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akroniem vir telkom


acronym for telkom

Последнее обновление: 2022-01-20
Частота использования: 1

Источник: Анонимно


afkorting vir telkom


abbreviation for telkom

Последнее обновление: 2020-02-07
Частота использования: 1

Источник: Анонимно


lêer assosiasies hierdie module laat jou toe om programme met lêer tipes te assosieer. daar word ook na lêer tipes verwys as mime tipes. mime is 'n akroniem vir "multipurpose internet mail extensions".' n lêer assosiasie bestaan uit die volgende items: reëls om te bepaal wat die mime- tipe van 'n lêer is, bv. die patroon' *. kwd ', wat beteken:' alle lêers wat eindig met. kwd is geassosieer met die mime- tipe "x- kword" 'n kort beskrywing oor die mime- tipe, bv.' k word dokument 'vir "x- kword"' n ikoon vir die mime- tipe, sodat die tipe lêer maklik geidentifiseer kan word in konqueror' n lys van programme wat hierdie mime- tipe kan oopmaak. die lys is volgens prioriteit gesorteer. party programme het geen mime- tipe met hulle geassosieer nie. in so 'n geval sal konquerer probeer om die mime- tipe te raai deur die inhoud van die lêer te ondersoek.


file associations this module allows you to choose which applications are associated with a given type of file. file types are also referred to as mime types (mime is an acronym which stands for "multipurpose internet mail extensions"). a file association consists of the following: rules for determining the mime-type of a file, for example the filename pattern *. png, which means'all files with names that end in. png ', is associated with the mime type "image/ png"; a short description of the mime-type, for example the description of the mime type "image/ png" is simply'png image'; an icon to be used for displaying files of the given mime-type, so that you can easily identify the type of file in a file manager or file-selection dialog (at least for the types you use often); a list of the applications which can be used to open files of the given mime-type -- if more than one application can be used then the list is ordered by priority. you may be surprised to find that some mime types have no associated filename patterns; in these cases, kde is able to determine the mime-type by directly examining the contents of the file.

Последнее обновление: 2011-10-23
Частота использования: 2

Источник: Анонимно
Предупреждение: Содержит скрытое HTML-форматирование

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