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maine center for disease control and prevention (2007).
maine center for disease control and prevention (2007).
Senast uppdaterad: 2013-02-19
Användningsfrekvens: 2
report of the executive committee of the warsaw international mechanism for loss and damage associated with climate change impacts
report of the executive committee of the warsaw international mechanism for loss and damage associated with climate change impacts
i. background, structure and proceedings of the expert meetings on approaches to address loss and damage associated with climate change 27
i. background, structure and proceedings of the expert meetings on approaches to address loss and damage associated with climate change 20
gaps in existing institutional arrangements within and outside of the convention to address loss and damage, including those related to slow onset events.
gaps in existing institutional arrangements within and outside of the convention to address loss and damage, including those related to slow onset events.
the compensation for environmental damage act of denmark covers economic loss and reasonable costs for preventive measures or for the restoration of the environment.
the compensation for environmental damage act of denmark covers economic loss and reasonable costs for preventive measures or for the restoration of the environment.
institution-building programmes were continued to make the state's response in terms of promotion and prevention in the area of human rights and international humanitarian law more effective.
institution-building programmes were continued to make the state's response in terms of promotion and prevention in the area of human rights and international humanitarian law more effective.
more than two-thirds of the countries in this group have introduced or implemented laws criminalizing the financing of terrorism and about half of them have adopted stricter laws on the proliferation of weapons, trafficking in drugs and persons and prevention of support for terrorists and their sympathizers.
more than two-thirds of the countries in this group have introduced or implemented laws criminalizing the financing of terrorism and about half of them have adopted stricter laws on the proliferation of weapons, trafficking in drugs and persons and prevention of support for terrorists and their sympathizers.
=== الرسالة ===m. d. anderson is focused on research on causes, treatments, and prevention of cancer, with the stated mission of "making cancer history.
==organization=====mission===md anderson is focused on research on causes, treatments, and prevention of cancer, with the stated mission of "making cancer history.
extremely hazardous substances, section 302 of epcra, chemical emergency preparedness and prevention, 1985
extremely hazardous substances, section 302 of epcra, chemical emergency preparedness and prevention, 1985
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