Från professionella översättare, företag, webbsidor och fritt tillgängliga översättningsdatabaser.
because they are
achos maen nhw’n
Senast uppdaterad: 2020-09-29
Användningsfrekvens: 1
however , we must encourage entrepreneurs because they have the determination to set up their own businesses
fodd bynnag , rhaid inni annog mentrwyr am fod ganddynt y penderfyniad i sefydlu eu busnesau hwy eu hunain
many people fail to reach their full learning potential because they have undiagnosed learning needs
mae llawer o bobl yn methu â chyrraedd eu potensial dysgu llawn am fod ganddynt anghenion dysgu nad ydynt wedi eu canfod
a quarter of a million people are not even on the waiting list because they have not yet seen the consultant
mae chwarter miliwn o bobl nad ydynt hyd yn oed ar y rhestr aros am nad ydynt wedi gweld yr ymgynghorydd
although those schools are unpopular for a variety of reasons , it is mostly because they have been unsuccessful
er bod yr ysgolion hynny yn amhoblogaidd am amrywiaeth o resymau , y rheswm pennaf yw na fuont yn llwyddiannus