Вы искали: sapotillier (Французский - Английский)

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manilkara zapota

Последнее обновление: 2015-06-11
Частота использования: 15

Источник: Wikipedia


pendant la randonnée, vous pourrez voir la flore comme l'acajou et le sapotillier.


during the hike, you will see such flora as mahogany, sapodilla and jiggerwood trees.

Последнее обновление: 2018-02-13
Частота использования: 1

Источник: Wikipedia


beauveria bassiana atcc 74040 champignon mûres, bleuets, airelles canneberges, raisin, fraises, agrumes, raisin, oranges, tangerines, amandes, avelines, pacanes, noix, pommes, poires, cerises, nectarines, pêches, prunes, pruneaux, bananes, mangues, papayes, ananas, kiwis, herbes, Épices, basilic, aneth, houblon, melons, concombres, courges, aubergines, poivrons, tomates, brocoli, chou, chou vert, persil, Épinards, laitue, carottes, ciboulette, ail, poireaux, oignons, pommes de terre, lentilles, oignons (verts), luzerne, orge, avoine, blé, tabac, sapotilliers, carthame, colza canola, avocats, haricots, betteraves, céleri, maïs, coton, menthe, menthe poivrée, arachides, pois, betteraves à sucre, tournesols, fèves de soja, prés, plantations d’arbres de noël, plantes herbacées décoratives, angiospermes ornementales, plantes à feuillage décoratif, plantes ornementales, plantes ligneuses ornementales, pelouse décorative, espèces couvre-sol ornementales, arbres d’ornement, conifères ornementaux des prés, sauterelle, courtilière, pique-bouton


beauveria bassiana atcc 74040 fungus blackberry, blueberry, cranberry, grape, strawberry, citrus, grapefruit, orange, tangerine, almond, filbert, pecan, walnut, apple, pear, cherry, nectarine, peach, plum, prune, banana, mango, papaya, pineapple, kiwi, herbs, spices, basil, dill, hops, melon, cucumber, squash, eggplant, pepper, tomato, broccoli, cabbage, kale, parsley, spinach, lettuce, carrot, chive, garlic, leek, onion, potato, lentil, onion (green), alfalfa, barley, oat, wheat, tobacco, sapodilla, safflower, canola, avocado, bean, beet, celery, corn, cotton, mint, peppermint, peanut, pea, sugar beet, sunflower, soybean, pasture, christmas tree plantings, ornamental herbaceous plants, ornamental flowering plants, ornamental foliage plants, ornamental plants, ornamental woody plants, ornamental turf, ornamental ground covers, ornamental trees, ornamental conifers sowbug, millipede, mite (bermudagrass mite, tetranychus spp.), leafroller, thrip, cucumber beetle, flea beetle, colorado potato beetle, elm leaf beetle, weevil, root weevil, billbug, white grub, white grub, european chafer, green june beetle, northern masked chafer, japanese beetle, japanese beetle, black turfgrass ataenius, shorefly, fungus gnats, european crane fly, chinch bug, lygus bug, tarnished plant bug, fleahopper, whitefly, citrus blackfly, aphid, spittlebug, leafhopper, mealybug, pear psylla, ant, corn borer, looper, leafeating caterpillar, cutworm, bollworm, tomato fruitworm, armyworm, sod webworm, grasshopper, mole cricket, budworm

Последнее обновление: 2015-05-14
Частота использования: 1

Источник: Wikipedia

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