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where do you live


Senast uppdaterad: 2023-06-27
Användningsfrekvens: 2


gedit opened this instance of the file in a non-editable way. do you want to edit it anyway?


gedit ले फाइलको यो दृष्टान्त सम्पादनअयोग्य तरिकामा खोल्यो । तपाईँ जसरी पनि यसलाई सम्पादन गर्न चाहनुहुन्छ?

Senast uppdaterad: 2014-08-20
Användningsfrekvens: 1


services industry hire developer blogs case study graffersid blogs job vs business -what should you choose? job vs business job vs business -what should you choose? “job vs business” which is the best-suited laptop for me why don’t you answer before we jump there? not sure? alright, answer me this, which is the best dish on the planet? pizza? i can make you meet at least 10 people in my network who just hate pizza like they hate their ex-boyfriend who cheated on her. the point is that the question is very generic, it really depends on your taste. in the same way, “what is better (job vs business)” really depends on what are your preferences. comparing job vs business : risk: running a business is far bigger than being in a job. in a job, no matter what kind of work you do you are always getting betting in 1 direction which increases your chances of getting rehired even if you lose a job. as a business owner, you will spend time learning multiple things, plus the employers will be skeptical after seeing a business written on your profile. you can be kicked out of a job and yet find a new job and you can lose your business overnight and starting new or finding a job will be a nightmare. job is better than business money: there is no limit on how much and how fast you can earn as a business owner. whereas in job you will have to wait for a certain time period for taking the next hike, no matter how good you are. hence, business is better than a job. read also: create your first website effort: efforts will take years to establish a successful business and to form the right team. it will also take years to climb the ladder and become a top executive in a job. however, in business you will have to make much more compromises, sacrifices, giving up on things, strong will, pressure, and tension. job is easier than a business freedom: it’s true that after a certain time period there is no one freer than a boss. nonetheless, by the time you reach that stage, you would hate being free and being free will come at the cost of the loss or slow down of business. for an employee, they can be busy or free based on their management and abilities to handle client and manager. job is better than business responsibility: boss has way-way too much responsibility than anyone in the company. they have to manage, clients, employees, expenses, processes, and a thousand other things. a good employee considers himself as the owner of the work assigned to him; hence he takes the responsibility off the manager’s shoulder. job has fewer responsibilities compared to business owners. learning: learning again subjective, but as an employee, you would learn how to be great in what you do. and as a boss, you will learn about many different aspects of life. life: business man’s life is much more hectic and chaotic with a lot more stress. employees generally have a better life than a business owner.


Senast uppdaterad: 2021-03-14
Användningsfrekvens: 1

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