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deuent o ystod eang o allu a chefndiroedd cymdeithasol ac academaidd


they came from a wide range of social and academic background and abilities

Последнее обновление: 2009-11-19
Частота использования: 1

Источник: Translated.com


mae'n ffordd ragorol o gadw staff a , gobeithio , denu staff i gymru os gallwn ddangos iddynt y caent well cyfleoedd i hyfforddi a hybu eu medrau proffesiynol os deuent i gymru


it is an excellent way of retaining staff and hopefully attracting staff to wales if we can show them that they would have better opportunities to train and pursue their professional skills if they came to wales

Последнее обновление: 2009-11-19
Частота использования: 1

Источник: Translated.com


carwyn jones : gallaf roi sicrwydd llwyr na wnâi stephen byers dynnu'r ddau gorff hyn oddi wrth ei gilydd , pe deuent ynghyd , gan nad yw yn y swydd honno bellach


carwyn jones : i can give a categoric assurance that stephen byers would not break up these two organisations , if they came together , as he is no longer in office

Последнее обновление: 2009-11-19
Частота использования: 1

Источник: Translated.com


prif weinidog cymru : byddwch yn falch o glywed , o 10 ardal yr heddluoedd y barnwyd fod ganddynt broblemau mor ddifrifol gyda throseddau ar y stryd nes y deuent dan adain mesur arbennig prif weinidog y du i ddelio â throseddau ar y stryd , nad oedd yr un ohonynt yng nghymru


the first minister : you will be pleased to hear that none of the 10 police force areas that were regarded as having such serious problems of street crime that they would come under the wing of the prime minister's special street crime initiative were in wales

Последнее обновление: 2009-11-19
Частота использования: 1

Источник: Translated.com


david davies : a yw'r aelod yn cytuno , er ei bod yn holl bwysig croesawu ffoaduriaid gwirioneddol i'r wlad hon a sicrhau eu bod yn derbyn gofal da , na ddylem wrth wneud hynny ganiatáu i sefyllfa ddatblygu lle y mae pobl ifanc , sydd â'r mwyaf i'w gyfrannu i economi'r gwledydd y deuant ohonynt , yn dod i brydain dim ond am ei bod o fantais economaidd iddynt wneud hynny ? rhaid inni sicrhau bod ceisiwyr nodded gwirioneddol yn cael eu gwahanu oddi wrth yr ymfudwyr economaidd nad ydynt ond yn dod yma am well ffordd o fyw , yn enwedig gan y byddai hynny er niwed i'w gwledydd eu hunain , pe deuent yma yn eu niferoedd


david davies : does the member agree that , while it is vital that we welcome genuine refugees into this country and ensure that they are well looked after , at the same time we should not allow a situation to develop where young people , who have the most to put back into the economies of the countries from which they come , come to britain simply because it is of economic benefit to them to do so ? we must ensure that genuine asylum seekers are separated from the economic migrants who simply come here for a better way of life , particularly as , if those people were to come here in large numbers , that would be to the detriment of their own countries

Последнее обновление: 2009-11-19
Частота использования: 1

Источник: Translated.com

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