You searched for: there are desks and benches for the students (Danska - Holländska)


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there are desks and benches for the students



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however , if in the queue of the payee there are higher priority payment orders addressed to other target2 participants , the fifo principle may only be breached if settling such an offsetting payment order would result in a liquidity increase for the payee .


however , if in the queue of the payee there are higher priority payment orders addressed to other target2 participants , the fifo principle may only be breached if settling such an offsetting payment order would result in a liquidity increase for the payee .

Senast uppdaterad: 2011-10-23
Användningsfrekvens: 1


it may happen that you are forced by somebody to decrypt the operating system. there are many situations where you cannot refuse to do so (for example, due to extortion).using this wizard, you can create a hidden operating system whose existence will be impossible to prove (provided that certain guidelines are followed). thus, you will not have to decrypt or reveal the password for the hidden operating system.


het kan voorkomen dat iemand u dwingt het operating system te decoderen. er zijn veel situaties denkbaar waarin u dit moeilijk kunt weigeren. bijv. bij afpersing.u kunt met deze wizard een verborgen operating systeem aanmaken waarvan het bestaan onmogelijk kan worden aangetoond (vooropgesteld dat bepaalde richtlijnen worden opgevolgd). als logisch gevolg hoeft u het wachtwoord dan niet prijs te geven.

Senast uppdaterad: 2013-12-16
Användningsfrekvens: 1

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