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they have incurred anger upon anger.


basi wamejiletea wenyewe ghadhabu juu ya ghadhabu.

Senast uppdaterad: 2014-07-03
Användningsfrekvens: 1


do not make friends with those who have incurred the wrath of god.


msiwafanye rafiki zenu watu ambao mwenyezi mungu amewakasirikia.

Senast uppdaterad: 2014-07-03
Användningsfrekvens: 1


they have incurred anger from their lord, and wretchedness is laid upon them.


na wakastahiki ghadhabu ya mwenyezi mungu, na wamepigwa na unyonge.

Senast uppdaterad: 2014-07-03
Användningsfrekvens: 1


the command of your lord has come; they have incurred an irreversible punishment.”


kwa hakika amri ya mola wako mlezi imekwisha kuja, na hakika hao itawafikia adhabu isiyo rudi nyuma.

Senast uppdaterad: 2014-07-03
Användningsfrekvens: 1


so when they incurred our wrath, we exacted retribution from them, and drowned them all,


walipo tukasirisha tuliwapatiliza tukawazamisha wote!

Senast uppdaterad: 2014-07-03
Användningsfrekvens: 1


do you see those who have been guided by a nation that incurred the wrath of allah?


huwaoni wale walio fanya urafiki na watu ambao mwenyezi mungu amewakasirikia?

Senast uppdaterad: 2014-07-03
Användningsfrekvens: 1


the path of those whom you have blessed — such as have not incurred your wrath, nor are astray.


njia ya ulio waneemesha, siyo ya walio kasirikiwa, wala walio potea.

Senast uppdaterad: 2014-07-03
Användningsfrekvens: 1


one who accepts satan as his guardian, instead of god, has certainly incurred a great loss upon himself.


na mwenye kumfanya shet'ani kuwa ni mlinzi wake badala ya mwenyezi mungu, basi huyo amekhasiri khasara ya dhaahiri.

Senast uppdaterad: 2014-07-03
Användningsfrekvens: 1


so is one who follows the will of allah equal to one who has incurred the wrath from allah and whose home is the fire?


je! aliye yafuata ya kumridhisha mwenyezi mungi ni kama yule aliye stahiki ghadhabu ya mwenyezi mungu, na makaazi yake yakawa jahannamu?

Senast uppdaterad: 2014-07-03
Användningsfrekvens: 1


allah has sealed up their hearts and ears and a covering has fallen over their eyes, and they have incurred the severest punishment.


mwenyezi mungu amepiga muhuri juu ya nyoyo zao na juu ya masikio yao, na juu ya macho yao pana kifuniko. basi watapata adhabu kubwa.

Senast uppdaterad: 2014-07-03
Användningsfrekvens: 1


but if they leave children then you inherit a quarter of what they leave, after payment of any bequests they may have made or any debts they may have incurred.


wakiwa na mtoto basi fungu lenu ni robo ya walicho acha, baada ya wasia waliyo usia au kulipa deni.

Senast uppdaterad: 2014-07-03
Användningsfrekvens: 1


degraded they shall live wheresoever they be unless they make an alliance with god and alliance with men, for they have incurred the anger of god, and misery overhangs them.


wamepigwa na udhalili popote wanapo kutikana, isipo kuwa wakishika kamba ya mwenyezi mungu na kamba ya watu. na wakastahiki ghadhabu ya mwenyezi mungu, na wamepigwa na unyonge.

Senast uppdaterad: 2014-07-03
Användningsfrekvens: 1


by and by, they became so degraded that disgrace and humiliation, misery and wretchedness were stamped upon them and they incurred allah's wrath.


na wakapigwa na unyonge, na umasikini, na wakastahili ghadhabu ya mwenyezi mungu.

Senast uppdaterad: 2014-07-03
Användningsfrekvens: 1


they have incurred the wrath of god unto themselves and have been struck with destitution for their rejection of the revelations of god and for unjustly murdering the prophets. it is all because of their transgression and rebellion.


na wakastahiki ghadhabu ya mwenyezi mungu, na wamepigwa na unyonge. hayo ni kwa sababu walikuwa wakizikataa ishara za mwenyezi mungu, na wakiwauwa manabii pasina haki; hayo ni kwa sababu waliasi na walikuwa wakiruka mipaka.

Senast uppdaterad: 2014-07-03
Användningsfrekvens: 1


abasement and destitution were stamped upon them, and they incurred the wrath of god, for having rejected his signs, and they killed his prophets unjustly, because they were rebels and transgressors.


na haya ni kwa sababu walikuwa wakiyakataa maneno ya mwenyezi mungu, na wakiwauwa manabii pasipo haki. hayo ni kwa walivyo asi na wakapindukia mipaka.

Senast uppdaterad: 2014-07-03
Användningsfrekvens: 1


i have placed a cash amounting to $3500 in the parcel after he lamented that there will be extra custom duty charges to be imposed on the parcel, i did that to help you cover for transportation cost and others that might be incurred on the process


nimeweka pesa taslimu kiasi cha $ 3500 kwenye kifurushi baada ya kulalamika kuwa kutakuwa na ada za ziada za ushuru wa forodha zilizowekwa kwenye kifurushi, nilifanya hivyo kukusaidia kufidia gharama za usafirishaji na zingine ambazo zinaweza kupatikana kwenye mchakato huo.

