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conozco a alguien que es un



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¡manos arriba esto es un atraco!handen omhoog!


¡manos arriba esto es un atraco!hands up!

Последнее обновление: 2016-02-24
Частота использования: 1


740674ce2123a969 és l'identificador de galeta únic que es va assignar a aquest equip la primera vegada que es va fer servir per visitar google.


740674ce2123a969 is the unique cookie id that was assigned to this computer the first time it was used to visit google.

Последнее обновление: 2022-08-26
Частота использования: 1

Источник: Анонимно


* sieyes, "¿qué es el tercer estado?


* sieyes, "¿qué es el tercer estado?

Последнее обновление: 2016-03-03
Частота использования: 1

Источник: Анонимно
Предупреждение: Содержит скрытое HTML-форматирование


»a) la prueba de que los productos se han despachado al consumo en un estado miembro en el que es aplicable el montante compensatorio de adhesión; dicha prueba se aportará:".


'a) la prueba de que los productos se han despachado al consumo en un estado miembro para el cual es aplicable el montante compensatorio de adhesión, dicha prueba se aportará:'.

Последнее обновление: 2019-05-31
Частота использования: 1

Источник: Анонимно
Предупреждение: Содержит скрытое HTML-форматирование


1: succion panique du soleil" en "morphology"* 1938: "the red sun", "space travel (star travel)", "to both of you", "crucifiction (croix fiction)", de serie werken genaamd "psychological morphology" en "morphology of desire"* 1939: meer werken in de serie "psychological morphology" en "water"* 1940: "dark light"* 1941: "invasion of the night", "ecouter vivre", "théorie de l’arbre", "composition abstraite", "the initiation (origine d’un extrême)" en "foeu"* 1942: "the hanged man", "the end of everything", "the disasters of mysticism" en "the apples we know"* 1943: "l’oeyx", "el día es un atentado" en "redness of lead"* 1944: omslag voor het tijdschrift "vvv", "to escape the absolute", "et at it", "le glaive et la parole" en "poing d’hurlement"* 1945: "la femme affamée", "abstracto", "the heart players" en "rêve ou morte"* 1946: "le pélerin du doute" en "a grave situation"* 1947: "accidentalité", "metamatician # 12", "how-ever" en "black mirror"* 1948: "wound interrogation" en "the prophet"* 1949: "la revécue" en "woman looked at"* 1950: "c’ontra vosotvos asesinon de palomas"* 1951: "ne songe plus à fuir" en "les roses sont belles"* 1952: "pecador justificado" en "eclosion"* 1953: "morning on earth", "hills a poppin", "the murder of the rosenbergs", "l’hosticier" en "l’apetite de primer"* 1954: "abrir los brazos como se abren los ojos", "bud sucker", "the chess player", "l’atout" en "tados juntos en la tierra"* 1955: "le long pont", "spearcing of the grain", "l’engin dans l’Éminence" en "intervision"* 1956:"banale de venise", "heart malitte", "fleur de midi" en "le pianiste"* 1957: "le point d’ombre", "l’impencible", "the and of think" en "ciel volante"* 1958: "la chasse spirituelle" (begonnen