 00598208 podofilm pms salicylic acid 27% gel 01939645 duoforte 27 sti 20% liquid 00690333 soluver der 26% liquid 00754951 occlusal hp gen 27% liquid 00837733 soluver plus der 15% plaster 02050285 trans plantar wsb 02050293 trans-ver-sal wsb 40% plaster 01974335 clear away sch 4% shampoo 00666106 sebcur der salicylic acid, triclosan 2% & 0.5% gel 00754927 panoxyl acne sti 84:32.00 keratoplastic agents coal tar 10% gel 00344508 targel odn 20% liquid 00358495 odans liquor carbonis detergent odn 1% shampoo 00632295 tersa-tar mild sti 3% shampoo 00632309 tersa-tar sti 4.3% shampoo 00740314 pentrax gen 2.5% solution 01908855 balnetar wsb coal tar, juniper tar, pine tar 1% shampoo 00249866 polytar sti coal tar, juniper tar, pine tar, zinc pyrithione 0.166% & 0.166% & 0.166% & 1% shampoo 00628042 multi-tar plus mild vae * 0.33% & 0.33% & 0.33% & 1% shampoo 02240942 multitar plus vae coal tar, salicylic acid 8% & 2% gel 00560448 p&s plus bak * 10% & 3% liquid 00510335 targel sa odn 10% & 4% shampoo 00666114 sebcur-t der coal tar, salicylic acid, sulfur 2% & 2% & 2% shampoo 00444448 sterex ide 84:50.06 pigmenting agents methoxsalen 10mg capsule 01946374 oxsoralen vae 00252654 oxsoralen vae 00646237 ultra mop cdx 1% lotion 01907476 oxsoralen vae 00698059 ultra mop cdx 84:92.00 miscellaneous skin and mucous membrane agents acitretin soriatane should be used with caution in women of childbearing potential due to its teratogenicity.


84:00 peau & muqueuses 84:04.04 peau & muqueuses - antibiotiques acide fusidique 2% crème 00586668 fucidin leo bacitracine 500iu onguent 00584908 bacitin pms bacitracine (zinc de), polymyxine b (sulfate de) 500iu & 10,000iu onguent 02237227 polysporin antibiotique pfi clindamycine (phosphate de) 2% crème vaginale 02060604 dalacin pmj 1% solution 00582301 dalacin t pfi 02266938 taro-clindamycin tar Érythromycine, alcool Éthylique 2% & 44% solution 01902628 sans-acne gac Érythromycine, trÉtinoÏne 4% & 0.01% gel 02015994 stievamycin doux sti 4% & 0.025% gel 01905112 stievamycin sti 4% & 0.05% gel 01945262 stievamycin forte sti fusidate de sodium 2% onguent 00586676 fucidin leo gramicidine, polymyxine b (sulfate de) 0.25mg & 10,000iu crème 02230844 polysporin antibiotique pfi mupirocine 2% crème 02239757 bactroban gsk 2% onguent 01916947 bactroban gsk 02279983 taro-mupirocin 2% ointment tar polymyxine b (sulfate de), bacitracine 10,000iu & 500iu onguent 00792217 antibiotique pdd 00876488 bacimyxin pms 00621366 bioderm odn 01942921 polytopic sdz 84:04.06 peau & muqueuses - antiviraux acyclovir 5% crème 02039524 zovirax gsk 5% onguent 00569771 zovirax gsk idoxuridine 0.1% solution topique 00001317 herplex-d liquifilm all 02237187 sandoz-idoxuridine sdz 84:04.08 peau & muqueuses - fongicides clotrimazole 1% crème 02150867 canesten bcd 00812382 clotrimaderm tar 00874043 neo-zol neo 1% & 200mg crème et suppositoire vaginal 02264099 canesten 3 comfort combi pak bcd 1% & 500mg crème et suppositoire vaginal 02264102 canesten 1 comfort combi pak bcd 1% crème vaginale 02150891 canesten bcd 00812366 clotrimaderm tar 00874051 neo-zol neo 2% crème vaginale 02150905 canesten bcd 00812374 clotrimaderm tar Éconazole (nitrate d') 1% crème 02011948 ecostatin wsb 150mg suppositoire vaginal 02010267 ecostatin wsb kÉtoconazole 2% crème 02245662 ketoderm tar 00703974 nizoral mcl 2% shampoing 02182920 nizoral mcl miconazole (nitrate de) 2% crème 02085852 micatin mcl 02126567 monistat-derm mcl 2% & 100mg crème et suppositoire vaginal 02126257 