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we're about to leave



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alsa standard- outputthis string is only shown when the kde runtime is broken. the technical term 'platform plugin' might help users to find a solution, so it might make sense to leave that term untranslated.


this string is only shown when the kde runtime is broken. the technical term 'platform plugin' might help users to find a solution, so it might make sense to leave that term untranslated.

Senast uppdaterad: 2011-10-23
Användningsfrekvens: 1


& vis kompletteringsliste automatisktranslators: this is the first part of two strings which will comprise the sentence 'show completions when a word is at least n characters'. the first part is on the right side of the n, which is represented by a spinbox widget, followed by the second part: 'characters long'. characters is a integer number between and including 1 and 30. feel free to leave the second part of the sentence blank if it suits your language better.


& نمایش خودکار فهرست تکمیل‌translators: this is the first part of two strings which will comprise the sentence 'show completions when a word is at least n characters'. the first part is on the right side of the n, which is represented by a spinbox widget, followed by the second part: 'characters long'. characters is a integer number between and including 1 and 30. feel free to leave the second part of the sentence blank if it suits your language better.

Senast uppdaterad: 2011-10-23
Användningsfrekvens: 1

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