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o.j. ) and section 1,4. zii *rra p. 257.


(3) enumeres à l'annexe i (cee) etil (euratom), page 255 et pa ge 257.

Последнее обновление: 2014-02-06
Частота использования: 1


( ~ee l!sf1li~ctny, augttst 17 : "5econds after takroll, lrlt engine explode ; ~tnli pl,tne irashrs, . . fbi agents were ~enl tu ~heik rehorts (ol ,aholagej ." ) imc~~tigalur~ quickly scotihcll lltr s,thc~tagc aicuunt . next avas thr ~,~eather thrurv, tts in 11'hvi)-she:';1r luurn,tlists arc rcputcd tu be a skehti~,tl 6uarm~~'g l1;as istii~ei) i tic'rrnir lut,111hy, tlten, do thuse assigned tu fre'c' f'r~'<~, le .~d headlin~, strihped ,tir .ricilirnts so otten give credence a~russ lop nf hage one, augusl lyl . tu half-halced theuries' 1'1'ind-tihcar, too, was ln rnanv cases, the reasc~n yui~kly playrd duwn bv mw h~ inexperienie . journalists are invcstikaturs . at last, on eaih irash is a hig loial l1ugu~l zii, news organirep uted to be a ne+vs event, clra+ving zatiuns hit upon the skep ticallot. duzens or hunllrcds u( explanatiun that ofticials wh ; tlrerr, do ne+vspeople who have prnhinl; thr irash ultincve-r iovered aviation those assigrred m~tl~lv acc~ptrll : the hrforc and are unt;tmiliar to air acciderrts plane'~ wing tlaps +vrre +vith the pittalls cri acc:inut cxtrnded prior to so 0 erl kive dent reporting . "'l'he,v l,tkrulf, i i;uesti this all credence to r»ighi have hern ~uvergors lu shutv lh ;tt if vou ltalf baked ing ihe upening oi a firc~ cnough ruund~ vou shupping mall ihc dav theories? mil;ht ev~~ntualh hc luckv hclcuc, thev dun't h~tvc c'nc~ugh tn hit a target . the haikgruund,ttnd of iuur~r thl' fr -rst thin g thrv ~+'3nl (lt do , 'i'here are hlent<~ of other, less egregious is tind uut +r ha t ~au sed the ~t~cillrnt , examl,, ni yuestion~tble ailident lc, ~uveragc . l~ur exrtmple, t+~hen a hlanr savs l,c~hatkiewiiz . crashes, nctti~spahers frequently tvill print a list uf carlic~r ntishaps invulvillg lhl `anle lttake hl airiratt-~t feehlc ~t,lh ,rt exhlaining what nught have h,lhpl~nrd heti~re anvone knuw, it lhrre i-s any linkage hettvcrn p ;tst mishap~ ancl lhc crash in yuestiun . t hu,, +~~hcn a l~rench l'ta i)( :-10 clisahhearcd uvcr :lfriia lrtst fall, the 11'crshin,~torr pcrs1 accotutt (sehtember ?(l, 1 yhy ~ mentiuntd ,tn earlier u(~-lil irash in sioux ~it~~ th,rf


1~'riters associati~~n, cxpliyur tl~utes lcs prec ;tutiun> yue devrait prendre un rept~rtcr cou~ rant un tcrasenlenl . ~~ne tire~ h .~ .~ dc ittnilusinns trc~p fall 1c iliilcc ;llit .

Последнее обновление: 2015-05-14
Частота использования: 1

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