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what was your least favorite part of this project



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and ( b ) at all times during the term of this agreement , it will continuously include and maintain as part of its official written books and records this agreement , the netting agreements and evidence of all necessary authorisations .


and ( b ) at all times during the term of this agreement , it will continuously include and maintain as part of its official written books and records this agreement , the netting agreements and evidence of all necessary authorisations .

Последнее обновление: 2011-10-23
Частота использования: 1


q1. what was the average percentage change between 2011 and 2016 of people aged 25-64 reporting they knew three or more foreign languages across the four countries shown (rounded to three decimal places)? a. -0.48% b. -0.425% c. 0.425% d. 0.48% e. 0.34% q2. what was the ratio of the share of slovenian people aged 25-64 and having tertiary education reporting that they knew one or more foreign languages, to the share of all slovenian people of this age reporting that they knew one or more foreign languages in 2016? a. 15: 13 b. 10:9 c. 4:19 d. 19:4 e. 19: 16 q3. the population of poland aged 25-64 changed from 31.2 million to 30.7 million between 2011 and 2016. what was the difference between the number of polish people aged 25-64 reporting they knew just one foreign language in 2016 and in 2011 (rounded to one thousand)?


Последнее обновление: 2023-11-03
Частота использования: 1

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