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it's done



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and jesus said unto the centurion, go thy way; and as thou hast believed, so be it done unto thee. and his servant was healed in the selfsame hour.


toe sê jesus vir die hoofman oor honderd: gaan, en laat dit vir jou wees soos jy geglo het. en sy kneg het gesond geword in daardie uur.

Senast uppdaterad: 2012-05-06
Användningsfrekvens: 1


my name is kutlwano ... i'm sixteen years old. i am a girl and i live with both my parents david and cecilia in a township called meadowlands. i'm young passionate girl who is still searching for her hidden talent. my so called treasure . kutlwano is a open person who loves talking a lot . i gain so much when i talk and share information with other mates. i love being me myself and i . i'm my own person and i don't play by people's rules . i respect those who respect me as well. i learn a lot about life each and everyday . i respect life it's self and appreciate it very much. my hobbies are reading and singing ... i school at kensington secondary school. i love my school including my teacher's. the current general subjects i'm doing is life science ,history , geography , maths literacy , afrikaans and english . i change negativity into positivity . i believe and prefer in staying positive one way or another . i have a bubbly personality . when i finish school i want to be a media lawyer and work in the media industry. life is a journey involving many activities . i want to work hard for myself and make my family proud and let them sing praise . there is a lot i want to achieve i need to wake up and smell the fresh rose . i want to build a better version and make a name for myself out there leave an amazing legacy. i kutlwano want to create a flat platform for me to lay smooth on . i want to work hard and see myself as a top learner academically at my school for a change i know it's possible and until it's done . i want to run my own race in my own pace i'm different in my own way .


liefdevolle persoonlikheid

Senast uppdaterad: 2022-01-13
Användningsfrekvens: 1

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