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& okokoko


& forever

Последнее обновление: 2011-10-23
Частота использования: 1

Предупреждение: Содержит скрытое HTML-форматирование


ungathanda ukusamkela esi siqinisekiso okokoko singathunyelwanga?


would you like to accept this certificate forever without being prompted?

Последнее обновление: 2011-10-23
Частота использования: 1


inqanawa ngoko mayiphawulwe okokoko ngumphathi wewatshi.


the ship must therefore be conned always by the officer of the watch.

Последнее обновление: 2018-02-15
Частота использования: 1


ezi zibane ziza kuvutha okokoko kwisithuba esingangeenyanga ezintandathu.


these lights will burn continuously for a period of approximately six months.

Последнее обновление: 2018-02-15
Частота использования: 1


lwasetyenziswa mpela , okokoko , isibini phambili nezimbini esiqwini .


it was used throughout, two forward and two aft.

Последнее обновление: 2018-02-15
Частота использования: 1


zisetyenziswa ekunyuseni igiya kwaye zingagcina okokoko zixhobisa isikhephe ngemaski, kwaye njengoko zigcineka ngokobukhulu bendoda kufuneka zihlolwe maxesa onke.


they are used for hoisting gear aloft and can be kept permanently rigged, and as they often have to bear the weight of a man they must be inspected frequently.

Последнее обновление: 2018-02-15
Частота использования: 1


okokoko azikwazi ukuzigrumba ngendlela eyiyo kuba imbombo yephiko le-ankile ukuya kwisitokwe ayikho nzulu ukuze ukwazi ukufikelela ezantsi.


frequently they fail to dig themselves in properly because the angle of the fluke to the stock is too obtuse to grip the bottom.

Последнее обновление: 2018-02-15
Частота использования: 1


amabrithishi ayecinga malunga nayo kwaye akazange enze ntshukumo, okokoko babengafuni kwenza mkhosi wedabi, ngoko owaye umkhulu elizweni, nokucacileyo.


the british thought about it and made no move, since they did not want to make their battle-fleet, then the largest in the world, obsolete.

Последнее обновление: 2018-02-15
Частота использования: 1


kwiintsuku apho iinqanawa ezinzima zaziphantse okokoko zikhuphe umphunga kuluhlu kwaye isisithethe ukubeka isaziso esikhulu kwinxenye ephambili yebrorho, sinalamagama: khumbula elandelayo ngasemva.


in the days when heavy ships almost always steamed in column it was the custom to place a large notice in the forepart of the bridge, bearing the words: remember your next astern.

