Вы искали: by the time you arrived he left already (Датский - Итальянский)

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by the time you arrived he left already



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export declaration to be lodged by ... (deadline set by the time limit referred to in article 29(5)),


export declaration to be lodged by ... (deadline set by the time limit referred to in article 29(5)),

Последнее обновление: 2014-10-23
Частота использования: 1


in respect of the time after the transitional period of seven years, it has to be borne in mind that pool betting will be organised in a different way and not necessarily by the tote (alone).


in respect of the time after the transitional period of seven years, it has to be borne in mind that pool betting will be organised in a different way and not necessarily by the tote (alone).

Последнее обновление: 2014-10-23
Частота использования: 1


(13) according to a special resolution adopted in 17 december 1999 by the board of shetland seafish ltd the preference shares in shetland seafish ltd have "the right to a fixed non-cumulative preferential dividend at the rate of 10 % (net of associated tax credit) per annum on the capital for the time being paid up or credit as paid up thereon accruing from the date of subscription therefore and to be paid (to the extent that there are profits available for distribution) annually on 31 january in each year in respect of the 12 months ending on that date; and may be redeemed at par (i.e. at 1 per preference share) plus any unpaid preferential dividend, at the option of the company at any time after the first anniversary of the date of the allotment of the preference shares."


(13) according to a special resolution adopted in 17 december 1999 by the board of shetland seafish ltd the preference shares in shetland seafish ltd have "the right to a fixed non-cumulative preferential dividend at the rate of 10 % (net of associated tax credit) per annum on the capital for the time being paid up or credit as paid up thereon accruing from the date of subscription therefore and to be paid (to the extent that there are profits available for distribution) annually on 31 january in each year in respect of the 12 months ending on that date; and may be redeemed at par (i.e. at 1 per preference share) plus any unpaid preferential dividend, at the option of the company at any time after the first anniversary of the date of the allotment of the preference shares."

Последнее обновление: 2014-10-23
Частота использования: 1

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