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council regulation (eec) no 348/81 of 20 january 1981 on common rules for imports of whales or other cetacean products
uredba sveta (egs) št. 348/81 z dne 20. januarja 1981 o skupnih pravilih za uvoz kitov ali proizvodov iz kitov in delfinov
a committee on cetacean products, hereinafter referred to as "the committee" is hereby set up, consisting of representatives of the member states with a representative of the commission as chairman.
ustanovi se odbor za proizvode iz kitov in delfinov, v nadaljnjem besedilu "odbor", ki ga sestavljajo predstavniki držav članic in mu predseduje predstavnik komisije.
pending such decision, member states may take, in compliance with the treaty, measures concerning whales or other cetacean products not covered by this regulation for the protection of the species.
za zavarovanje vrst lahko države članice do sprejetja take odločitve, v skladu s pogodbo, sprejmejo ukrepe, nanašajoče na kite ali proizvode iz kitov in delfinov, ki niso vključeni v to uredbo.