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yu kenya



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Последнее обновление: 2014-09-22
Частота использования: 1

Источник: Wikipedia


کنیا (kenya)نام فارسی آن برگرفته شده از انگلیسی است.


(this word survives in the name of the russian city murmansk.

Последнее обновление: 2016-03-03
Частота использования: 1

Источник: Wikipedia


.yu دامنه اینترنتی کشور یوگوسلاوی بود.


* corporations used the .co.yu domain.

Последнее обновление: 2016-03-03
Частота использования: 1

Источник: Wikipedia


شهرستان تورکانا (به لاتین: turkana county) یک county of kenya در کنیا است.


with an area of nearly 77,000 km2, turkana is the largest county in kenya.

Последнее обновление: 2016-03-03
Частота использования: 1

Источник: Wikipedia


در این سریال یون قرار بود نقش yu chae-hwa خانمی که برای زندگی در کره از چین مهاجرت کرده را به تصویر بکشد.


in the drama, yoon will portray yu chae-hwa, a woman who moves from china to live in korea.

Последнее обновление: 2016-03-03
Частота использования: 1

Источник: Wikipedia


isbn 0-292-76469-3* maurer, noel, and carlos yu.


isbn 0-292-76469-3* maurer, noel, and carlos yu.

Последнее обновление: 2016-03-03
Частота использования: 1

Источник: Wikipedia


technical report: cs-89-03, brown university* borodyanskii, yu.


technical report: cs-89-03, brown university* borodyanskii, yu.

