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emphasize the word faith in this sentence, pause after it for a beat, and finish the sentence rhythmically.
hacer hincapié en la palabra fe en esta oración, hacer una pausa corta, y termine la frase rítmicamente.
he shook his head rhythmically, as if he were silently asking me to consider what he had just said. i kept quiet.
sacudió su cabeza rítmicamente, como si me estuviera pidiendo silenciosamente que considerara lo que me acababa de decir. me quedé callado.
being very calm, he shall concentrate his mind as potently as possible on the sole of his feet as long as he can, breathing rhythmically.
cuando se encuentre bien sosegado, concentrará su mente con todas sus fuerzas sobre la planta de los pies todo el tiempo que le sea posible, respirando rítmicamente.