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good night and have nice dream



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good night


good night

Последнее обновление: 2021-04-24
Частота использования: 1

Источник: Анонимно


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Источник: Анонимно


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Источник: Анонимно


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eah, we can meet and have wild sex all day and night

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Последнее обновление: 2024-05-10
Частота использования: 1

Источник: Анонимно


orientation in a village there is a child named anggi the child goes to school at sman 1 kandangan which. the distance from the house to the school is quite far. the alarm clock rang but he was still asleep. even though he had been woken up by his mother he still continued to sleep because he was still sleepy. he was surprised when he saw the clock on his cellphone showing 06.35, while the school gate was closed at 06.50. the trip from home to school took 30 minutes. complications but one day anggi slept late at night even though it was monday his mother had reminded anggi that tomorrow was monday but anggi still slept late because she kept watching detective conan movies almost every night and in the morning anggi woke up late. in a panic he finally rushed and quickly took a shower and prepared school supplies. he hoped that the time on the way to school would not be congested so that he would be late for school. however, anggi's hopes on the way to school were wrong so that when anggi arrived at school he was late. the final resolution was that halfway through the trip anggi took the initiative to contact mrs. ika for permission to be late for school because she woke up late. but in front of the main gate there was already a tatib team along with dilan and dikan who were waiting for school children who were late for school. he explained, and while in the middle of explaining to the tatib team mrs. ika came and told that anggi had asked permission from mrs. ika and had been conveyed to the head of the tatib team. koda after school anggi told her mother that she was late for school. her mother advised her not to stay up late every day so as not to wake up late and it was not good for her health either. since that incident, anggi has regulated her sleep time and prepared everything the night before going to school. although she still experiences delays, she tries not to be late again, and tries to be disciplined and always arrive on time. that incident taught her the importance of time management and good preparation.


orientasi di suatu desa ada anak bernama anggi anak tersebut bersekolah di sman 1 kandangan yang.jarak rumah dengan sekolahan cukup jauh. jam alaram pun berbunyi tetapi ia masih terlelap. walaupun ia sudah di bangunkan oleh ibunya tetap saja ia melanjutkan untuk tidur karena masih mengantuk. ia terkejut saat melihat jam di handphone menunjukkan pukul 06.35 , sementara gerbang sekolah di tutup pukul 06.50. perjalanan rumah ke sekolah membutuhkan waktu 30 menit. komplikasi tetapi di suatu hari anggi tidurnya sudah larut malam padahal hari itu hari senin ibunya sudah mengingatkan anggi bahwa besok hari senin tetapi anggi tetap tidur larut malam karena terus saja melihat film detektif conan hampir setiap malam dan di pagi harinya anggi terlambat bangun.dengan panik ia akhirnya terburu-buru dan cepat cepat untuk mandi dan menyiapkan keperluan sekolah. ia berharap waktu perjalanan ke sekolah tidak macet akan terjadinya terlambat sampai sekolah . namun, harapan anggi waktu di dalam perjalanan menuju sekolah itu salah sehingga anggi saat tiba sekolah pun ia terlambat. resolusi akhirnya dalam setengah perjalanan anggi pun berinisiatif menghubungi bu ika untuk izin terlambat datang sekolah karena bangun kesiangan. tetapi di depan gerbang utama sudah ada tim tatib beserta dilan dan dikan yang sedang menunggu anak sekolah yang terlambat datang sekolah. ia pun menjelaskan,dan saat di tengah tengah menjelaskan di tim tatib bu ika pun datang dan memberitahu bahwa anggi sudah izin ke bu ika dan sudah di sampaikan ke ketua tim tatib. koda setelah pulang sekolah anggi pun bercerita kepada ibunya bahwa tadi ia terlambat sekolah.ibunya pun menasehatinya agar tidak begadang setiap hari agar tidak terlambat untuk bangun dan tidak baik untuk kesehatan tubuh juga. sejak kejadian itu, anggi pun mengatur waktu tidurnya dan menyiapkan segala sesuatu di malam hari sebelum berangkat ke sekolah. meskipun ia masih mengalami keterlambatan,ia berusaha biar tidak terlambat lagi ,dan berusaha untuk disiplin dan selalu datang tepat waktu. kejadian itu mengajarkan ia bahwa pentingnya menejemen waktu dan persiapan yang baik.

Последнее обновление: 2024-08-22
Частота использования: 1

Источник: Анонимно

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