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and those who give what they give, their hearts quaking that they are returning to their lord --


இன்னும் எவர்கள் தம் இறைவனிடம் தாங்கள் திரும்பிச் செல்லவேண்டியவர்கள் என்று அஞ்சும் நெஞ்சத்தினராய் (நாம் கொடுத்ததிலிருந்து) தங்களால் இயன்ற மட்டும் (அல்லாஹ்வின் பாதையில்) கொடுக்கிறார்களோ அவர்களும்-

Senast uppdaterad: 2014-07-03
Användningsfrekvens: 1


then if they are patient, even then the fire is their home; and if they plead, none will listen to their pleading.


ஆகவே, அவர்கள் (வேதனையைச் சகித்துப்) பொறுமையாக இருந்த போதிலும், அவர்களுக்கு (நரக) நெருப்புத்தான் தங்குமிடம் ஆகும் - அன்றி (கூக்குரலிட்டு) அவர்கள் மன்னிப்புக்கேட்ட போதிலும், அவர்கள் மன்னிக்கப்பட மாட்டார்கள்.

Senast uppdaterad: 2014-07-03
Användningsfrekvens: 1


who give, whatever they give in charity, with their hearts trembling at the thought that they are destined to return to their lord;


இன்னும் எவர்கள் தம் இறைவனிடம் தாங்கள் திரும்பிச் செல்லவேண்டியவர்கள் என்று அஞ்சும் நெஞ்சத்தினராய் (நாம் கொடுத்ததிலிருந்து) தங்களால் இயன்ற மட்டும் (அல்லாஹ்வின் பாதையில்) கொடுக்கிறார்களோ அவர்களும்-

Senast uppdaterad: 2014-07-03
Användningsfrekvens: 1


only they believe in our revelations who, when they are reminded, bow in adoration, and give praise to their lord, and do not become arrogant.


நம் வசனங்களின் மேல் நம்பிக்கை கொண்டோர் யாரென்றால் அவர்கள், அவற்றின் மூலம் நினைவூட்டப்பட்டால், அவர்கள் விழுந்து ஸுஜூது செய்தவர்களாய்த் தம் இறைவனைப் புகழ்ந்து, துதிப்பார்கள்; அவர்கள் பெருமை அடிக்கவும் மாட்டார்கள்.

Senast uppdaterad: 2014-07-03
Användningsfrekvens: 1


indeed, we have put shackles on their necks, and they are to their chins, so they are with heads [kept] aloft.


நிச்சயமாக நாம் அவர்களுடைய கழுத்துகளில் மோவாய்க் கட்டைகள் வரையில், அரிகண்டங்களைப் போட்டிருக்கின்றோம், ஆகவே அவர்கள் (குனிய முடியாதவாறு) தலை நிமிர்ந்து விட்டனர்.

Senast uppdaterad: 2014-07-03
Användningsfrekvens: 1


would that they had brought four witness to testify to their report. since they brought none, they are liars before god.


அ(ப்பழி சுமத்திய)வர்கள் அதற்கு நான்கு சாட்சிகளைக் கொண்டு வர வேண்டாமா, எனவே அவர்கள் சாட்சிகளைக் கொண்டு வரவில்லையெனில், அவர்கள் தாம் அல்லாஹ்விடத்தில் பொய்யர்களாக இருக்கிறார்கள்.

Senast uppdaterad: 2014-07-03
Användningsfrekvens: 1


but if the truth happens to be to their liking, they are quite willing to accept it!


ஆனால், அவர்களின் பக்கம் - உண்மை (நியாயம்) இருக்குமானால், வழி பட்டவர்களாக அவரிடம் வருகிறார்கள்.

Senast uppdaterad: 2014-07-03
Användningsfrekvens: 1


and as for those in whose hearts is a disease, it adds uncleanness to their uncleanness and they die while they are unbelievers.


ஆனால், எவர்களுடைய நெஞ்சங்களில் நோய் இருக்கிறதோ, அவர்களுடைய (நெஞ்சங்களிலுள்ள) அசுத்தத்துடன் மேலும் அசுத்தத்தையே (அது) அவர்களுக்கு அதிகப்படுத்தி விட்டது அவர்கள் காஃபிர்களாக இருக்கும் நிலையிலேயே மரிப்பார்கள்.

