Вы искали: soonerpayment as soon (Датский - Португальский)

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soonerpayment as soon



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as soon as possible (så snart som muligt)


'as soon as possible' (o mais cedo possível)

Последнее обновление: 2011-10-23
Частота использования: 1


please make your own travel arrangements as soon as possible .


please make your own travel arrangements as soon as possible .

Последнее обновление: 2011-10-23
Частота использования: 1


we therefore recommend that you start this procedure as soon as your intention to join the ecb is clear .


we therefore recommend that you start this procedure as soon as your intention to join the ecb is clear .

Последнее обновление: 2011-10-23
Частота использования: 1


please make your own travel arrangements ( and those of your family if necessary ) as soon as possible .


please make your own travel arrangements ( and those of your family if necessary ) as soon as possible .

Последнее обновление: 2011-10-23
Частота использования: 1


please return the signed duplicate of your secondment contract as soon as possible to the specified person and address , together with :


please return the signed duplicate of your secondment contract as soon as possible to the specified person and address , together with :

Последнее обновление: 2011-10-23
Частота использования: 1


in addition to the security clearance documents please return the signed duplicate of your contract as soon as possible to the specified person and address , together with :


in addition to the security clearance documents please return the signed duplicate of your contract as soon as possible to the specified person and address , together with :

Последнее обновление: 2011-10-23
Частота использования: 1


in addition to the security clearance documents and either the medical insurance form or a copy of your current insurance card , please return the signed duplicate of your contract as soon as possible to the specified person and address , together with :


in addition to the security clearance documents and either the medical insurance form or a copy of your current insurance card , please return the signed duplicate of your contract as soon as possible to the specified person and address , together with :

Последнее обновление: 2011-10-23
Частота использования: 1


in addition to the security clearance and medical clearance documents , as well as the medical insurance form or proof of cover , please return the signed duplicate of your contract as soon as possible to the specified person and address , together with :


in addition to the security clearance and medical clearance documents , as well as the medical insurance form or proof of cover , please return the signed duplicate of your contract as soon as possible to the specified person and address , together with :

Последнее обновление: 2011-10-23
Частота использования: 1


global netting should a default termination occur , the ecb shall , as soon as is reasonably practicable , take an account of what is due from each party to the other under each netting agreement ( including under appendix 2 of this agreement ) in respect of which default termination has occured and aggregate the sums due from each party to the other under such netting agreements ( including under appendix 2 to this agreement ) , in every case in or converted into the base currency , and only the net balance of the account shall be payable by the party owing the larger aggregate sum .


global netting should a default termination occur , the ecb shall , as soon as is reasonably practicable , take an account of what is due from each party to the other under each netting agreement ( including under appendix 2 of this agreement ) in respect of which default termination has occured and aggregate the sums due from each party to the other under such netting agreements ( including under appendix 2 to this agreement ) , in every case in or converted into the base currency , and only the net balance of the account shall be payable by the party owing the larger aggregate sum .

Последнее обновление: 2011-10-23
Частота использования: 1

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