Последнее обновление: 2018-02-15
Частота использования: 1


ngaphezulu: malunga: ngoko: phesheya: ncam: adj: emvar: emva kwe: kwakhona: chasene: onke: phantse: yodwa: nga: se: ne: naxa: oko: phakathi: phakathi kwa: na: enye: nayiphi: nakanjani: nabani: nantoni: naphi: zi: azi: azijikelele: waba: ngokuba: yiba: uba: iba: sele: phambi: phambi kwayo: qala: iyaqala: emva: izaku: ngezantsi: ngaphandle: ngaphandle: phakathi: ngaphaya: iziigidi: zombini: kodwa: nga: ayinge: ayinaku: iwonga: inoku: cayinako: yaba: zange: yenza: ayenzi: suku: phantsi: ngexesha: nganye: isibhozo: amashumi asibhozo: nokuba: enye: enye indawo: phela: isiphelo: kwanele: njalo- njalo: elingeneyo: okokoko: yonke: wonke ubani: yonke into: yonke indawo: ngaphandle: mbalwa: amashumi amahlanu: eyokuqala: hlanu: ye: owokuqala: eyokuqala: amashumi amane: ifunyenwe: ne: isuka ku: phambili: ibine: ine: ayina: ine: ayina: njengoko: yakhe: apha: apha emva: apha nge: apha kwi: apha: apha ngeyena ngokwakhe: yena u: yena yena ngokwakhe: yakhe: njani: ngoko ke: ikhulu: inc: kanye: endaweni: kwi: ayi: yi: yona ngokwayo: eyokugqibela: emva kwexesha: owokugqibela: ekugqibelenill: noko: ngaphantsivumela: njengenjengey: ltd: wenze: yenza: wenza: ninzi: inga: mhlawumbi: okwelithuba: ngoko: inga: isigidi: nkosazana: ngaphezulu: ngaphezulu kwe: eninzi: eninzi kakhulu nkosikazi: ninzi: kufuneka: mna: igama: okanye: zange: nakanye: elandelayo: thoba: amashumi asithoba: akukho mntu: akukho namnye: amnye: emini: okanye: ayina: akukho nto: ngoku: akukho ndawo: susa: rhoqo: kanye: nye: kuphela: ku: abanye: kungenjalo: eyethu: yeyethu: eyethu: phandle: phezu: phezu konke: eyakho: iphepha: ngokwe: mhlawumbi: kungcono: esandulukubakho: esandukubakho: inye: ijongeka: ijongeke: iyajongeka: jongeka: xhenxe: amashumi asixhenxe: eninzi: u: u: waza akazu: ukusukela: thandathu: amashumi anesithandathu: ezinye: nakanjani: omnye: enye into: ngelinye ixesha: ngamanye amaxesha: kwenye indawo: ise: yima: enjalo: iyathatha: ishumi: kuna: leyo: i: ezabo: bona: bona ngokwabo: ngoko: ngoko ke: apho: aphoemva: apho nge: ngoko ke: apho kwi: apho nge: ezi: ba: amashumi amathathu: le: ezo: naxa: iwaka: thathu: ngapha: ngaphaya: ngapha: noko: iincam: kunye: nanko: ngapho: ngakuyo: izigidi: amashumi amabini: bini: phantsi: ngaphandle: engafani ne: engafaniyo: kude kube: gqiba: igqityiwe: iyagqiba: phezu: iyasetyenziswa: isebenzisa: kakhulu: gqitha: funa: yafunwa: ifuna: wa: zange: indlela: iindlela: ukutshata: kakuhlel: zazi: zange: ntoni: ntoni: nantoni: xa: xana: naxa: phi: phi emva koko: njenge: njengoko: phi kwi: phi apho: naphi: iphi: noba: yiphi: xa: noxa: ngubani: noba ngubani: epheleleyo: ubani: nabani: yekabani: kutheni: izaku: nge: nge: ngaphandle: ayinaku: sebenza: wasebenza: usebenza: uyasebenza: izaku: ayizuku: ewe: nangona: u: uza: uzaku: eyakho: ungu: yeyakho: wena ngokwakho: ezenu: une


above: about: according: across: actually: adj: after: afterwards: again: against: all: almost: alone: along: already: also: although: always: among: amongst: and: another: any: anyhow: anyone: anything: anywhere: are: aren: arent: around: became: because: become: becomes: becoming: been: before: beforehand: begin: beginning: behind: being: below: beside: besides: between: beyond: billion: both: but: can: cant: cannot: caption: could: couldnt: did: didnt: does: doesnt: dont: down: during: each: eight: eighty: either: else: elsewhere: end: ending: enough: etc: even: ever: every: everyone: everything: everywhere: except: few: fifty: first: five: for: former: formerly: forty: found: four: from: further: had: has: hasnt: have: havent: hence: her: here: hereafter: hereby: herein: heres: hereupon: hers: herself: hes: him: himself: his: how: however: hundred: inc: indeed: instead: into: isnt: its: itself: last: later: latter: latterly: least: less: let: like: likely: ltd: made: make: makes: many: may: maybe: meantime: meanwhile: might: million: miss: more: moreover: most: mostly: mrs: much: must: myself: namely: neither: never: nevertheless: next: nine: ninety: nobody: none: nonetheless: noone: nor: not: nothing: now: nowhere: off: often: once: one: only: onto: others: otherwise: our: ours: ourselves: out: over: overall: own: page: per: perhaps: rather: recent: recently: same: seem: seemed: seeming: seems: seven: seventy: several: she: shes: should: shouldnt: since: six: sixty: some: somehow: someone: something: sometime: sometimes: somewhere: still: stop: such: taking: ten: than: that: the: their: them: themselves: then: thence: there: thereafter: thereby: therefore: therein: thereupon: these: they: thirty: this: those: though: thousand: three: through: throughout: thru: thus: tips: together: too: toward: towards: trillion: twenty: two: under: unless: unlike: unlikely: until: update: updated: updates: upon: used: using: very: via: want: wanted: wants: was: wasnt: way: ways: wed: well: were: werent: what: whats: whatever: when: whence: whenever: where: whereafter: whereas: whereby: wherein: whereupon: wherever: wheres: whether: which: while: whither: who: whoever: whole: whom: whomever: whose: why: will: with: within: without: wont: work: worked: works: working: would: wouldnt: yes: yet: you: youd: youll: your: youre: yours: yourself: yourselves: youve

Последнее обновление: 2011-10-23
Частота использования: 1

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