Senast uppdaterad: 2014-07-03
Användningsfrekvens: 1


but as for those in whose heart is a sickness, it only adds defilement to their defilement, and they die while they are faithless.


ஆனால், எவர்களுடைய நெஞ்சங்களில் நோய் இருக்கிறதோ, அவர்களுடைய (நெஞ்சங்களிலுள்ள) அசுத்தத்துடன் மேலும் அசுத்தத்தையே (அது) அவர்களுக்கு அதிகப்படுத்தி விட்டது அவர்கள் காஃபிர்களாக இருக்கும் நிலையிலேயே மரிப்பார்கள்.

Senast uppdaterad: 2014-07-03
Användningsfrekvens: 1


and as for those in whose hearts is a disease, unto them it hath increased pollution to their pollution, and they die while they are infidels.


ஆனால், எவர்களுடைய நெஞ்சங்களில் நோய் இருக்கிறதோ, அவர்களுடைய (நெஞ்சங்களிலுள்ள) அசுத்தத்துடன் மேலும் அசுத்தத்தையே (அது) அவர்களுக்கு அதிகப்படுத்தி விட்டது அவர்கள் காஃபிர்களாக இருக்கும் நிலையிலேயே மரிப்பார்கள்.

Senast uppdaterad: 2014-07-03
Användningsfrekvens: 1


that which they spend in pursuit of the life of this world is like a biting frosty blast which smites the harvest of a people who have wronged themselves, and destroys it. god is not unjust to them; they are unjust to their own souls.


இவ்வுலக வாழ்வில் அவர்கள் செலவழிப்பது ஒரு காற்றுக்கு ஒப்பாகும்;. அது (மிகவும்) குளிர்ந்து (பனிப்புயலாக மாறி) தமக்குத் தாமே தீங்கிழைத்துக் கொண்ட அக்கூட்டத்தாரின் (வயல்களிலுள்ள) விளைச்சலில்பட்டு அதை அழித்துவிடுகிறது - அவர்களுக்கு அல்லாஹ் கொடுமை செய்யவில்லை. அவர்கள் தமக்குத் தாமே கொடுமையிழைத்துக் கொள்கிறார்கள்.

Senast uppdaterad: 2014-07-03
Användningsfrekvens: 1


as for those who believed and acted righteously and dedicated themselves totally to their lord -they are the people of paradise, and there they shall abide forever.


. நிச்சயமாக எவர்கள் நம்பிக்கைக் கொண்டு நற்கருமங்கள் செய்து இன்னும் தங்கள் இறைவனுக்கு முற்றிலும் அடிபணிகின்றார்களோ அவர்களே சவனபதிக்குரியவர்கள்; அங்கு அவர்கள் என்றென்றும் நிலைத்திருப்பார்கள்.

Senast uppdaterad: 2014-07-03
Användningsfrekvens: 1


and there is no animal that walks upon the earth nor a bird that flies with its two wings but (they are) genera like yourselves; we have not neglected anything in the book, then to their lord shall they be gathered.


பூமியில் ஊர்ந்து திரியும் பிராணிகளும், தம் இரு இறக்கைகளால் பறக்கும் பறவைகளும் உங்களைப் போன்ற இனமேயன்றி வேறில்லை (இவற்றில்) எதையும் (நம் பதிவுப்) புத்தகத்தில் நாம் குறிப்பிடாமல் விட்டு விடவில்லை இன்னும் அவை யாவும் அவற்றின் இறைவனிடம் ஒன்றுசேர்க்கப்படும்.

Senast uppdaterad: 2014-07-03
Användningsfrekvens: 1


if they are evicted, they will not leave with them; and if anyone fights them, they will not support them; and if they go to their aid, they will turn their backs and flee; then they will receive no support.


அவர்கள் வெளியேற்றப்பட்டால், இவர்கள் அவர்களுடன் வெளியேற மாட்டார்கள், மேலும், அவர்களுக்கெதிராக போர் செய்யப்பெற்றால், இவர்கள் அவர்களுக்கு உதவி செய்யவும் மாட்டார்கள், அன்றியும் இவர்கள் அவர்களுக்கு உதவி செய்தாலும், நிச்சயமாக புறுமுதுகு காட்டிப் பின் வாங்கி விடுவார்கள் - பின்னர் அவர்கள் (எத்தகைய) உதவியும் அளிக்கப்பட மாட்டார்கள்.