monistat 7 mcl 2% & 400mg crème et suppositoire vaginal 02126249 monistat 3 mcl 2% crème vaginale 02231106 micozole tar 00980625 monistat mcl * 02084309 monistat 7 mcl 100mg suppositoire vaginal 02084295 monistat 7 mcl 400mg suppositoire vaginal 02126605 monistat 3 mcl 400mg suppositoire vaginal 02171775 miconazole vth nystatine 100,000iu comprimé vaginal 02194171 ratio-nystatin rph 100,000iu crème 00029092 mycostatin bms 00716871 nyaderm tar 02194236 ratio-nystatin rph 25,000iu crème vaginale 00716901 nyaderm tar 100,000iu crème vaginale 02194163 ratio-nystatin rph 100,000iu onguent 02194228 ratio-nystatin rph poudre 00907472 nystatine wlr * terbinafine (chlorhydrate de) 1% crème 02031094 lamisil nvr terconazole 0.4% crème vaginale 02247651 taro-terconazole tar 00894729 terazol 7 jno 0.8% crème vaginale 01934155 terazol 3 jno 0.8% & 80mg crème vaginale et suppositoire vaginal 02130874 terazol 3 dual pak jno 80mg suppositoire vaginal 00894710 terazol 3 jno tolnaftate 1% crème 00576034 tinactin sch 00614211 tinactin sch 1% poudre 01919245 pied d'athlete vaporisateur sch 00576042 tinactin sch 02029081 zeasorb af sti 1% solution 00576026 tinactin sch 1% vaporisateur 00576050 tinactin aerosol sch 84:04.12 peau & muqueuses - parasiticides bioallÉthrine, pÉtrole, pipÉronyle (butoxyde de) 0.66% & 33.4% & 2.64% vaporisateur 00899992 para mti crotamiton 10% crème 00623377 eurax nvc esdÉpallÉthrine, pipÉronyle (butoxyde de) 0.63% & 5.04% aérosol 02229874 scabene mti lindane 1% lotion 00703591 pms-lindane pms 1% shampoing 00430617 hexit odn 00703605 pms-lindane pms permÉthrine 5% crème 02219905 nix dermal gsk 5% lotion 02231348 kwellada-p gsk 1% rince 02231480 kwellada-p gsk 00771368 nix wla pipÉronyle (butoxyde de), pyrÉthrine 3% & 0.3% shampoing 02125447 r & c gsk 84:04.92 peau & muqueuses - autres anti-infectieux alcool isopropylique 70% liquide 00426539 duonalc vae argent (sulfadiazine d') 1% crème 02010917 dermazin pms 00323098 flamazine sne 00896861 flamazine sne * 09854037 flamazine 50g sne * 02170310 ssd abb benzoyle (peroxide de) 2.5% gel (base d'acétone) 00406813 acetoxyl sti 5% gel (base d'acétone) 00406821 acetoxyl sti 10% gel (base d'acétone) 00406848 acetoxyl vao 5% gel (base d'alcool) 02162113 benzagel nvc 00263702 panoxyl-5 sti 10% gel (base d'alcool) 00263699 panoxyl-10 sti 15% gel (base d'alcool) 00403571 panoxyl-15 sti 20% gel (base d'alcool) 00373036 panoxyl-20 sti 2.5% gel (base d'eau) 02214830 panoxyl aquagel sti 4% gel (base d'eau) 01975382 solugel sti 5% gel (base d'eau) 00899453 benzac ac gac 01925180 benzac w5 gac * 02214849 panoxyl aquagel sti 8% gel (base d'eau) 02019825 solugel sti 10% gel (base d'eau) 01908871 desquam x wsb 2.5% lotion 02046539 oxy 5 gsk 5% lotion 00236063 benoxyl sti 02166607 benzagel 5 nvc 00374326 oxyderm vae 10% lotion 00370568 benoxyl sti 5% nettoyeur 00896276 benzac w gac 02162121 benzagel nvc 02214857 panoxyl sti 10% nettoyeur 01925199 benzac w gac 01908901 desquam x wsb 5% savon 00483184 panoxyl-5 sti 10% savon 00527661 panoxyl-10 sti chlorhexidine (acÉtate de) 0.5% pansement 00433497 bactigras sne 00905097 bactigras 5x5cm sne * 00960330 bactigras 5x5cm sne * chlorhexidine (gluconate de) 2% liquide 01938991 stanhexidine omg 4% liquide 01938983 stanhexidine omg mÉtronidazole 0.75% crème 02226839 metrocream gac 1% crème 02156091 noritate sac 02242919 rosasol sti 10% crème vaginale 01926861 flagyl sac 0.75% gel 02092832 metrogel gac 0.75% gel vaginal 02125226 nidagel mmh 0.75% lotion 