in 1957), "Être cible nous monde", "l’etang de no", "the infancy of concentration", "les eviteurs" en "le courier"* 1959: "un soleil à qui sait reunir", "les faiseurs du neant", "the clan" en "l’impensable (grand personage)"* 1960: "couple iv" (begonnen in 1959), "Être atout" (five part suite), "vers l’universe", "ciudad cósmica" en "design of intuition"* 1961: "vivir enfrentando las flechas"* 1962: "les moyens du creafeur", "claustrophobic vaincue" en "mal de terre"* 1963: "eve vielle"* 1964: "Éros semens" (drieluik, begonnen in 1962) en "la luz del proscrito" (begonnen in 1963)* 1965: "la térre uni"* 1966: "le où a marée haute" en "la promenade de vénus"* 1967: "signe of the times" en "morire per amore"* 1968: "malitte" (uit modules bestaand meubilair, ontworpen tussen 1966 en 1968) en "la caza de adolescentes"* 1969: "lieberos", "nude hiding in the forest" en "verginosamente"* 1970: "elle logela folie", "je-ographie", "el hombre de la lampara" en "magritta chair"* 1971: "otto por tre" en "paralelles de la viel"* 1972: "coigitum" en "the upheaval of one’s ocean"* 1973: "la vida allende la muerte", "senile d’incertitude", "migration des révoltes" en "hom’mer (chaosmos)" (suite van tien aquatint-etsen)* 1974: "explosant fixe", "je m’espionne", "deep mars", "l’aube permanente" en "cadran d’incendies"* 1975: "mas ceilin" en "illumine le temps"* 1976: "wake" (begonnen in 1974), "une d’une" en "les voix des temples"* 1977: "rooming life", "l’ombre de l’invisible" en "ouvre l’instant"* 1978: "carré-four" en "dedalopolous"* 1979: "polimorfologia"* 1980: "il proprio corno mio", "laocoontare (la guerra delle idee)" en "pyrocentre"* 1981: "las scillabas de scylla", "el espejo de cronos" en "el verbo américa"* 1982: "geomagnética de danza" (started in 1981), "ils sexplose", "passo interno di mercurio", "labirintad" en "the sign"* 1983: "morphologie de la gaîté", "logos men" en "artificial lucidity"* 1984: "ecran de la mémoire" en "le dauphin de la memoire"* 1985: "l'espace du point"* 1986: "mi-mosa", "24 mai 1986", "une pierre qui regagnera le ciel and oeramen", "la conscience est un arbre vetroresina"* 1987: "d’Âme et d’eve"* 1988: "Être cri"* 1989: "violetation" en "l’envenement non identifié"* 1990: "a l’intérieur de la rose", "omnipuissance du rouge", "navigateur" en "haiku"* 1991: "parmi les désirs" en "ma dame"* 1992: "champ du vide", "cosmo-now", "le désnomeur rénomme" en "farfallacqua"* 1993: "leaving your grass", "vertige du vertige", "torinox" en "colomberos"* 1994: "vent d’atomes"* 1995: "les arpèges", "l’Âme du fond" en "melodia-melodio"* 1996: "the road to heaven", "storming water river" en "redness of blue"* 1997: "flowerita" en "oak flower"* 1998: "youniverso"* 1999: "blanche ou fleur"* 2000: "n’ou’s autres"* 2002: "post history chicken flowers", "la dulce acqua vita" en "la source du calme"== zie ook ==* lijst van deelnemers aan documenta== externe links ==* "the art of matta": biografie en honderden afbeeldingen* exhibitions, galleries and museums* morphologies psychologique