Senast uppdaterad: 2014-07-03
Användningsfrekvens: 1


there are some who worship god half-heartedly, then, if some good befalls them, they are content with it, but if an ordeal befalls them, they revert to their former ways. they lose in this world as well in the hereafter. that is a clear loss.


இன்னும்; மனிதர்களில் (ஓர் உறுதியும் இல்லாமல்) ஓரத்தில் நின்று கொண்டு அல்லாஹ்வை வணங்குகிறவனும் இருக்கிறான் - அவனுக்கு ஒரு நன்மை ஏற்படுமாயின் அதைக் கொண்டு அவன் திருப்தியடைந்து கொள்கிறான்; ஆனால் அவனுக்கு ஒரு சோதனை ஏற்படுமாயின், அவன் (தன் முகத்தை) அல்லாஹ்வை விட்டும் திருப்பிக் கொள்கிறான்; இத்தகையவன் இம்மையிலும் மறுமையிலும் நஷ்டமடைகிறான் -இதுதான் தெளிவான நஷ்டமாகும்.

Senast uppdaterad: 2014-07-03
Användningsfrekvens: 1


but those who reject faith after they accepted it, and then go on adding to their defiance of faith,- never will their repentance be accepted; for they are those who have (of set purpose) gone astray.


எவர் ஈமான் கொண்ட பின் நிராகரித்து மேலும் (அந்த) குஃப்ரை அதிகமாக்கிக் கொண்டார்களோ, நிச்சயமாக அவர்களுடைய தவ்பா - மன்னிப்புக்கோரல் - ஒப்புக்கொள்ளப்பட மாட்டாது. அவர்கள் தாம் முற்றிலும் வழி கெட்டவர்கள்.

Senast uppdaterad: 2014-07-03
Användningsfrekvens: 1


but as for those in whose hearts is a disease (of doubt, disbelief and hypocrisy), it will add suspicion and doubt to their suspicion, disbelief and doubt, and they die while they are disbelievers.


ஆனால், எவர்களுடைய நெஞ்சங்களில் நோய் இருக்கிறதோ, அவர்களுடைய (நெஞ்சங்களிலுள்ள) அசுத்தத்துடன் மேலும் அசுத்தத்தையே (அது) அவர்களுக்கு அதிகப்படுத்தி விட்டது அவர்கள் காஃபிர்களாக இருக்கும் நிலையிலேயே மரிப்பார்கள்.