02248206 metrolotion gac mÉtronidazole, nystatine 100mg & 20,000u/g crème vaginale 01926845 flagystatin avt 500mg & 100,000iu suppositoire vaginal 01926829 flagystatin avt peroxide d'hydrogÈne 3% liquide 00579297 peroxide d'hydrogene atl 00485721 peroxide d'hydrogene 10v rph * 00167703 peroxide d'hydrogene 10v rwp povidone 10% pansement 00276731 betadine tampons pfr povidone-iodine 10% liquide 00158348 betadine pfr sÉlÉnium (sulfure de) 2.5% lotion 00243000 selsun abb 00594601 versel vao triclosan 0.5% liquide 00632317 tersaseptic sti 84:06.00 peau & muqueuses - anti-inflammatoires amcinonide 0.1% crème 02192284 cyclocort sti 02247098 ratio-amcinonide rph 02246714 taro-amcinonide tar 0.1% lotion 02192276 cyclocort sti 02247097 ratio-amcinonide rph 0.1% onguent 02192268 cyclocort sti 02247096 ratio-amcinonide rph budÉsonide 0.02mg/ml lavement 02052431 entocort azc bÉclomÉthasone (dipropionate de) 0.025% crème 02089602 propaderm shi bÉtamÉthasone (dipropionate de) 0.05% crème 00323071 diprosone sch 02217848 pro-sone pdl 00804991 ratio-topisone rph 02122049 rosone riv 01925350 taro-sone tar 0.05% lotion 00417246 diprosone sch 02217821 pro-sone pdl 00809187 ratio-topisone rph 02122030 rosone riv 0.05% onguent 00344923 diprosone sch 02217856 pro-sone pdl 00805009 ratio-topisone rph 02122057 rosone riv bÉtamÉthasone (dipropionate de) dans propylÈne glycol 0.05% crème 00688622 diprolene sch 02217872 pro-lene glycol pdl 00849650 ratio-topilene glycol rph 02122073 rolene riv 0.05% lotion 00862975 diprolene sch 01927914 ratio-topilene glycol rph 02122065 rolene riv 0.05% onguent 00629367 diprolene sch 02217880 pro-lene glycol pdl 00849669 ratio-topilene glycol rph 02122081 rolene riv bÉtamÉthasone (dipropionate de), acide salicylique 0.05% & 2% lotion 00578428 diprosalic sch 02245688 ratio-topisalic rph 0.05% & 3% onguent 00578436 diprosalic sch bÉtamÉthasone (dipropionate de), clotrimazole 0.05% & 1% crème 00611174 lotriderm sch bÉtamÉthasone (phosphate disodique de) 0.05mg/ml lavement 02060884 betnesol shi bÉtamÉthasone (valÉrate de) 0.05% crème 00535427 ratio-ectosone rph 0.1% crème 00716626 betaderm tar 00804541 prevex b sti 00535435 ratio-ectosone rph 0.05% lotion 00653209 ratio-ectosone rph 0.1% lotion 00750050 ratio-ectosone rph 01940112 rivasone riv 0.1% lotion capillaire 00716634 betaderm tar 00027944 valisone sch 0.05% onguent 00716642 betaderm tar 0.1% onguent 00716650 betaderm tar clobÉtasol (propionate de) 0.05% crème 02245523 clobetasol propionate tar 02213265 dermovate tar 02024187 gen-clobetasol gen 02093162 novo-clobetasol nop 02232191 pms-clobetasol pms 01910272 ratio-clobetasol rph 0.05% lotion capillaire 02213281 dermovate tar 02216213 gen-clobetasol gen 02232195 pms-clobetasol pms 01910299 ratio-clobetasol rph 0.05% onguent 02245524 clobetasol propionate tar 02213273 dermovate tar 02026767 gen-clobetasol gen 02126192 novo-clobetasol nop 02232193 pms-clobetasol pms 01910280 ratio-clobetasol rph 0.05% solution 02245522 clobetasol propionate tar clobÉtasone (butyrate de) 0.05% crème 02214415 eumovate gsk 0.05% onguent 02214423 eumovate gsk diflucortolone (valÉrate de) 0.1% crème 00587826 nerisone sti 00587818 nerisone huileuse sti 0.1% onguent 00587834 nerisone sti diflucortolone (valÉrate de), acide salicylique 0.1% & 3% crème 02028719 nerisalic huileuese sti dÉsonide 0.05% crème 02048639 desocort gac 02229315 pms-desonide pms 02154862 tridesilon scn 0.05% lotion 02115514 desocort gac 0.05% onguent 02115522 desocort gac 