Последнее обновление: 2016-03-03
Частота использования: 1

Источник: Wikipedia


oncology reports 27: 1142-1148, 2012 1142 abstract. pigment epithelium-derived factor (pedf) is the most potent inhibitor of angiogenesis in the mammalian eye, and mechanisms through which pedf exerts its antitumour activity have recently been defined. the aim of our research was to evaluate the ability of adeno-associated virus (aav) vector-mediated transfer of human pedf to inhibit lewis lung carcinoma (lcc) cell growth. intratumoural injection of aav-pedf caused significant reduction of the tumour volume and prolonged the survival time of mice bearing llc cells, which were associated with decreased microvessel density and increased apoptosis in the tumours. aav vectors represent a very promising tool for cancer gene therapy. no noticeable toxicity concerning aav was detected as inferred from monitoring changes in animal body weight as well as basic organ structure and histological morphology, and by analyzing mouse liver and kidney function. our findings indicate that aav-mediated pedf gene expression may offer an active approach to inhibit llc growth and that treatment with aav-pedf may provide a promising therapeutic strategy in lung cancer treatment. introduction extensive research has established that neoangiogenesis plays a pivotal role in solid malignant tumour growth and metastasis (1-3). tumours cannot exceed a few millimetres in diameter without the development of a neovasculature supply. thus, antiangiogenesis therapy is a potentially promising tumouristatic approach (4-6). however, evidence has emerged that angiogenesis is tightly regulated by a balance of activating and inhibiting factors (7,8). therefore, long-term overexpression of angiogenesis suppressors may be required for effectively controlling tumour proliferation through counteracting tumour-induced angiogenesis. pigment epithelium-derived factor (pedf) is a 50-kda secreted glycoprotein that belongs to the serine protease inhibitor superfamily but lacks protease inhibitor activity (9-11). pedf was first identified and purified from the conditioned medium of cultured human neonatal retinal pigment epithelial cells (9,12). this factor is involved in multiple and varied biological activities (13), which makes it an appealing potential treatment for lewis lung carcinoma (lcc). with regard to its antiangiogenic activity, pedf is more potent than any other endogenous inhibitors of neovascularisation (14,15); this property makes pedf an excellent candidate for llc treatment as a form of targeted gene therapy. the antiangiogenic potency of pedf has been shown to inhibit tumour angiogenesis in several preclinical cancer models (16-27). in addition, pedf is thought to exert its antiangiogenic activity through two major pathways, namely, endothelial cell apoptosis via activation of the fas/fas-l death pathway (28), and disruption of the crucial balance between pro- and anti-angiogenic factors, via downregulation of vascular endothelial growth factor (vegf) expression (29-31). furthermore, a few recent reports indicate that pedf not only acts to halt angiogenesis, but also has the ability to increase apoptosis in tumours (16-18,26). this apoptotic activity is likely due to a distinct functional epitope on the pedf protein (20). successful antiangiogenic therapy requires efficient and continuous secretion of the candidate protein for long periods of time. gene transfer is usually utilized as an effective strategy for chronic delivery of antiangiogenic factors. adeno-associated virus (aav) vectors represent a very promising tool for cancer gene therapy because they are capable of sustained, long-term gene expression, non-pathogenicity, low immunogenicity, and they lack cytotoxicity (32-34). in this study, we constructed aav vectors that express pedf in order to investigate the effect of aav-mediated intratumoural pedf expression on llc tumour suppression. aav-mediated gene transfer of human pigment epithelium-derived factor inhibits lewis lung carcinoma growth in mice sha-sha he, hua-shan shi, tao yin, yong-xia li, shun-tao luo, qin-jie wu, lian lu, yu-quan wei and li yang state key laboratory of biotherapy, west china hospital, sichuan university, chengdu 610041, p.r. china received october 14, 2011; accepted december 2, 2011 doi: 10.3892/or.2012.1621 correspondence to: dr professor li yang, state key laboratory of biotherapy, west china hospital, sichuan university, keyuan road 4, chengdu, sichuan 610041, p.r. china e-mail: yl.tracy73@gmail.com abbreviations: pedf, pigment epithelium-derived factor; aav, adeno-associated virus; mvd, microvessel density; llc, lewis lung carcinoma; vegf, vascular endothelial growth factor; huvecs, human umbilical vein endothelial cells; ns, normal saline; vegf-r1, vascular endothelial growth factor-receptor 1; vegf-r2, vascular endothelial growth factor-receptor 2 key words: aav-pedf, llc, tumour, apoptosis, angiogenesis he et al: aav-mediated gene transfer of hpedf inhibits llc growth in mice 1143 materials and methods cell lines and culture. huvecs were isolated and cultured in dmem medium (gibco-brl, ny, usa) supplemented with 20% fbs and 100 g/ml bovine fibroblast growth factor (bfgf). llc cells were obtained from the american type culture collection (atcc, rockville, md, usa) and cultured in dmem medium (gibco-brl) supplemented with 10% fbs and 100 μg/ml amikacin. aav-pedf preparation. aav-pedf was constructed using cmv as the promoter. cdnas containing full-length human pedf sequences under the cmv promoter were cloned. the construct sequence was confirmed via dna sequencing (invitrogen inc., shanghai). a control virus containing a green fluorescent protein cdna under the same promoter (aav-egfp) was also detected by dna sequencing (invitrogen inc.). packaging and purification of raav particles were performed as previously described (35). cell infection with aav-pedf. llc cells were seeded in 6-well plates. after an overnight culture, the cells were infected with aav-pedf and aav-egfp viruses at a multiplicity of infection (moi) of 1x105 infectious particles/cell. the cells and supernatants were collected after 72 h. western blot analysis. llc cells seeded in the 6-well plates were harvested and resuspended in lysis buffer while the llc tumours were grinded and then lysed with ripa solution, respectively. equal amounts of protein were separated by sds-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (page) and then electrotransferred onto a polyvinylidene difluoride membrane (pvdf). blots were probed with a goat anti-human pedf monoclonal antibody (1:1000, mab; r&d systems, boston, ma, usa) plus a secondary biotinylated antibody against goat igg (1:10,000, zsgb-bio, beijing, china). immunoreactivity