Senast uppdaterad: 2014-07-03
Användningsfrekvens: 1


explained: rbi transfer of ‘surplus’ to government august 28, 2019 the central board of the reserve bank of india (rbi) decided to transfer a sum of ₹1,76,051 ($24.4 billion) crore to the government of india (government) comprising of ₹1,23,414 crore of surplus for the year 2018-19 and ₹52,637 crore of excess provisions identified as per the revised economic capital framework (ecf). parivarthan is always and forever free. we how ever with the help and guidance of in-service officers are launching a current affairs oriented prelims test series. background : why government wanted it : the government has argued that relatively lower transfers crimped public spending for infrastructure projects and social sector programmes, considering the pressure to meet deficit targets and to provide space for private firms to borrow. why central banks(rbi) has to maintain it : after the global financial crisis when central banks had to resort to unconventional means to revive their economies, the approach has been to build adequate buffers in the form of higher capital, reserves and other funds as a potential insurance against future risks or losses. the balance sheet of central banks is unlike that of the institutions that it regulates or supervises. they are not driven by the aim of boosting profits given their public policy or public interest role. their aim is primarily ensuring monetary and financial stability – maintaining confidence in the external value of the currency, of course, is a key mandate. essentially, the economic capital framework reflects the capital that an institution requires or needs to hold as a counter against unforeseen risks or events or losses in the future. a higher buffer enhances the credibility of a central bank during a crisis and helps avoid approaching the government for fresh capital and thus maintain financial autonomy. the potential risks traditionally, central banks have been factoring in risks such as credit risk — when there could be a potential default by an entity in which there has been an investment or exposure. interest rate risk — when interest rates either move up or slide, depending on the price of which securities or bonds held by a central bank or banks can be impacted. operational risk — when there is a failure of internal processes. to measure these risks, both quantitative and qualitative methods are typically used. these include stress tests to evaluate worst-case scenarios such as collapse of banks, value at risk and so on. how does the rbi generate surplus? a significant part comes from rbi’s operations in financial markets, when it intervenes for instance to buy or sell foreign exchange; open market operations, when it attempts to prevent the rupee from appreciating; as income from government securities it holds; as returns from its foreign currency assets that are investments in the bonds of foreign central banks or top-rated securities; from deposits with other central banks or the bank for international settlement or bis;besides lending to banks for very short tenures and management commission on handling the borrowings of state governments and the central government. rbi buys these financial assets against its fixed liabilities such as currency held by the public and deposits issued to commercial banks on which it does not pay interest. central banks do make money thanks to seigniorage, or the profits earned by issuing currency which is passed on to the owner of the central bank, the government. expenditure: the rbi’s expenditure is mainly on printing of currency notes, on staff, besides commission to banks for undertaking transactions on behalf of the government and to primary dealers that include banks for underwriting some of these borrowings. the central bank’s total costs, which includes expenditure on printing and commissions forms, is only about 1/7th of its total net interest income. what are these reserves, how will this amount help the central government and does this move harm the rbi? the reserve bank of india (rbi) has decided to transfer ₹1.76 lakh crore to the central government from its own reserves. what are these reserves, how will this amount help the government and does this move harm the rbi? where do the reserves come from? to understand what the transfer is, we must first understand where the funds come from. the central bank has three different funds that together comprise its reserves. these are the currency and gold revaluation account (cgra), largest and makes up the significant bulk of the rbi’s reserves. the contingency fund (cf) and the asset development fund (adf). cgra fund, which in essence is made up of the gains on the revaluation of foreign exchange and gold, stood at ₹6.91 lakh crore as of financial year 2017-18. the cgra has grown quite significantly since 2010, at a compounded annual growth rate of 25%. the cf is the second biggest fund, amounting to ₹2.32 lakh crore in 2017-18. it is designed to meet contingencies from exchange rate operations and monetary policy decisions and is funded in large part from the rbi’s profits. the adf makes up a much smaller share of the reserves. revaluation reserve is a nominal reserve. contingency fund is a real reserve that the rbi built up from its earnings. transfer mechanism : it is a book entry really. there is no hard cash getting carried to delhi from mumbai. the rbi is the bank of the government and manages its cash anyway. so the amount is debited from the rbi’s books and gets credited to the government’s books maintained with the rbi. how much should the rbi keep? this has been a contentious issue. the rbi and the finance ministry have been at loggerheads over how much should be transferred to the centre for a while. the most recent boiling over of tensions between the two was when the then rbi deputy governor, viral acharya, spoke up about the dangers of governments infringing upon central bank autonomy. one of the ways this was happening, he said, was in the government raiding the rbi’s coffers. the government countered that the rbi had reserves far in excess of what the global norms were and, so, should transfer the excess. finally, the government in november 2018 set up a committee under former rbi governor bimal jalan to look into the issue. that committee submitted its report, and the recent transfers have been made