02229323 pms-desonide pms 02154870 tridesilon scn dÉsoximÉtasone 0.05% crème 02221918 topicort sac 0.25% crème 02221896 topicort sac 0.05% gel 02221926 topicort sac 0.25% onguent 02221934 topicort sac fluocinolone (acÉtonide de) 0.01% lotion capillaire 00873292 derma-smoothe hil 0.025% onguent 02162512 synalar mdc 0.01% shampoing 02242738 capex gac fluocinonide 0.05% crème 02161923 lidex mdc 00716863 lyderm opt 00908274 topactin neo * 0.05% crème émolliente 02163152 lidemol mdc 00598933 tiamol tar 0.05% gel 02236997 lyderm opt 02161974 topsyn hlr 0.05% onguent 02161966 lidex hlr 02236996 lyderm opt fluticasone (propionate de) 0.05% crème 02089912 cutivate gsk halcinonide 0.1% crème 02011921 halog wsb 0.1% onguent 02010283 halog wsb halobÉtasol (propionate d') 0.05% crème 01962701 ultravate wsb 0.05% onguent 01962728 ultravate wsb hydrocortisone 0.5% crème 00513288 cortate sch 1% crème 02086034 barriere hc shi 00192597 emo cort sti 00804533 prevex hc sti 2.5% crème 00595799 emo cort sti 100mg/60ml lavement 02112736 cortenema axc 00230316 hycort vae 0.5% lotion 00513253 cortate sch 1% lotion 00192600 emo cort sti 00578541 sarna hc sti 2.5% lotion 00595802 emo cort sti 00641154 emo-cort capillaire sti 00856711 sarna hc sti 0.5% onguent 00513261 cortate sch 00716685 cortoderm tar 1% onguent 00716693 cortoderm tar hydrocortisone (acÉtate d') 0.5% crème 00716820 hyderm tar 1% crème 00716839 hyderm tar 2% crème 00749834 neo-hc neo 1% lotion 00681997 dermaflex hc neo 10% mousse en aérosol 00579335 cortifoam squ hydrocortisone (acÉtate d'), zinc (sulfate de) 0.5% & 0.5% onguent 02128446 anodan-hc odn 00505773 anusol hc pfi 02209764 egozinc-hc pms 00607789 ratio-hemcort hc rph 02247691 sandoz-anuzinc hc sdz 10mg & 10mg suppositoire 02236399 anodan-hc odn 00476285 anusol hc pfi 02210517 egozinc hc pms 00607797 ratio-hemcort hc rph 02240112 rivasol-hc riv 02242798 sab-anuzinc hc sab hydrocortisone (acÉtate d'), zinc (sulfate de), pramoxine (chlorhydrate de) 0.5% & 0.5% & 1% onguent 00505781 anugesic hc pfi 02234466 proctodan hc odn 02247692 sandoz-anuzinc hc plus sdz 10mg & 10mg & 20mg suppositoire 00476242 anugesic hc pfi 02240851 proctodan hc odn 02242797 sab-anuzinc hc plus sab hydrocortisone (valÉrate d') 0.2% crème 02242984 hydroval tar 01910124 westcort wsb 0.2% onguent 02242985 hydroval tar 01910132 westcort wsb hydrocortisone, dibucaÏne (chlorhydrate de), esculine, framycÉtine (sulfate de) 5mg & 5mg & 10mg & 10mg onguent 02247322 proctol odn 02223252 proctosedyl axc 02226383 ratio-proctosone rph 02242527 sandoz-proctomyxin hc sdz 5mg & 5mg & 10mg & 10mg suppositoire 02247882 proctol odn 02223260 proctosedyl axc 02226391 ratio-proctosone rph 02242528 sab-proctomyxin hc sab hydrocortisone, urÉe 1% & 10% crème 00503134 uremol hc sti 1% & 10% lotion 00560022 uremol hc sti momÉtasone (furoate de) 0.1% crème 00851744 elocom sch 0.1% lotion 00871095 elocom sch 0.1% onguent 00851736 elocom sch 02244769 pms-mometasone pms 02270862 pms-mometasone pms 02248130 ratio-mometasone rph 02264749 taro-mometasone tar triamcinolone (acÉtonide de) 0.1% crème 02194058 aristocort r vao 0.5% crème 02194066 aristocort c vao 0.1% onguent 02194031 aristocort r vao 01999788 kenalog orabase wsb 0.1% pâte 01964054 oracort tar 84:08.00 peau & muqueuses - antiprurigineux et anesthÉsiques locaux lidocaÏne (chlorhydrate de) 2% liquide 01968823 lidodan visqueuse odn 00811874 pms-lidocaine visqueuse pms 00001686 xylocaine visqueuse azc lidocaÏne, prilocaÏne 2.5% & 