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bti scientifiques bt2 travailleurs professionnels bt3 professions ntl agronomes ntl bacteriologistes ntl botanistes ntl zoologistes rt biologie


(d/fleischer - f/bouchers i/macellai ) uf meat cutters btl food workers bt2 industrial workers bt3 occupations rt meat industry

Последнее обновление: 2014-02-06
Частота использования: 1


nt3 bacteriologistes ht3 botahistes nt3 zoologistes nt2 chercheurs ht2 chimistes mt3 pharmacologistes ht2 geographes nt2 geologues ht2 mathematiciehs ht2 meteorologues ht 2 physiciehs ht3 geophysiciens nt2 psychologues nt2 specialistes de sciences sociales nt3 anthropologues ht3 demographes nt3 economistes nt3 historiens nt3 juristes nt3 linguistes nt3 politologues ht3 psychosociologues nt3 sociologues nt1 techhiciehs ht2 techniciens chimistes nt2 techniciens de laboratoire ht2 techniciens des travaux publics nt2 techhiciehs electriciehs nt2 techhiciens mecaniciehs htl traducteurs htl urbahistes


urban areas (d/staedtische gebiete f/zones urbaines g/aetikee nepioxee i/aree urbane - p/zonas urbanas s/zonas ur3anas ) bt1 regional planning bt2 planning bt3 administration bt4 political systems bt2 regional government bt3 government bt4 institutional framework bt5 political systems nt1 towns rt urban population rt urban transport rt urbanisation

Последнее обновление: 2014-02-06
Частота использования: 1


westlethbridge, alberta
t1k 6x1 dr. elizabeth henderson
office of infection control
peter lougheed centre
canadian hospital epidemiology committee
3500-26 avenue ne
calgary, alberta
t1y 6j4 mr. gregory hines
leo laboratories canada limited
pharmaceutical manufacturers association of canada
555 kingston road west
ajax, ontario
l1s 6m1 dr. martin holroyde
manager, professional relations
glaxo wellcome inc
7333 mississauga road north
mississauga, ontario
l5n 6l4 dr. donna holton
medical consultant
629 brierwood avenue
ottawa, ontario
k2a 2j1 dr. greg horsman
medical director
provincial laboratory
saskatchewan health
3211 albert street
regina, saskatchewan
s4s 5w6 dr. jim hutchinson
medical microbiologist
department of pathology
general hospital, health sciences center
canadian hospital epidemiology committee
st-john's, newfoundland
a1b 3v6 
ms. roseanne jackson
program director, management education
canadian healthcare association
17 york street
ottawa, ontario
k1n 9j6 dr. frances jamieson
medical bacteriologist
laboratory services branch
ontario ministry of health
p.o. box 9000, terminal "a"
toronto, ontario
m5w 1r5 ms. leanne jardine-tweedie
pharmacist consultant
prescription drug program
department of health and community services
p.o. box 5100
fredericton, new brunswick
e3b 5g8 mme michèle s. jean
santé canada
immeuble brooke claxton
localisateur postal 0915b, pré tunney
ottawa (ontario)
k1a 0l3 dr. peter jessamine
ottawa civic hospital
canadian association of clinical microbiology and infectious diseases
1053 carling avenue
ottawa, ontario
k1y 4e9 dr. peter jewesson
professor and director
faculty of pharmaceutical sciences
university of british columbia
vancouver hospital and health sciences centre
canadian society of hospital pharmacists
855 west 12th avenue
vancouver, british columbia
v5z 1m9 dre wendy johnson
directrice adjointe
maladie bactériologique
bureau de microbiologie
laboratoire de lutte contre la maladie
santé canada
localisateur postal 0702e3, pré tunney
ottawa (ontario)
k1a 0l2 dr. joy johnson
assistant professor
school of nursing
university of british columbia
t201-2211 wesbrook mall
vancouver, british columbia
v6t 2b5 dr. lynn johnston
associate professor of medicine
dalhousie university
canadian hospital epidemiology committee
1278 tower road, room 5014 acc
halifax, nova scotia
b3h 2y9 dr. julius j. kapala