Senast uppdaterad: 2024-02-06
Användningsfrekvens: 1


allah will not take you to task for what is unconsidered in your oaths, but he will take you to task for what your hearts have incurred, and allah is all-forgiving, all-forbearing.


mwenyezi mungu hakushikeni kwa viapo vyenu vya upuuzi. bali anakushikeni kwa yanayo chuma nyoyo zenu.

Senast uppdaterad: 2014-07-03
Användningsfrekvens: 1


the employee/driver shall: a) take good care of the vehicles and ensure that the provisions of the company’s vehicle policy b) be responsible for payment of all fines incurred for traffic offences and parking fines; c) notify the company of any accidents involving the vehicle (whether or not these take place while the employee is on business); d) immediately inform the company if he/she is convicted of a driving offence or disqualified from driving; and e) return the vehicle, its keys to and all documents relating to it to workshop manager /line manager f) sign-in a logbook upon taking and returning of the vehicle; by both driver and the line manager g) shall report to the line manager on daily basis with the signed logbook indicating aligned mileage, fuel consumption together with assigned missions. the line manager shall inspect the same for assurance and certainty purposes. h) upon fueling the vehicle the employee shall clearly fill the logbook indicating; available fuel, amount fueled with cost, mileage before fueling and total of liters used. i) ensure return of the vehicle at the company premises -tabata after usage j) exceptions-there shall be a proper handover among the drivers –(depicted under– annexure-a ) the company wishes to reiterate that the mentioned vehicle is only for company businesses and not otherwise. 1 property the company reserves the right to amend its procedures and regulations relating to company vehicles at any time. 2 condition of use company vehicle is primarily intended to facilitate company business; as necessary transportation; to maintain contact with clients/guests and client related businesses as business demands. to ensure the timely presence of designated drivers at targeted locations. 2.1 drivers license it is the responsibility of the driver to update the company administrator of any changes to their license. all drivers must co-operate fully when asked to produce their license. 3. speed of driving drivers must adhere to speed limit restrictions on the respective roads they travel on. the company will not intervene on behalf of a driver, should they breach any legislation documented by the laws of the country any money due as a result of a speeding offence will be the liability of the individual driver. 3.1 parking vehicle should comply with any parking restrictions in place. illegally parked vehicles may incur parking fines. any fines incurred will be presented to the driver for prompt payment 4 maintenance and general upkeep it is the responsibility of the individual driver to liaise with the office to ensure the vehicle is regularly maintained and serviced in accordance with the manufactures recommendation schedule. the company vehicle should be maintained in a road worthy condition and in good order so that it will bring the maximum resale price on replacement. - maintain cleanliness it is the responsibility of the driver to maintain the vehicle in a high standard of cleanliness both externally and internally 4.1 reporting of defects/adherence to warning lights. all defects to the company vehicle that may render it un-roadworthy must be reported to the office as soon as detected. to be reported on official repair request signed by line manager. in addition to this, should any warning light appear, please report this immediately. failure to do so may result in further excess to the vehicle and will be treated as negligent behavior and as such, may lead to disciplinary action being taken. in the case of gross misconduct, this could lead to dismissal. 4.2 weekly/ monthly kilometer reports. all kilometer readings must be sent to workshop admin for data capture and preventative maintenance scheduling. 5 use of mobile phones mobile phones may not be used whilst driving a vehicle, unless using a hands free attachment. this is for the safety of all road users/pedestrians and to ensure company drivers are demonstrating legal compliance with the current driving legislation. 8 accidents should a driver of a company vehicle be engaged in any road traffic accident, they must contact senior management as soon as possible. the driver should also report the accident to the nearest police station and co-operate fully with the management 9 additional uses the company reserves the right to investigate usage of the vehicle for related and unrelated company business by monitoring mileage per vehicle, fuel consumption cost reports, and through discussion with the individual driver. i have read fully and understand my responsibilities and the company standards which are detailed in this vehicle policy. name of the driver__________________________ signature of driver ____________________________date___________________ signature of line manager_______________________ date____________________ annexure- a handover among the drivers it should be clearly noted that; this vehicle is dedicated to only one driver/employee. however, where the dedicated driver/employee is unable to perform his duties due to health reasons/ leave or any reasonable reason explained by him there shall be a proper handover. below information shall be meticulously filled by both drivers/employee and line manager upon taking and returning /hand over of the mentioned vehicle.  mileage: ………………………………..  purpose for using the car: …………………………………….  status of the car: (please indicate where there is a scratch, dent or any anomaly): …………………………………………………………………  name of the driver: …………………………………signature: …………………..  date: ¬ ………………………………  time: ………………………………  name of the 2nd driver: ……………………..  purpose for using the car: ……………………………………..  status of the car: (please indicate where there is a scratch, dent or any anomaly):  signature: ……………  date: …………………………  time: ……………………………… line manager authorization signature: ……………………………..



Senast uppdaterad: 2014-10-26
Användningsfrekvens: 1

Referens: Anonym

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