was detected using an enhanced chemiluminescence (ecl) detection system (pierce, rockford, il, usa). animal experiments. male c57bl/6 mice were purchased from the experimental animal centre at sichuan university. all animal experimental procedures were approved by the west china hospital cancer centre's animal care and use committee. aliquots of llc cells (5x105) were subcutaneously inoculated into the mice. when the average tumour volume reached 90-100 mm3 in size, the mice were randomly divided into 3 groups. each mouse in the aav-pedf group was treated with an intratumoural injection of 2x1010 aav-pedf virus particles. the mice in the control groups received 2x1010 aav-egfp particles or normal saline (ns). tumour sizes and animal weights were measured every three days. the tumour volumes (mm3) were calculated according to the following formula: (length x width2 x 0.52). mouse sera were collected for liver and kidney function analyses on the fifteenth day post-treatment using an au7020 automatic biochemical analyzer (hitachi). tunel assay, immunohistochemistry analysis and h&e staining. apoptotic tumour cells were determined by the deadend colorimetric terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase-mediated dutp nick-end labelling (tunel) system (promega corp., madison, usa) and the caspase-3 immunohistochemical assay. prepared tumour cryosections were incubated with primary anti-human pedf antibody (1:200, mab; r&d systems) overnight, then with biotinylated anti-goat igg secondary antibody (zsjq biotechnology) and finally with diaminobenzidine (dab; zsjq biotechnology) as a substrate for visualization of the antigen-antibody complex. frozen tumour specimens were analyzed by cd31 immunohistochemistry. the microvessel density was quantified using the reported method of weidner et al (36). paraffin sections were also stained with haematoxylin and eosin (h&e) to observe the structure and histological morphology of the tumours and basic organs. alginate-encapsulated tumour cell and tube formation assay. llc cells were resuspended in alginate solution. llc cells in alginate solution were dropped into a swirling 0.25 m cacl2 solution to prepare alginate beads (1x105 cells/bead). male c57bl/6 mice were implanted s.c. with alginate beads into the back (1 bead/side). the next day, the mice were treated with i.v. administration of 2x1010 particles aav-pedf per mouse, or 2x1010 particles aav-egfp per mouse or with ns. on day 11 after treatment, 0.1 ml of 1% fitc-dextran solution (100 mg/kg) was injected i.v. into the tail vein of the mice. alginate beads were photographed and rapidly removed 20 min after fitc-dextran injection. the beads were then vortexed and centrifuged in tubes containing 2 ml ns and the supernatant fl uorescence was measured. the tube formation assay was performed using matrigel (bd biosciences, san jose, ca) that was thawed overnight at 4˚c. pre-chilled 24-well plates were coated with 300 μl/well of matrigel (bd biosciences). huvecs were seeded in each well at a concentration of 1x105 cells, and then treated with conditioned medium (cm) from llc cells infected in vitro with aav-pedf, aav-egfp or ns. tubule branches were photographed 6 h after incubation. statistical analysis. values are presented as means ± sd. statistical analysis was conducted using the spss program (version 18.0, spss inc., chicago, il, usa). the statistical significances were calculated by one-way anova. the kaplan-meier method was used to evaluate survival curves and survival rate among groups. a p-value 0.1). more apoptotic cells in tumour tissue were observed in aav-pedf-treated animals than in aav-egfp- or ns-treated animals (fig. 4a). the average percentage of apoptosis in the aav-pedf group was signifi cantly increased compared with that in the aav-egfp and ns groups (fig. 4b; p0.1). liver and kidney function data are shown in fig. 6 (p>0.1). in addition, no apparent pathological changes were observed in the heart, liver, spleen, lung, and kidney tissue from the different groups as indicated by h&e staining (fig. 5b). discussion angiogenesis, the complex biological process by which new blood vessels develop from pre-existing ones, is known to play an essential role in supporting progressive tumour figure 5. changes in body weight and histological staining for basic organs. (a) there was no difference in body weight among the treatment groups. (p>0.1) (b) basic organs from ns-, aav-egfp-, and aav-pedf-treated mice were stained with h&e (original magnification, x200). there was no noticeable pathological change in tumours from aav-egfp- and aav-pedf-treated mice compared with ns control. figure 6. mouse liver and kidney function. (a) there was no difference in mouse liver function of alt, ast, tbil, alp, tp, and alb in the respective treatment groups (p>0.1). (b) there was also no difference in the kidney function as measured by bun and crea (p>0.1). he et al: aav-mediated gene transfer of hpedf inhibits llc growth in mice 1147 growth (1-3). therefore, targeting neoangiogenesis or signals that promote neovessel growth is a promising anticancer therapeutic strategy (4-6). however, neovasculature growth is controlled by maintaining a balance between pro- and anti-angiogenic factors (7,8). for this reason, overexpression of anti-angiogenesis factors could be excellent therapeutic tools in combating tumour angiogenesis. combating lung cancer remains a major clinical challenge. existing therapeutic protocols are very disappointing. previous studies have demonstrated the efficacy of anti-angiogenesis therapy (4-6). in this study, we demonstrated that overexpression of pedf mediated by the aav vector exerts a remarkable suppression of tumour growth and prolongs animal survival in a c57bl/6 mouse model. the tumours treated with a single intratumoural injection of aav-pedf began to grow more slowly than the other two groups on day 6 after treatment with maximum tumour growth inhibition observed on day 15 after treatment (56% and 58% inhibition, respectively, compared with aav-egfp- or ns-treated mice). tumour growth suppression was related to decreased microvessel density and increased apoptosis in aav-pedf-treated tumours. a 73% decreased mvd in the aav-pedf-treated tumours (fig. 3a and b) closely paralleled the 58% reduction in tumour size, implying a direct relationship between lung carcinoma vascularity and growth. the antiangiogenic activity of pedf was further demonstrated by tube formation and the alginate-encapsulated tumour cell assay (fig. 3c-f). the average percentage of apoptosis in the aav-pedf group (10%) was signifi cantly increase


pigment epithelium

Последнее обновление: 2014-06-06
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