director of microbiology
dynacare laboratories
115 midair court
brampton, ontario
l6t 5m3 dr. usha kappagantula
canadian alliance of community health centre associations
c/o sandy hill community health centre
221 nelson street
ottawa, ontario
k1n 1c7 ms. dodie katzenstein
health promotion consultant
4234 west 9th avenue
vancouver, british columbia
v6r 2c5 dr daniel kertesz
chef, maladies respiratoires
laboratoire de lutte contre la maladie
direction de la protection de la santé
santé canada
localisateur postal 0603e1, pré tunney
ottawa (ontario)
k1a 0l2 dr. humaira khan
ontario ministry of health
5700 yonge street, 8th floor
north york, ontario
m2m 4k5 mme lai king ng
laboratoire national pour les maladies bactériennes
laboratoire de lutte contre la maladie
santé canada
localisateur postal 0701f1, pré tunney
ottawa (ontario)
k1a 0l2 mme linda kingsbury
expert-infirmière conseillère
division des infections nosocomiales et professionnelles
bureau des maladies infectieuses
laboratoire de lutte contre la maladie
santé canada
localisateur postal 0603e1, pré tunney
ottawa (ontario)
k1a 0l2 dr. ken kliewer
college of family physicians of canada
manitoba chapter
p.o. box 999
altowa, manitoba
r0g 0b0 mr. rodney kort
national program consultant
canadian aids society
400-100 sparks street
ottawa, ontario
k1p 5b7 dr. amar kureishi
chief, division of infection prevention
foothills hospital
canadian hospital epidemiology committee
12th floor, 1403 - 29th street nw
calgary, alberta
t2n 2t9 dr donald landry
directeur int., bureau des médicaments
direction de la protection de la santé
santé canada
localisateur postal 0302h3, pré tunney
ottawa (ontario)
k1a 0l2 mme katherine lapensée
gestionnaire de bureau
division des infections nosocomiales et professionnelles
bureau des maladies infectieuses
laboratoire de lutte contre la maladie
santé canada
localisateur postal 0603e1, pré tunney
ottawa (ontario)
k1a 0l2 ms. mary leblanc
infection control practitioner
victoria general hospital
community and hospital infection control association
1278 tower road
halifax, nova scotia
b3h 2y9 ms. janis leiterman
clinical practice specialist
victorian order of nurses for canada
5 blackburn avenue
ottawa, ontario
k1n 8a2 dr. john levine
cole harbour family medicine centre
college of family physicians of canada
nova scotia chapter
920 cole harbour road
dartmouth, nova scotia
b2v 2j5 dr. philip loftus
medical group head
saskatoon community clinic
canadian alliance of community health centre associations
455 2nd avenue north
saskatoon, saskatchewan
s7k 2c2 dr joseph losos
sous-ministre adjoint
direction de la protection de la santé
santé canada
localisateur postal 0701a1, pré tunney
ottawa (ontario)
k1a 0l2 dr. donald low
department of microbiology
mount sinai hospital
canadian bacterial diseases network
600 university avenue
toronto, ontario
m5g 1x5 dr. noni e. macdonald
chief, department of paediatrics
division of infectious diseases
children's hospital of eastern ontario
canadian paediatric society
401 smyth road
ottawa, ontario
k1g 4g8 dr. rosemary macdougall
clinical project manager
leo laboratories canada ltd
pharmaceutical manufacturers association of canada
555 kingston road west
ajax, ontario
l1s 6m1 ms. anu macintosh
director, quality management
the hospital for sick children
555 university avenue
toronto, ontario
m5g 1x8 dr. james mailer
canadian veterinary medical association
p.o. box 1120
stettler, alberta
t0c 2l0 ms. wendy mariner
school of medicine
school of public health
boston university
80 east concord street
boston, massachussetts
02118 mr. jocelyn marquiz
zeneca pharma inc
6548 place beauvien
montreal, quebec
h1m 3p2 dr richard massé
responsable, unité des maladies infectieuses
hôpital général de montréal
1616, boul.