1: succion panique du soleil" and "morphology" (1937)* "the red sun", "space travel (star travel)", "to both of you", "crucifiction (croix fiction)", several works titled "psychological morphology" and "morphology of desire" (1938)* more works titled "psychological morphology" and "water" (1939)* "dark light" (1940)* "invasion of the night", "ecouter vivre", "théorie de l’arbre", "composition abstraite", "the initiation (origine d’un extrême)" and "foeu" (1941)* "the hanged man", "the end of everything", "the disasters of mysticism" and "the apples we know" (1942)* "l’oeyx", "el día es un atentado" and "redness of lead" (1943)* cover art for the final issue of the magazine "vvv", "to escape the absolute", "et at it", "le glaive et la parole" and "poing d’hurlement" (1944)* "la femme affamée", "abstracto", "the heart players" and "rêve ou morte" (1945)* "le pélerin du doute" and "a grave situation" (1946)* "accidentalité", "metamatician # 12" and "black mirror" (1947)* "wound interrogation" and "the prophet" (1948)* "la revécue" and "woman looked at" (1949)* "c’ontra vosotvos asesinon de palomas" (1950)* "ne songe plus à fuir" and "les roses sont belles" (1951)* "pecador justificado" and "eclosion" (1952)* "morning on earth", "hills a poppin", "the murder of the rosenbergs", "l’hosticier" and "l’apetite de primer" (1953)* "abrir los brazos como se abren los ojos", "bud sucker", "the chess player", "l’atout" and "tados juntos en la tierra" (1954)* "le long pont", "spearcing of the grain", "l’engin dans l’Éminence" and "intervision" (1955)* "banale de venise", "heart malitte", "fleur de midi" and "le pianiste" (1956)* "le point d’ombre", "l’impencible", "the and of think" and "ciel volante" (1957)* "la chasse spirituelle" (started in 1957), "Être cible nous monde", "l’etang de no", "the infancy of concentration", "les eviteurs" and "le courier" (1958)* "un soleil à qui sait reunir", "les faiseurs du neant", "the clan" and "l’impensable (grand personage)" (1959)* "couple iv" (started in 1959), "Être atout" (five part suite), "vers l’universe", "ciudad cósmica" and "design of intuition" (1960)* "vivir enfrentando las flechas" (1961)* "les moyens du creafeur", "claustrophobic vaincue" and "mal de terre" (1962)* "eve vielle" (1963)* "Éros semens" (triptych, started in 1962) and "la luz del proscrito" (started in 1963) (1964)* "la térre uni" (1965)* "le où a marée haute" and "la promenade de vénus" (1966)* "signe of the times" and "morire per amore" (1967)* "malitte" (modular furniture set designed between 1966 and 1968) and "la caza de adolescentes" (1968)* "lieberos", "nude hiding in the forest" and "verginosamente" (1969)* "elle logela folie", "je-ographie", "el hombre de la lampara" and "magritta chair" (1970)* "otto por tre", "el primer gol del pueblo chileno" and "paralelles de la viel" (1971)* "coigitum" and "the upheaval of one’s ocean" (1972)* "la vida allende la muerte", "senile d’incertitude", "migration des révoltes" and "hom’mer (chaosmos)" (suite of ten etchings with aquatint) (1973)* "explosant fixe", "je m’espionne", "deep mars", "l’aube permanente" and "cadran d’incendies" (1974)* "mas ceilin" and "illumine le temps" (1975)* "wake" (started in 1974), "une d’une" and "les voix des temples" (1976)* "rooming life", "l’ombre de l’invisible" and "ouvre l’instant" (1977)* "carré-four" and "dedalopolous" (1978)* "polimorfologia" (1979)* "il proprio corno mio", "laocoontare (la guerra delle idee)" and "pyrocentre" (1980)* "las scillabas de scylla", "el espejo de cronos" and "el verbo américa" (1981)* "geomagnética de danza" (started in 1981), "ils sexplose", "passo interno di mercurio", "labirintad" and "the sign" (1982)* "morphologie de la gaîté", "logos men" and "artificial lucidity" (1983)* "ecran de la mémoire" and "le dauphin de la memoire" (1984)* "l'espace du point" (1985)* "mi-mosa", "24 mai 1986", "une pierre qui regagnera le ciel and oeramen", "la conscience est un arbre vetroresina" (1986)* "d’Âme et d’eve" (1987)* "Être cri" (1988)* "violetation" and "l’envenement non identifié" (1989)* "a l’intérieur de la rose", "omnipuissance du rouge", "navigateur" and "haiku" (1990)* "parmi les désirs" and "ma dame" (1991)* "champ du vide", "cosmo-now", "le désnomeur rénomme" and "farfallacqua" (1992)* "leaving your grass", "vertige du vertige", "torinox" and "colomberos" (1993)* "vent d’atomes" (1994)* "les arpèges", "l’Âme du fond" and "melodia-melodio" (1995)* "the road to heaven", "storming water river" and "redness of blue" (1996)* "flowerita" and "oak flower" (1997)* "youniverso" (1998)* "blanche ou fleur" (1999)* "n’ou’s autres" (2000)* "chaosmos" (2002), viersen sculpture collection* "post history chicken flowers", "la dulce acqua vita" and "la source du calme" (2002)==see also==* dakin building* art of chile==notes====references==* bodley gallery (new york, n.y.) "matta, from 1942 to 1957" (new york : bodley gallery, 1960) oclc 78760494*passeron, rené (1984).

Последнее обновление: 2016-03-03
Частота использования: 1

Источник: Анонимно
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