on the basis of its recommendations. what did the jalan committee recommend? the jalan committee, as it was called informally, is actually called the expert committee to review the rbi’s extant economic capital framework. the committee recommended that the rbi maintain a contingent risk buffer — which mostly comes from the cf — of between 5.5-6.5% of the central bank’s balance sheet. since the latest cf amount was about 6.8% of the rbi’s balance sheet, the excess amount was to be transferred to the government. the committee also decided, for the year under consideration, to use the lower limit of 5.5% of the range it recommended. so, basically, whatever was excess of 5.5% of the rbi’s assets in the cf was to be transferred. that amount was ₹52,637 crore. regarding the rbi’s economic capital levels — which is essentially the cgra — the committee recommended keeping them in the range of 20-24.5% of the balance sheet. since it stood at 23.3% as of june 2019, the committee felt that there was no need to add more to it, and so the full net income of the rbi — a whopping ₹1,23,414 crore — should be transferred to the centre. that ₹1.23 lakh crore plus the ₹52,637 crore is what comprises the ₹1.76 lakh crore that the rbi has decided to transfer to the government. it must be noted that this ₹1.76 lakh crore includes the ₹28,000 crore interim dividend earlier transferred to the centre and does not come over and above it. recommendation on a profit distribution policy has been endorsed by the central board meaning a more transparent and rule-based payout from next year, as in many other central banks, which could help narrow differences between the government and rbi. legal side of transfer : under section 47 of the rbi act, “after making provision for bad and doubtful debts, depreciation in assets, contributions to staff and superannuation funds and for all other matters for which provision is to be made by or under this act or which are usually provided for by bankers, the balance of the profits shall be paid to the central government”. does this harm the rbi? while it does not immediately do the rbi any harm, the fact remains that the central bank now has far less wiggle room in the event of a financial catastrophe, since its reserves have been emptied to their minimum levels or thereabouts. that is, it has the minimum amount to deal with a crisis, but extra cash always comes in handy. that said, given that the rbi’s transfers have now been as emptied as they can be, there is no scope for the government to rely on this source of funding in the near future. the government in its budget already accounted for a transfer of ₹90,000 crore from the rbi, and so the unexpected amount is ₹86,000 crore. this is a one-time bonanza and does not fix the fact that tax revenues — both direct and indirect tax — are coming in much lower than they need to. implications : reserves are a liability side item. after the transfer, the rbi’s liability side shrinks, but the asset side remains intact. so, the rbi can sell bonds from its asset side, or some of its other assets to shrink the balance sheet. but that will suck out liquidity from the system, something that the rbi has rectified after a lot of struggle in the recent past. instead, it can print more currencies and increase the liability side. so, the currency in circulation increases. what happens if currency in circulation increases? if the currency in circulation is more than the demand, then the currency loses its value. that means more inflation, and as the rupee depreciates, import cost also rises and that causes additional inflation. at a time when the rbi is officially mandated to contain inflation within a specific range, increased currency in circulation works against that goal. surely, the rbi will have to contain it at some point. how will government benefit ? normally, the money is transferred to the consolidated fund of india from which salaries and pensions to government employees are paid and interest payments done, besides spending on government programmes. the large payout can help the government cut back on planned borrowings and keep interest rates relatively low. besides, it will provide space for private companies to raise money from markets. the rbi’s transfer of ₹1.76 trillion to the government should offset any revenue shortfall from lower tax buoyancy amid slower growth this year, allowing more room to boost spending. and if it manages to meet its revenue targets, the windfall gain can lead to a lower fiscal deficit. it will also make it easier for the government to meet its budget deficit target of 3.3% of gdp for fiscal 2020. the other option is to earmark these funds for public spending or specific projects, which could lead to a revival in demand in certain sectors and boost economic activity. criticism : statistics on goods and services tax (gst) collections for 2018-19 show that there was a shortfall of ~1 lakh compare to what was budgeted. this is not a minor slippage, but a windfall loss, or rather, a misplaced windfall gain. surviving on the fiscal front via windfall gains, and faltering when they do not materialise, has been an integral part of india’s fiscal trajectory in the last few years. this is unsustainable, and avoidable. rbi’s mandate is to pump-prime the economy via monetary policy, while the government has to manage the fiscal front. rbi’s extra transfer this year means it has effectively taken care of the fiscal task as well. this cannot be the norm. way forward : the bottom line however remains unchanged. india’s economy has weakened in the last few years. to reverse this trend and bring ‘animal spirits’ back, government needs to unleash a new round of reforms which encompass factors of production such as land, labour and capital. value addition : seigniorage is the profits governments make by minting currency. it is the difference between the face value of a currency note or coin, and its actual production cost. for instance, if the cost of printing a ₹2,000-note is about ₹4, printing one such note and putting it into circulation fetches a profit of ₹1,996. usually central banks ‘earn’ this profit and transfer it to the government. it is normal to assume that whenever the it issues new currency, the rbi will pocket a profit. higher denomination notes earn higher profits.



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