westlethbridge, alberta
t1k 6x1 dr. elizabeth henderson
office of infection control
peter lougheed centre
canadian hospital epidemiology committee
3500-26 avenue ne
calgary, alberta
t1y 6j4 mr. gregory hines
leo laboratories canada limited
pharmaceutical manufacturers association of canada
555 kingston road west
ajax, ontario
l1s 6m1 dr. martin holroyde
manager, professional relations
glaxo wellcome inc
7333 mississauga road north
mississauga, ontario
l5n 6l4 dr. donna holton
medical consultant
629 brierwood avenue
ottawa, ontario
k2a 2j1 dr. greg horsman
medical director
provincial laboratory
saskatchewan health
3211 albert street
regina, saskatchewan
s4s 5w6 dr. jim hutchinson
medical microbiologist
department of pathology
general hospital, health sciences center
canadian hospital epidemiology committee
st-john's, newfoundland
a1b 3v6 ms. roseanne jackson
program director, management education
canadian healthcare association
17 york street
ottawa, ontario
k1n 9j6 dr. frances jamieson
medical bacteriologist
laboratory services branch
ontario ministry of health
p.o. box 9000, terminal ìaî
toronto, ontario
m5w 1r5 ms. leanne jardine-tweedie
pharmacist consultant
prescription drug program
department of health and community services
p.o. box 5100
fredericton, new brunswick
e3b 5g8 mrs. michèle s. jean
deputy minister
health canada
brooke claxton building
pl 0915b, tunney's pasture
ottawa, ontario
k1a 0l3 dr. peter jessamine
ottawa civic hospital
canadian association of clinical microbiology and infectious diseases
1053 carling avenue
ottawa, ontario
k1y 4e9 dr. peter jewesson
professor and director
faculty of pharmaceutical sciences
university of british columbia
vancouver hospital and health sciences centre
canadian society of hospital pharmacists
855 west 12th avenue
vancouver, british columbia
v5z 1m9 dr. wendy johnson
associate director
bacterial disease, bureau of microbiology
laboratory centre for disease control
health canada
pl 0702e3, tunney's pasture
ottawa, ontario
k1a 0l2 dr. joy johnson
assistant professor
school of nursing
university of british columbia
t201-2211 wesbrook mall
vancouver, british columbia
v6t 2b5 dr. lynn johnston
associate professor of medicine
dalhousie university
canadian hospital epidemiology committee
1278 tower road, room 5014 acc
halifax, nova scotia
b3h 2y9 dr. julius j. kapala
director of microbiology
dynacare laboratories
115 midair court
brampton, ontario
l6t 5m3 dr. usha kappagantula
canadian alliance of community health centre associations
c/o sandy hill community health centre
221 nelson street
ottawa, ontario
k1n 1c7 ms. dodie katzenstein
health promotion consultant
4234 west 9th avenue
vancouver, british columbia
v6r 2c5 dr. daniel kertesz
chief, respiratory diseases
laboratory centre for disease control
health protection branch
health canada
pl 0603e1, tunney's pasture
ottawa, ontario
k1a 0l2 dr. humaira khan
ontario ministry of health
5700 yonge street, 8th floor
north york, ontario
m2m 4k5 ms. lai king ng
national laboratory for enteric diseases
laboratory centre for disease control
health canada
pl 0701f1, tunney's pasture
ottawa, ontario
k1a 0l2 ms. linda kingsbury
nurse consultant
nosocomial and occupational infections
bureau of infectious diseases
laboratory centre for disease control
health canada
pl 0603e1, tunney's pasture
ottawa, ontario
k1a 0l2 dr. ken kliewer
college of family physicians of canada
manitoba chapter
p.o. box 999
altowa, manitoba
r0g 0b0 mr. rodney kort
national program consultant
canadian aids society
400-100 sparks street
ottawa, ontario
k1p 5b7 dr. amar kureishi
chief, division of infection prevention
foothills hospital
canadian hospital epidemiology committee
12th floor, 1403 - 29th street nw
calgary, alberta
t2n 2t9 dr. donald landry
a/director, bureau of veterinary drugs
health protection branch
health canada
pl 0302h3, tunney's pasture
ottawa, ontario
k1a 0l2 ms. katherine lapensée
office manager
nosocomial and occupational infections
bureau of infectious diseases
laboratory centre for disease control
health canada
pl 0603e1, tunney's pasture
ottawa, ontario
k1a 0l2 ms. mary leblanc
infection control practitioner
victoria general hospital
community and hospital infection control association
1278 tower road
halifax, nova scotia
b3h 2y9 ms. janis leiterman
clinical practice specialist
victorian order of nurses for canada
5 blackburn avenue
ottawa, ontario
k1n 8a2 dr. john levine
cole harbour family medicine centre
college of family physicians of canada - nova scotia chapter
920 cole harbour road
dartmouth, nova scotia
b2v 2j5 dr. philip loftus
medical group head
saskatoon community clinic
canadian alliance of community health centre associations
455 2nd avenue north
saskatoon, saskatchewan
s7k 2c2 dr. joseph losos
assistant deputy minister
health protection branch
health canada
pl 0701a1, tunney's pasture
ottawa, ontario
k1a 0l2 dr. donald low
department of microbiology
mount sinai hospital
canadian bacterial diseases network
600 university avenue
toronto, ontario
m5g 1x5 dr. noni e. macdonald
chief, department of paediatrics
division of infectious diseases
children's hospital of eastern ontario
canadian paediatric society
401 smyth road
ottawa, ontario
k1g 4g8 dr. rosemary macdougall
clinical project manager
leo laboratories canada ltd
pharmaceutical manufacturers association of canada
555 kingston road west
ajax, ontario
l1s 6m1 ms. anu macintosh
director, quality management
the hospital for sick children
555 university avenue
toronto, ontario
m5g 1x8 dr. james mailer
canadian veterinary medical association
p.o. box 1120
stettler, alberta
t0c 2l0 ms. wendy mariner
school of medicine
school of public health
boston university
80 east concord street
boston, massachussetts
02118 mr. jocelyn marquiz
zeneca pharma inc
6548 place beauvien
montreal, quebec
h1m 3p2 dr richard massé
responsable, unité des maladies infectieuses
hôpital général de montréal
1616 boul.

Последнее обновление: 2015-05-14
Частота использования: 1

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