Вы искали: offer services that are more relevant to m... (Датский - Немецкий)

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offer services that are more relevant to my needs



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in this sense too, the commission should consider if needs may be better fulfilled by supporting the roll-out of services that are operable in one ms to other mss (i.e replication of validated services) rather than simply looking to fund new services across borders88


auch in diesem sinne sollte die kommission darüber nachdenken, ob der bestehende bedarf nicht besser gedeckt werden kann, indem der aufbau von in einem mitgliedstaat funktionierenden diensten in anderen mitgliedstaaten (d. h. die nachbildung bewährter dienste) unterstützt wird, statt dass einfach nur neue grenzüberschreitende dienste finanziert werden.86

Последнее обновление: 2017-04-07
Частота использования: 1


pursuant to this point, the commission may authorise (1) investment aid enabling firms to improve on the community standards applicable and (2) investment aid where firms undertake investment in the absence of mandatory community standards or where they have to undertake investments in order to comply with national standards that are more stringent than the applicable community standards.


pursuant to this point, the commission may authorise (1) investment aid enabling firms to improve on the community standards applicable and (2) investment aid where firms undertake investment in the absence of mandatory community standards or where they have to undertake investments in order to comply with national standards that are more stringent than the applicable community standards.

Последнее обновление: 2014-10-23
Частота использования: 1

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