2.5% crème 00886858 emla azc 2.5% & 2.5% timbre cutané 02057794 emla azc phÉnazopyridine (chlorhydrate de) 100mg comprimé 00271489 phenazo vae 200mg comprimé 00454583 phenazo vae 84:16.00 peau & muqueuses - stimulants croissance et prolifÉration c trÉtinoÏne 0.01% crème 00897329 retin a jno 00657204 stieva-a sti 01926497 vitamin a acide sac 0.025% crème 00897310 retin a jno 00578576 stieva-a sti 01926500 vitamin a acide sac 0.05% crème 00443794 retin a jno 00518182 stieva-a sti 01926519 vitamin a acide sac 0.1% crème 00870021 retin a jno 00662348 stieva-a forte sti 01926527 vitamin a acide sac 0.01% gel 00587958 stieva-a sti 01926462 vitamin a acide sac 0.025% gel 00587966 stieva-a sti 01926470 vitamin a acide sac 0.05% gel 00641863 stieva-a sti 01926489 vitamin a acide sac 0.025% solution 00578568 stieva-a sti 84:24.12 onguents de base et protecteurs dimÉthicone 20% crème 02060841 barriere wpc vaseline 67% crème 00635189 prevex sti zinc (oxyde de) 15% crème 02215799 zinc oxide cream 15% hjs 15% onguent 00907480 zinc unk * 25% onguent 00532576 pate d'ihles rph 40% onguent 02239160 zincofax extra fort gsk 84:28.00 kÉratolytiques acide lactique, acide salicylique 17% & 17% liquide 00370576 duofilm sti acide salicylique 15% emplâtre 02050285 trans plantar wsb 02050293 trans-ver-sal wsb 40% emplâtre 01974335 clear away sch 27% gel 01939645 duoforte 27 sti 20% liquide 00690333 soluver der 26% liquide 00754951 occlusal hp gen 27% liquide 00837733 soluver plus der 4% shampoing 00666106 sebcur der acide salicylique, triclosan 2% & 0.5% gel 00754927 panoxyl acne sti adapalÈne 0.1% crème 02231592 differin gac 0.1% gel 02148749 differin gac cantharidine 0.7% liquide 00589497 canthacur pms 00619035 cantharone dor cantharidine, podophylline, acide salicylique 1% & 2% & 30% liquide 00772011 cantharone plus dor 1% & 5% & 30% liquide 00589500 canthacur ps pms dithranol 0.1% crème 00537594 anthranol-1 mti 0.2% crème 00537608 anthranol-2 mti 0.4% lotion 00695351 anthrascalp mti 1% onguent 00566756 anthraforte mti 2% onguent 00566748 anthraforte mti formaldÉhyde, acide lactique, acide salicylique 10% & 5% & 25% onguent 00513091 duoplant sti podofilox 0.5% solution 01945149 condyline cdx podophylline 25% liquide 00598208 podofilm pms 84:32.00 kÉratoplastiques goudron de houille 10% gel 00344508 targel odn 20% liquide 00358495 odans liquor carbonis detergent odn 1% shampoing 00632295 tersa-tar doux sti 3% shampoing 00632309 tersa-tar sti 4.3% shampoing 00740314 pentrax gen 2.5% solution 01908855 balnetar wsb goudron de houille, acide salicylique 8% & 2% gel 00560448 p&s plus bak * 10% & 3% liquide 00510335 targel sa odn 10% & 4% shampoing 00666114 sebcur-t der goudron de houille, acide salicylique, soufre 2% & 2% & 2% shampoing 00444448 sterex ide goudron de houille, goudron de gÉnÉvrier, goudron de pin 1% shampoing 00249866 polytar sti goudron de houille, goudron de gÉnÉvrier, goudron de pin, zinc (pyrithione de) 0.166% & 0.166% & 0.166% & 1% shampoing 00628042 multi-tar plus doux vae * 0.33% & 0.33% & 0.33% & 1% shampoing 02240942 multitar plus vae 84:50.06 agents mÉlanisants mÉthoxsalen 10mg capsule 00252654 oxsoralen vae 01946374 oxsoralen vae 00646237 ultra mop cdx 1% lotion 01907476 oxsoralen vae 00698059 ultra mop cdx 84:92.00 peau et muqueuses divers acitrÉtine le soriatane étant tératogène, les femmes fertiles ne doivent pas le recevoir tant que la possibilité de grossesse n'est pas exclue.

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