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Последнее обновление: 2018-12-24
Частота использования: 2


four pairs of antlers were mounted on the wall .


दीवार पर जडे चार जोडे हिरन के सींग ।

Последнее обновление: 2020-05-24
Частота использования: 1


in the forest we saw a herd of deer some with huge antlers .


इस जंगल में हमने हिरण के झुंड को देखा जिसमें से कुछ के विशाल मृग श्रृंग हैं ।

Последнее обновление: 2020-05-24
Частота использования: 1


on maturity , when the antlers are hard , the sheath is shed off , which is during the breeding season .


वयस्क होने पर जब सींग कठोर हो जाते है तो आवरण हट जाता हैं एकसा प्रजनन ऋतु के दौरान होता हैं ।

Последнее обновление: 2020-05-24
Частота использования: 1


cervus duvauceli g . cuvier swamp deer is a magnificent animal with branched antlers and because of this is popularly known as barasingha .


दुर्लभ , संकटग्रस्त जातियां / 47 सेरवस दुवौसेली जी . कुवियर बारहसिंगा शाखायुक्त सींगों वाला शानदार प्राणी है जिसके कारण यह ‘बारहसिंगा’ के नाम से प्रसिद्ध है ।

Последнее обновление: 2020-05-24
Частота использования: 1


the full - grown male has a rich black coat with a white underneath and strikingly lovely spiralled antlers which give it a very handsome appearance .


नर का शरीर पीठ पर चटक काला होता है , नीचे पेट पर का हिस्सा सफेद होता है , दो घुमावदार खूबसूरत सींग होते हैं जिससे वह बहुत शानदार लगता है ।

Последнее обновление: 2020-05-24
Частота использования: 1


deer , indian animalthe indian deer is a member of the cervidae family and is the most beautiful animal species on earth. the male deer in india is a called stags, harts, bucks or bulls that depends on the species to which they belong. the female deer is called does or hinds. there are nearly thirty-four species of deer. the axis deer is also known as chital deer or spotted deer and belongs to the indian subcontinent. it is the most widespread deer species available in india. the brow antlered deer is also called eld's deer, sangai deer and thamin deer and even dancing deer. this deer lives for nearly three years and there are three subspecies of this deer. the hog deer is found in the northern parts of india. the muntjac deer is extremely docile and they are also called kakad deer or the barking deer. their call is very similar to that of a barking dog and therefore they are named so. the musk deer is one of the endangered deer species in india and all over the world. the sambar deer is dark brown in colour and can be distinguished from the chestnut marks on the rump as well as the lower parts of the body. these deer are known for their beautiful manes. the adult sambar deer can weigh as much as three hundred kilograms. they are not spotted from birth and they develop these gradually after birth. c the swamp deer is known as barasingha and is one of the rare deer species in the indian subcontinent as well as in the world. they can only be seen in the protected sanctuaries. it is called barasingha because of its large antlers. essay about-deer


निबंध के बारे में-हिरण

Последнее обновление: 2015-10-21
Частота использования: 3

Источник: Анонимно

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