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1390 beskæftigelsesfremmende initiativ by. europæisk union, livskvalitet, statistik
federal republic of germany, labour market, research education policy, school-working life relations, vocational training protected area
02 toldunionen og frie varebevægelser 0201 toldbestemmelser 0202 frie varebevægelser 0290 diverse handelshindringer 1390 diverse
02 customs union and free movement of goods 0201 customs regulations 0202 free movement of goods 0290 miscellaneous
1389 1348 1378 1390 harmonisering af normer, kommunikationspolitik, satellitkommunikation, udførelse af tjenesteydelser
1 350 660 bioethics biotechnology, farmer, invention, patcni biolcchnology, genetic engineering, motherhood biology ec convention, environmental policy, environmental protection
b2-1390/88 af gaucher for de europæiske højrepartiers gruppe om den sovjetiske hærs tilbagetrækning fra afghanistan;
Β 21392/88 by mr welsh, on behalf of the european democratic group, on the situation in afghanistan;
disse foranstaltninger blev truffet af eu og de andre medlemsstater i det internationale samfund i overensstemmelse med fn's sikkerhedsråds resolution 1390/2002.
these measures were taken by the european union and other members of the international community in accordance with un security council resolution 1390(2002) .
fru formand, dette forslag til forordning gennemfører fn's sikkerhedsråds resolution 1390 af 16. januar i år i henhold til kapitel vii i de forenede nationers pagt.
madam president, this proposal for a regulation implements resolution 1390, adopted on 16 january of this year by the united nations security council, pursuant to chapter vii of the charter of the united nations.